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    • 1、考研英语一新郑市2023年点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Madison Williams was studying in her bedroom when the door burst open. Her mother, Leigh, hurried into her daughters room, making a(n) 1 : “Can you help?”Madison and her mother ran to a neighbors yard, where they found a 2 woman and other adults 3 a septic tank (化粪池) opening a few inches above the lawn. A boy, aged onl

      2、y two, had 4 an eight-foot-deep tank.Madison quickly 5 the situation. She knew she was the only one who could 6 through the small hole. Without 7 , she told the adults to lower her in. Leigh and others held her waist and 8 . Madison shook her arms and shoulders until she got through the 9 into the dark and smelly tank. In the process, she 10 one hand severely. Rather than tend to her injury, Madison scanned the 11 of the water, hoping to feel the boy. Every once in a while, she could see his lit

      3、tle 12 in the water but failed to catch his foot. Minutes ticked by before she saw the 13 of his foot again. Madison shot her good hand out and grasped the foot 14 . Then both of them were lifted out.But the boy wasnt out of 15 . He had been short of oxygen so long that he wasnt 16 . He was placed on his side, and an adult 17 him hard on the back until the boy coughed up fluids. Then they were rushed to the hospital.It took Madison longer to 18 than the boy, who returned home soon. She, 19 , sta

      4、yed there for her injury. “Madisons a hero,” the boys mother says, “What other teenage girls will 20 to go into a septic tank?”1、Aorder Brequest Ccomment Dplan2、Aworried Bdisappointed Cdelighted Dpuzzled3、Awatching Bdigging Csurrounding Dblocking4、Abroken up Brun across Ctaken over Dslipped into5、Acreated Bexamined Ccontrolled Ddisturbed6、Afit Blook Cfly Dwalk7、Acomment Bargument Chesitation Dapplication8、Ahands Blegs Cshoes Dclothes9、Acrowd Bbush Cyard Dopening10、Alost Binjured Ctreated Dheld11

      5、、Adepth Bcolor Csurface Dtaste12、Atoes Bhat Cfingers Dhair13、Asmell Boutline Cshadow Dpicture14、Aclearly Bstrangely Ccarefully Dtightly15、Atrouble Bshape Cwork Dsympathy16、Atalking Blaughing Ccrying Dbreathing17、Apushed Bhit Ctapped Dsupported18、Awake Brecover Csucceed Dadjust19、Atherefore Bmoreover Chowever Dotherwise20、Afear Blong Cpretend DvolunteerSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mar

      6、k your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 If it were up to me, Id write this piece next week or even later. Let the dust settle a bit. But I have my fathers insistent voice in my head: the story is now, so you write it now. No one wants to read last weeks news.My father Michael was a journalist. He started at age 16 on his local paper, the Luton News, and after nine years there, he went on to a six-decade career that saw him write more than 40 biographies of Hollywood stars and spend

      7、 a quarter-century presenting a weekly radio show.From him I learned about deadlines and accuracy, and absorbed his rule about professional clothing, one he had been taught by his first boss. Even when he was working at home, my father would follow that rule: shirt and tie, every day.There were other less obvious lessons. The first is about being manly. Driven and competitive, he wasnt present for the birth of any of his three children, but he was the very model of being loving and faithful. My

      8、father never took me to the football or taught me to change a tyre. In a pub, he might manage some drinks, but his main focus would usually be the food menu. He was a model of a different kind of maleness.But perhaps the biggest lesson I learned from him was about resilience (恢复). He got deep blows, losing both his wife and firstborn child, my sister Fiona, within two years of each other. And yet, somehow, he got back up again. He taught himself to cook and continued to dress neatly, picking out

      9、 a bright jacket that ensured he stood out in a room. He would meet editors and write stories with the same hunger he had 65 years earlier. Younger colleagues keep using the same word about him: appealing.I hope I learned his resilience, the way I learned about being a journalist. People keep telling me that my father was proud of me; and the truth is I was proud of him. Raised in a hard-up corner of wartime England, he went off to see the worldand he never stopped looking forward and upward, staring at the stars.1、What has m


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