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    • 1、高考英语阅读理解高频同义转换词1.区分 differentiate/distinguish/tell A from B2.充满 be full of, be filled with, be flooded with, be crowded with,be packed with3.亲自 in the flesh,personally, in person/body4.只有 merely/only, nobody/nothing but5.出版 come off the press,come out, be published6.尤其 especially,particularly, in particular7.锻炼 take exercise, work out,physical training8.谋生 seek a livelihood/make/earn a living9.代表 represent, stand for, (be) on behalf of10.结合unite, intergrate, bond, combine, mix sth up11.前进 make a

      2、 progress,advance, move/go forward12.舒适 soft,comfy,cozy,comfortable, at ease13.十年 decade, ten years14.两周 fortnight, two weeks15.二十 score, twenty16.十二 dozen, twelve17.成人 adult, grown-up18.删除 remove, cancel, omit, expurate,delete, cut out19.下降,减少 decline, come/go down, drop, fall, decrease, reduce20.移走 remove, take away21.吸收 assimilate,absorb, take in22.与.一致 agree /be consistent /correspond with23.把.分开 break sth apart, split/divide/separate sth24.用.替换 replace.with, use.as an alternative to.25.回答 r

      3、espond,in response to,answer, reply to26.收割 gain,harvest, gather,get in27.抵制boycott, refuse to accept, resist,reject28.与.相反/对立on the contrary,contradict, be opposite to29.代替 subsititue,replace, take the place of30.背诵 recite, learn.by heart31.害怕 scare,fear, be afraid/scared of32.退(学) quit, drop out of (school)33.推迟 delay, postpone, put off34.去拿来 fetch, go and bring back35.相匹配 match, go with36.精力充沛 dynamic,energetic, full of energy37.少数 a minority of, a small number of38.打扰interfere,cause trouble

      4、to, bother,disturb39.描述 depict,present,describe, give a description of40.后来 soon after,afterwards, after that, later on41.缺席 default,absence,be absent from, be not present at42.目前 for the moment,nowadays, at present,at the present time43.宣布 proclaim,chalk it up,blazon forth,announce/declare sth, make sth known to the public44.重要 count, matter, be important, be of importance,significant,vital,crucial45.担心 worry about, be concerned /anxious about46.提到 when it comes to/mention, refer to, talk about

      5、/of47.偶然地 incidentally, accidentally, by chance/ accident/ coincidence, casually, occasionally48.展览 on show/display/exhibition49.勇敢(去做) be brave to, have courage to50.违法的 criminal,lawless,illegitimate,under the counter,illegal, not legal, against the law51.满足需要 cater to/meet/satisfy the need/demand52.放弃 abandon, go away from, leave,give up53.信任,信赖 trust, believe, have confidence/faith in54.在农村城市in the countryside/city, rural/urban areas55.劝某人做 argue sb.into doing sth./talk into/advise sb to do,

      6、try to persuade sb to do56.取消 abolish,abrogate,countermand,cancel, call off57.劝某人不要做 discourage sb from doing, persuade sb not to do取消58.除之外plus,what is more,besides, as well as, in addition to, apart from59.制订计划make a plan, work out a plan, draw up a plan60.逃跑flee,take flight,escape, run away61.开始存在appear, come into being, come into existence62.进入access,pass into,enter, come/go into63.防.止疾病protect.from sickness, avoid/prevent sickness64.用完某物run out of sth, lack sth, sth run out, sth be used up6

      7、5.方式,方法way, solution, approach, method, means66.情况良好in (a) good condition, in a good state/situation67.置若罔闻turn a deaf ear to, refuse to listen to68.高兴起来light up,cheer up, become happy69.全世界throughtout the world/all over/around the world, worldwide, globally, internationally70.重力gravity, the pull of the earth71.算出calculate, figure out来自 zshunj_cn72.与不同differ from, be different from, vary from.to.73.乱七八糟in chaos,in a mess,in disorder74.气喘吁吁breathless,out of breath from yykz75.做出决定make up ones min

      8、d,determine, decide, make a decision76.对有害do harm to, be harmful to77.相似,相像resemble, be like, be similar to78.低语,耳语whisper, speak in a low voice79.寻找,追求seek, look/search/hunt for80.茫然,困惑at a loss, puzzled/confused81.取笑,逗弄trick,tease, make fun of, laugh at, amuse82.提高,改善promote,enhance,boost,improve, make/become better83.庆祝observe,celebrate, hold a celebration84.长胖overweight/put on/gain weight, grow fat85.熟悉gain more insight into/know.well, be familiar with86.处理figer out/work out/tackle/handle, s

      9、ettle, deal/do with, cope with87.到处everywhere, here and there88.加速accelerate, speed up, quicken89.值得,应得deserve sth, be worthy of sth, be worth doing sth90.保证,确保ensure, guarantee, make sure/certain91.把某物分配给某人allocate sth to sb, divide sth among sb92.一年一次的annual, yearly, every year93.可进入, 可接近的be accessible,be easy to enter/reach/use94.使能做某事enable sb to do, make sb able to do95.宁做A不做B do A rather than (doing) B, do A instead of (doing) B96.出国go abroad, go to a foreign country97.控告accuse sb of sth, charge sb with sth98.成功做某事manage to do sth, succeed in doing sth99.突然笑/哭起来burst into laughter/tears, burst out laughing/crying100.不理,忽视dismiss/ignore, overlook, pay no attention to101.挨饿,饿死perish fr


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