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    • 1、1208 初二英语周测初二英语周测学科网(北京)股份有限公司一、单选题。1.The students like their class very much._ always keep their classroom clean.A.HeB.SheC.WeD.They2.Jack goes running every day,_ he is quite healthy.A.orB.soC.butD.until3._ you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure,Id love to.A.CanB.MayC.MustD.Need4.Ten years ago,I _ as a reporter in a small town.A.workedB.worksC.will workD.am working5.We will have a great time playing snowballs if it _ tomorrow.A.snowB.snowedC.snowsD.will snow6.This is my sister._ name

      2、is Grace.AMyBItsCHerDHis7.Cambridge is a beautiful city _ the east of England.AonBatCinDto8._ did you travel to Shanghai?By train.AWhatBHowCWhyDWhen9.Must I bring the dictionary to school?No,you _.AcantBneedntCshouldntDmustnt10.Tony is _ of the three boys.He can carry this big box.AstrongBstrongerCstrongestDthe strongest11.Football is _ than basketball in many countries.ApopularBmore popularCmost popularDthe most popular12.Betty usually _ housework to help her mother,but her brother doesnt.Adoes

      3、BdoCdidDis doing13.What were you doing at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon?We _ a tea party.AhaveBhadCwill haveDwere having14.My father and I _ a table tennis game on TV last night.AwatchedBwatchesCwill watchDwatch15.If you want to visit Beijing Winter Olympic Park,I _ a ticket for youtomorrow.AbookBbooksCbookedDwill book16.My parents asked me _ my sister with her schoolwork.AhelpBhelpingCto helpDhelped二、完形填空。When I was fourteen,my father got a new job in another city,so my family movedthere.The new

      4、 house was much bigger and a lot nicer than the old one,but I wasvery(17).All my friends were hundreds of miles away and the classmates in my newschool seemed unfriendly.I tried my best to fit in.I picked the same food as they did,1208 初二英语周测初二英语周测学科网(北京)股份有限公司listened to their favorite music,and even dressed in their way.But it seemed hard for me tobecome(18)among them.I felt so lonely that I sometimes cried myself to sleep.Before I knew it,I(19)studying as hard as I did before.I started doing

      5、lesshomework and refused to talk about school life with my family.The first person to noticemy(20)in my family was my grandpa.I could see he was deeply concerned(关注的)and finally he invited me to have a talk.We discussed the matter and he gave me thebest(21)I have ever got in my life.“Always be your best self.”he said.“Dont(22)yourself to please others.”“Who cares,if I am so lonely?”I thought.Later,I found myself thinking about his words again and again,and finally,I(23)his advice.I got down to w

      6、ork,got excellent grades and I also joined some sportsclubs.Slowly,I found myself a good company of students who truly cared about me andsoon I met my best friend.All these people made me smile and I enjoyed every day atschool.So,my grandpa turned out to be(24).Ive come to understand that being myself isreally important.Since then I have never given up my real self just to make others like me.17.A.unhappyB.excitedC.angryD.interested18.A.importantB.popularC.creativeD.talented19.A.stoppedB.practic

      7、edC.triedD.kept20.A.worriesB.decisionsC.changesD.excuses21.A.planB.wishC.giftD.advice22.A.helpB.scareC.loseD.enjoy23.A.sharedB.noticedC.neededD.followed24.A.kindB.rightC.honestD.serious三、阅读理解。A25.Lara predicts that people will travel _.1208 初二英语周测初二英语周测学科网(北京)股份有限公司A.by carB.by planeC.by shipD.by submarine26.Who thinks we will use our voices to control computers?A.Lara.B.Bob.C.Jenny.D.Jim.27.Jim believes the earth will become cleaner because people will _.A.only eat healthy foodB.use energy from

      8、 the sunC.live under the waterD.put computers in the clothes28.The four kids are talking about _.A.what the world will be likeB.how fast cars will flyC.where people will get fresh foodD.how much land there will beBJohnny and his friends were making a cardboard town toplay in.At first they were getting on well,turning boxes intostores and playgrounds,but soon they had different ideas.“It was my idea,”Johnny said,“so I would just do itwithout you.”Then he walked away in anger and left his friendsK

      9、atie and Max alone.“Wow,I didnt expect hed get so mad,”Katie said.“Making a cardboard town is a lot of work,”said Max,“Johnny cant do it all by himself.Maybe if we give him some space,hell want us to helpagain.”Johnny wanted the cardboard town done before New Years Day so that he couldshow it to all of his family when they came over,but New Years Day was only two weeksaway.When he started again,he found it was just too big a job.He couldnt make thebuildings out of boxes,put them around the town,

      10、and decorate(装饰)them all by himself.It would take way too long.“I guess thats why people work together.When we each played a part,it was fun andeverything went a lot faster.Maybe I should say sorry to my friends.They were just tryingto help and have fun with me,”Johnny said to himself.The next day at school Johnny said sorry to Katie and Max.“I dont know why I gotso mad.Will you come to my house tomorrow to complete our town?”Johnny asked.Katie and Max joyfully agreed.The three all took on a rol


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