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(江苏专版)高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题五 书面表达 任务型阅读与书面表达组合练(一)-人教版高三全册英语试题

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    • 1、任务型阅读与书面表达组合练(一)(限时40分钟).任务型阅读(2017南通市高三第一次调研测试)Following one million middleaged women in Britain for 10 years, a study finds that the widely held view that happiness enhances health and longevity is unfounded.The results come from the socalled Million Women Study, which took on women aged 50 to 69 from 1996 to 2001, and tracked them with questionnaires and official records of death and hospital admissions. The questionnaires asked how often the women felt happy, in control, relaxed and stressed

      2、, and also instructed them to rate their health and list ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes, depression or anxiety.When the answers were analyzed statistically, unhappiness and stress were not associated with an increased risk of death. It is not clear whether the findings apply to men.Professor Peto said particularly important data came from 500,000 women who reported that they were in good health, with no history of heart disease, cancer, or stroke. A minority of these healthy women s

      3、aid they were stressed or unhappy, he said, but over the next decade they were no more likely to die than were the women who were generally happy.“This finding refutes (驳斥) the large effects of unhappiness and stress on death rate that others have claimed,” Dr. Peto said. Unhappiness itself may not affect health directly, but it can do harm in other ways, by driving people to suicide, alcoholism or other dangerous behaviors, he warned.This type of study, in which people involved depends on their

      4、 selfassessments, is not considered as reliable as a designed experiment where people involved are picked at random and assigned to a treatment or control group. But the huge number of people in this study gives it power. Still, some observers noted that measuring emotions is more nuanced (细微的) and complex than simply declaring happiness or unhappiness.“I would have liked to see more discussion of how people translate these complicated feelings into a selfreport of happiness,” said Baruch Fischh

      5、off, a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University.The results of earlier studies have been mixed, with some finding that unhappiness causes illness and others showing no link, Dr. Fischhoff said. “It looks to me like people have collected a lot of data without finding a clear signal,” he said. However, an editorial accompanying the study in The Lancet noted that it had the largest population so far in happiness studies and praised its statistical methods. Professor Peto said he doubted whether t

      6、he new study would change many minds because beliefs about the risks of unhappiness are so rooted. “People are still going to believe that stress causes heart attacks,” he said.TopicHappiness Doesnt (1)_ Bring Good Health(2)_ of the researchOne million women aged 50 to 69(3)_ of the researchTrack the women with questionnaires.Keep official records of deaths and hospital admission.Make statistical (4)_ of the answers. Results of the researchIt lacks basis that unhappy people (5)_ to suffer mortal

      7、ity more easily.Unhappiness may (6)_ for some dangerous behaviors.Whether the conclusion applies to men hasnt been (7)_.(8)_ of the researchIt just depends on how people involved (9)_ themselves.Measuring emotion is more nuanced and complex.The results of earlier studies have been mixed.Significance of the researchThe largest population were involved.Statistical methods were used.Professor Petos concernThe study can (10)_ change peoples minds as the beliefs about the disadvantages of unhappiness

      8、 are so anchored.语篇解读:本文是说明文。人们普遍认为,幸福能使人健康、长寿,但最新的研究结果表明,事实未必如此。1Necessarily信息概括题。根据第一段中的“the widely held view that happiness enhances health and longevity is unfounded”可知,幸福不一定带来健康。not necessarily“不一定”。2Subjects/Participants信息概括题。根据women可归纳为subjects(实验对象),根据右框“One million women aged 50 to 69”可归纳为participants(参与者)。3Procedure/Steps信息概括题。根据右边方框的内容可知,这是研究的过程或步骤。根据其下面的Results of the research也可作出正确推断。4analyses信息转换题。根据第三段第一句话中的“When the answers were analyzed statistically”可确定答案。5tend信息概括题。根据第三段第一句话中的

      9、“unhappiness and stress were not associated with an increased risk of death”可概括出答案。tend to“往往,倾向于”。6account/make信息概括题。根据第五段的“Unhappiness itself may not affect health . or other dangerous behaviors .”可概括出答案。make for“导致,造成”;account for“是的原因”。7confirmed/proved信息概括题。根据第三段最后一句话“It is not clear whether the findings apply to men.”可概括出答案。confirm/prove“证明,证实”。8Drawbacks/Shortcomings/Disadvantages/Weaknesses信息概括题。根据方框右边的内容可知,这次研究结果有许多让人不满意的地方,有许多不足的地方。9assess/evaluate信息转换题。根据第六段第一句中的“in which people involved depends on their selfassessment”可知答案。10hardly信息概括题。根据最后一段中的“he doubted whether the new study would change many minds”和“People are still going to believe that stress causes heart attacks”可概括出答案。.书面表达(2017常州高三一模)请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Dear Uncle,I am a senior three stu

      《(江苏专版)高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题五 书面表达 任务型阅读与书面表达组合练(一)-人教版高三全册英语试题》由会员不***分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专版)高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题五 书面表达 任务型阅读与书面表达组合练(一)-人教版高三全册英语试题》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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