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    • 1、高考英语读后续写情绪描写素材一、常用传达情绪词汇开心(Happy)1.On cloud nine乐不可支- Example: She was on cloud nine after receiving the good news.2.Over the moon狂喜- Example: He was over the moon when he found out he got the job.3.Walking on air非常高兴,走起路来轻飘飘- Example: After the concert, she was walking on air, feeling ecstatic.4.In high spirits兴高采烈- Example: The team was in high spirits after their victory.激动(Excited)1.On the edge of ones seat特别紧张、兴奋,简直坐也不是站也不是- Example: The thriller had him on the edge of his seat the entire t

      2、ime.2.Thrilled to bits激动- Example: She was thrilled to bits with the surprise party.3.Bubbling with excitement兴奋地冒泡- Example: The children were bubbling with excitement on Christmas Eve.4.Jumping for joy欢呼雀跃 - Example: He was jumping for joy after hearing the good news.安静(Calm)1.At peace平静- Example: She felt at peace in the tranquil garden.2.Cool as a cucumber 十分冷静- Example: Despite the chaos, he remained cool as a cucumber.3.In a state of tranquility在一种宁静的状态中- Example: The yoga session left her

      3、 in a state of tranquility. 4.Composed and collected 沉着镇静- Example: He stayed composed and collected during the interview.伤心(Sad)1.Down in the dumps 气馁;沮丧- Example: He was down in the dumps after his team lost the match.2.Heartbroken- Example: She was heartbroken when her pet passed away.3.Heavy-hearted- Example: He left the city with a heavy heart, saying goodbye to his friends.4.In the depths of despair深深的绝望中- Example: The tragic news left her in the depths of despair.生气(Angry)1.Fuming with an

      4、ger怒火中烧- Example: He was fuming with anger after being treated unfairly.2.Seeing red非常生气;暴怒- Example: She was seeing red when she found out about the betrayal.3.Hot under the collar愤怒的- Example: He got hot under the collar during the heated debate.4.Beside oneself with rage 气冲冲的- Example: She was beside herself with rage after the argument.焦虑不安(Anxious)1.On pins and needles坐立不安- Example: He was on pins and needles waiting for the exam results.2.A bundle of nerves 神经极度紧张- Example: She was a bundl

      5、e of nerves before her presentation.3.Worried sick 担心 - Example: He was worried sick about his missing cat.5.In a state of agitation焦虑不安 - Example: She was in a state of agitation over the upcoming interview.失望(Disappointed)1.Let down- Example: He felt let down by his friends broken promise.2.Crushed hopes粉碎的希望- Example: Her crushed hopes were evident on her face.3.Disheartened 沮丧的- Example: He was disheartened by the constant failures.4.Downcast情绪低落的- Example: She looked downcast after hearing

      6、the bad news.沮丧(Embarrassed/Shamed)1.Red-faced(因尴尬、羞愧等)脸红- Example: He was red-faced after slipping in front of the crowd.2.Sheepish grin 腼腆的微笑- Example: He gave a sheepish grin after making the mistake.3.Feeling small觉得无地自容- Example: She felt small when everyone laughed at her error.4.Burning with shame非常难为情- Example: He was burning with shame after being scolded in public.惊讶(Surprised)1.Taken aback 惊讶- Example: She was taken aback by the unexpected gift.2.Lost for words无以言表- Example: He was lo

      7、st for words when he saw the beautiful scenery.3.Wide-eyed吃惊的 - Example: The children were wide-eyed with amazement.4.In utter shock十分震惊- Example: She stood there in utter shock after the revelation.懊悔(Regretful)1.Kicking oneself-feel regret for 感到后悔- Example: He was kicking himself for missing the opportunity.2.Full of remorse充满悔恨- Example: She was full of remorse after the argument.3.Regretful sigh遗憾的叹息- Example: He let out a regretful sigh thinking about the past.4.Apologetic expression-showi

      8、ng that you feel sorry- Example: Her apologetic expression showed she was sorry for her actions.紧张(Nervous)1.Breaking into a sweat流汗- Example: He was breaking into a sweat before his performance.2.Heart pounding心跳加速- Example: Her heart was pounding as she walked on stage.3.On edge 紧张不安, 烦躁- Example: He was on edge waiting for the results.4.Butterflies in the stomach忐忑不安- Example: She had butterflies in her stomach before the speech.害怕(Afraid)1.Scared stiff吓呆住了- Example: He was scared stiff durin

      9、g the horror movie.2.Frozen with fear吓呆住了- Example: She was frozen with fear at the sight of the spider.3.Heart in ones mouth心在嗓子眼了 - Example: His heart was in his mouth when he heard the noise.4.Trembling with fear- Example: She was trembling with fear in the dark alley.二、语篇运用“ The Unexpected Journey”Chapter 1: A Happy BeginningEmily was on cloud nine as she stepped out of the airport.After months of planning, she was finally in Paris, her dream destination.She felt over the moon and walking on air as she took in the sights and sounds of the bustling city.With a smile, she thought to herself, This is going to be an adventure of a lifetime.Ch


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