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    • 1、考研英语一曲靖市师宗县2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A noted American psychologist once remarked that childhood is a magical period in ones lifeIndeed it is, for during 1 one undergoes a step-by-step transformation not only in mental capacity, but also in physical and verbal skillsEach step 2 an increase in the difficulty of a childs conceptual and learning abilitiesD

      2、uring the early stages of childhood, from infancy to about five, the child learns 3 skills including using the toilet, bathing and dressing himself independentlyAt this stage, he also learns to be very observant, curious, imaginative and creativeHis ability to remember things also 4 at this stage He remembers details that an adult may have difficulty in rememberingGradually , he learns elementary skills in problem-solvingAt school, particular in 5 classes, the child is especially creativeGiven a

      3、 piece of paper and some colored pencils, he draws a variety of 6 from his surroundings as well as from his 7 circleIt is not surprising to see a child draw a monster to represent an abusive father, and an angel to represent a loving and caring motherAs he graduates to the later stages of childhood bordering on the teenage years, the child learns the 8 of human relations and socialization by interacting with his peershis friends and schoolmates He also learns to 9 with new life situations, inclu

      4、ding dates and part-time work Given a tight schedule of schoolwork, the child learns to prepare his own schedules of work and play; the more_ and less serious ones manage to take time out of their busy schedules of assignments, reports and tests and examinations to go with their friends on relaxation entertainment1、AadolescenceBadulthoodCchildhoodDinfancy2、AsignsBpresentsCpreventsDsignals3、AdifficultBsimpleCusefulDhelpful4、AdevelopsBincreasesCreducesDstrengthens5、AmusicBartCchemistryDbiology6、Ap

      5、icturesBbuildingsCreflectionsDimages7、AfamilyBschoolCteacherDfriend8、AcompetenceBcommitmentCcomplexityDcompetition9、AagreeBexperimentCwithdrawDconcern10、ApracticalBcautiousCenthusiasticDstubbornSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) may soon be able to turn their used forks and knives in

      6、to tools and satellite parts.Tethers Unlimited Inc., an aerospace technology company, has developed a system that combines a waste recycling machine with a 3D printer.Astronauts will put waste items made of plastic into the recycling machine, called the Poistrusion Recycler. When they press a button, the Recycler will melt down the plastic and turn it into 3D filament (长丝).The filament will e used in a 3D printer on the ISS-called the Refabricator-to make tools, spare parts and satellite compone

      7、nts.The waste will come from packaging materials, food containers, trays and eating utensils (器具) used on the ISS. Astronaut currently use disposable wet wipes to clean their food containers and utensils. The used wipes are stored as trash (垃圾), and replacement wipes must be sent up to the ISS on cargo missions.By recycling old food containers and utensils, astronauts will reduce the amount of trash they produce. To get rid of trash from the ISS, astronaut load it into empty cargo capsules (航天舱)

      8、 and release it into space. The capsules burn up when they enter Earths atmosphere.Turning trash into useful new items will also help NASA save money because astronauts will need fewer supplies. It costs about $ 6,000 for every kilogram launched into orbit. These benefits will be even more important for longer missions in the future-such as the two-year journey to Mars. Astronauts will be able to recycle old waste materials into new tools and parts as they need them.Tethers have successfully tes

      9、ted the systems in its laboratory. They will test it on the ISS in late 2018. The company is also developing a version of the system for use here on Earth.1、What material are the forks and knives for astronauts made of?AGold. BIronCPlastic. DWood.2、At present, the astronauts mainly get supplies by .A3D printers Breusing the old onesCcollecting from the space Dthe capsules launched from the earth3、What can the new technology help the astronauts do?AReuse the trash.BSend the trash to Mars.CTake the trash to the earth.DLoad the trash into empty capsules and throw it away.4、What is the biggest benefit of the new technology mentioned in the text?AIt can save some space for the ISS.BIt can gave more time for the astronauts.CIt can provide mor


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