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高三英语三轮冲刺动词被动语态 语法填空专项练习

  • 卖家[上传人]:亦明
  • 文档编号:357513949
  • 上传时间:2023-08-09
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    • 1、(考前冲刺7)高考英语-动词被动语态+语法填空专项练习课本重点句型+单词+短语复习巩固1. It differs lYomthe characters written in ink in thatit often weighs as much as1() pounds. 它不 同于用墨水写的汉字是因为它往往重达十磅。2. In many cases, he had the idea that he could put(combine) togethertwo characters to stand for (represent) the meaning of an object.再很多情况下,他想到了把两个字组介起来代表一个 事物得含义。3. As a whole, not allcharacters were developed fromdrawings of objects.整体来说,并非所有 汉字皆由图画演变而来。4. They became opposiles ofeach otheras a result of a badly injury.他们因为一次伤害而反目。5. So

      2、me characters are too difficult to be of practical use, so it is very convenientfor people to introduce simplifiedChinese characters.有些汉字太难而不适用,所以推广简化汉字对于人们 很方便。6. For Jack Ma to achieve high effect, the teacherrequires him to make notes in class.为(Jack Ma获得高效,老师要求他上课做笔记。7. To achieve high efleet, Jack Makeeps on taking notes in class.为 了获得高效,Jack Ma 上课不 停地做笔记。8. He managed to take control ofthe elephant named afterTaotao.他设法控制住 了以淘淘命名 得那头大象。9. Aside from(apart from / Besides) English, other lan

      3、guages go throughdevelopment all through hislorv有史以来.除英语以外.其它语言也经过了发展。10. The Nomian played an important part inthe development of English and made contributions toit in the latter half of the 11th century.诺尔曼人在 11 世纪后半叶对英语发展方 面起到了重要作用并且做出重要贡献。11. On one hand, he worked as(act as / serve as) a teacher, on the other hand, he was very different froma teacher.一方面他担任了老师工作.另一方面他又有别于老师。(联系:fbr one thing, fbr another; differ from)12. Adding sugar to coffee is not as popular asmixing milk withcoffee.把糖添

      4、加咖啡里不如 把牛奶和咖啡混合起来更受欢迎。13. English keeps on changing, which is whywe now puzzled aboulsome words.英语不断 变化,这就是我们对有些单词感到不理解的原因。(联系that is because)被动语态专项练习1. After a three-year pilot period, the GPNP will be officially set up next year. The GPNP (design )to reflect the guiding principle ofprotecting the authenticity and integrity (完 整性)of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer zones, 考查被动语态。句意:他们不应该对媒体的报道过于担忧。分析句子可知,这里考查被动语 态,alarm在这里作动词,表“使惊恐,Ihey和alarm为被动关

      5、系,所以这里应用过去分词。 故填 alarmede39. was trapped【解析】考杳时态和语态。句意:因为交通堵塞,他昨天上班迟到了。be trapped in是固定搭配,意 为“陷入;被困在”,且由时间标志词yesterday可知,句子描述的是过去发生的事, 应用一般过去时,主语是he为单数,故填was trapped.,40. to blame【解析】考查不定式。句意:我们都觉得,他们儿子在学校的糟糕表现要归咎于杰克和他的妻子。 固定用法:be to blame”对某事应负责任的,应受责备的,其中不定式t。blame主动形式表 被动意义,在句中作表语。故填to blame。语法填空-专项练习1 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Earlier this month, a team of doctors in Russia managed to complete an open heart surgery as the hospital caught fire, Now a picture (take)at the operating theat

      6、er goes viral on social media, 2(movc)thc netizens(网民)everywhere,According to reports, firefighters 3 (battle)the flames from outside the building as more than 120 patients and medical workers were being evacuated(转移).Despite this, the eight doctors did their best to finish the operation at the ground floor 4 (successful). Soon thereafter, the patient was evacuated to the regional hospital, 5 is about 5 kilometers away.Cardiac surgery center department head Valentin Filatov said: There was nowhe

      7、re to go, the man had to be saved. We did everything at the 6 (high)level, as they say.”Antonina Smolina, one of the medics, shared that “there was no panic among the hospital crew.When responders realized that the surgery could not 7 (stop), they made sure that the operating room would have sufficient power supply by providing an electric cable. They also had to keep smoke 8 entering the theater.Amur Regions Ministry of Health later released an official 9 (state), saying the operation during a

      8、fire was perfbnned smoothly. Meanwhile, the government authorities will award the doctors fbr 10 they have done.语法填空-专项练习2 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Today Li Hai and I have 11 fantastic time. We went to watch the big match between England and Gemiany. We were very 12 (luck) to get tickets and to see the two teams play before they return to Europe fbr the World Cup.We were very 13 (excite) the whole day, up until the start of the match at 8 p.m. We all 14 (cheer) when we saw the two teams 1

      9、5 (come) into the stadium. The match was great and wc saw some of the best European football 16(player) scoring fantasticgoals. It was like a dream! We 17 (pay) 500 yuan fbr each ticket, and they were worth paying so much for. It was a great match, and Li Hai and I were at city Stadium to see it!Next were looking forward18hearing about the World Cup. China 19 (be)in Group four and wc want to see20team they will play against.【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了本月早些时候,俄罗斯一队医生在医院着火时成功 完成了一个心脏手术。现在,一张在手术室拍摄的照片在社交媒体上疯传,感动了各地的网 民,I.考查非谓语动词。句意:现在一张在手术室拍摄的照片在社交媒体上疯传感动了各地的 网民。分析可知,goes为句子的谓语,所以空处为非谓语。picture和动词take为动宾关系, 所以此处用过去分词taken作后置定语,故填takeno2 .考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。分析可知,goes为句子的谓语,所以空处为非谓语。picture 和动词move为主谓关系,所以此处用现在分词moving,作伴随状语,故填moving。3 .考查一般过去时。句意:据报道,消防队员在大楼外与大火搏斗,超过120名病人和医 务人员正在撤离。根据句中“and medical workers were being evacuated(转移)”,可知本句为并 列句,时态用一般过去时。空处在句中为谓语,所以用battled,故填battled。4 .考查副词。句意:尽管如此,八位医生还

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