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    • 1、自考真题:2021 年 04 月英语考试真题自考真题:2021 年 04 月英语考试真题一、阅读判断一、阅读判断1.The Greatest Gift One day,I was telling my mother about a new girl in school.Suddenly she asked,Who are your two best friends,Helen?Jill and Jaime.Well,what about Karen and Cindy?I dont know who their best friends are.No,she said.I mean,why arent they your best friends?She seemed upset and hurt.But theyre my sisters.Yes,but they can still be your best friends.Friends may come and go,but your sisters will always be there for you.At the tim

      2、e,the idea of my sisters being my closest friends seemed strange to me.We used to fight over toys,food,attention and what to watch on television.But my mother never let the three of us forget it:sisters are lifelong friends.Her wish was to give us something that she had never had.When she gave birth to three daughters,the fulfillment(实现)of her dream had only just begun.She had given us each a giftour sistersand she wanted to make sure we did not take that gift for granted.She would frequently te

      3、ll us how lucky we were,constantly take us to places together so we grew closer,and would even punish us equally,giving us yet another bonding(亲密关系)experience.It was somewhere in between Moms lectures,the family vacations and the shared memories that we realized that Mom was right.Today I share things with my sisters that I share with no one else.My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together,side by side,holding hands when crossing the finishing line.When Karen got married,I was

      4、her maid of honor.The three of us trust each other with our greatest secrets.It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were.Today she doesnt have t.She already knows.One day,one of Heles sisters asked her to be her best friend.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given2.Mom believed that sisters should be the best friends to each other.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given6.Helens sisters were the greatest gift that Mom gave Helen.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given7.Mom punished the sisters equ

      5、ally to make them understand they were connected by blood tie.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given8.Helen and Cindys friendship was shown by their running the New York Marathon together.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given10.The three sisters seldom share their secrets.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given3.Helen fund it easy to accept the idea of having her sisters as her best friends.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given9.Helens sister Cindy was not married.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given5.To help her daughters become best friends,Mom sent them to t

      6、he same school.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given4.Helen and her sisters never argued and fought.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given二、阅读选择二、阅读选择2.Hares and rabbits use tricks when they_.A.run uphillB.are huntedC.signal dangerD.take huge leaps1.Hares and Rabbits One of the gentlest of all animals is the hare.When you consider how mild this animal is,you might wonder how it can survive in a world full of enemies.But then youve also probably noticed its strong hind(后面的)legs.Those legs give it plenty of speed.And you kn

      7、ow how rapidly hares and rabbits breed(繁殖).Thats another reason why they manage to survive.Hares and rabbits have long,sharp front teeth.Their hind legs are longer than their front legs so that they run faster uphill than downhill.When they are hunted,they use tricks such as taking huge leaps to break the smell or signal danger to each other by hitting the ground with their hind feet.Hares and rabbits are purely vegetarians(素食者).They can live very well on the inner bark f trees.There are many di

      8、fferences between hares and rabbits.Hares are larger,and their feet and ears are longer.Hares do not dig holes or live in groups,as do rabbits.Hares are born pen-eyed and with thick fur,while rabbits are born blind and hairless.North America is the home of many different types of hares.One of the best known is the jack hare,a large hare with very long ears.Jacks are so fast that they can sometimes make a leap of six meters.The March hare,whom we know from Alice in Wonderland,is a common European

      9、 hare.In March,they are always busy in mating,thus acquiring its name.Unlike hares,rabbits are social animals,living together in holes.A rabbit may mate when it is six months old and its young are born within a month.So if the rabbit has no natural enemies,it can become quite a pest.People are curious about the survival of the hare because_.A.their legs are not strong enoughB.their growth is not fast enoughC.they are too gentleD.they run too slow5.Rabbits natural enemies prevent them from_.A.bec

      10、oming a big troubleB.breeding when youngC.living in holesD.becoming social animals3.Compared with hares,rabbits_.A.have longer feetB.have thicker furC.are born pen-eyedD.like to live in groups4.Many people get to know the March hare from the fact that it_.A.has long ears and legsB.digs a lot of holes in MarchC.can make a leap of six metersD.appears in Alice in Wonderland三、概括段落大意和补全句子三、概括段落大意和补全句子2.Paragraph_.A.Quick loan from a pawnbrokerB.Properties of a pawnbrokerC.How does a pawn shop run?D.W


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