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高三英语三轮冲刺非谓语之冠词 语法填空专项练习

  • 卖家[上传人]:亦明
  • 文档编号:357506509
  • 上传时间:2023-08-09
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    • 1、(考前冲刺5)高考英语-非谓语之冠词+语法填空专项练习课本重点句型+单词+短语复习巩固1.1 feel lucky【o have wona place on this trip.能获得这次旅行机会我感到幸运。2. It turned out(As it turns out,) that the Romans took over(took control of / occupied) Pompeii. 结果是罗马人占领了庞贝城。3. Near ihe cily wasa volcano, causing damage t。people, 3r whichmany people were buried alive, and so wasthe city.城市附近有一座火山,给人们带来了灾难,许多人被活埋,城市也 一样。1.1 saw streets just as (hey had been, wilhstepping stones alongthe road 我看到街道像本来一样, 沿途有垫脚石。5. The statue, though put under protection onc

      2、e, broke downand disappeared, leavingempty spaces in the ash.这座雕像虽然曾经受到保护,但最终还是倒塌了,消失了,在灰烬中留下了 空白。6. They had no idea that, however, no one paid then】 much al【en【ion.然而他们不知道没人太在 意他们。7. There happened ( seemed / used) to bea Camel Team going bya stopping point on the famous Silk Road.碰巧(似乎、过去常常)有驼队经过丝绸之路的停靠站。8. The trees were cut down, resulling in the city being buried by sand.树被砍到,导致城市被沙 子埋没。9. The attack is believed【o have led lothe US enteringthe Second World War.据认为那次攻击 导致美国参与二战。10. A plan w

      3、as carried oulto speed upthe research in memorythe war declared against Japan.为J纪念对日宣战,他们执行一项计划加速J研究。10. When askedhow a statue from distant Greece could have appearedin China, researchers explained that no doublthis was a result of Alexander the Greats influence.被问及雕像如何从遥 远的希腊出现在中国,研究者解释说无疑是亚历山大大帝影响的结果。11. 1( seemed that they grew (ired ofgiving in and stood in their enemies pathto rise up againsi them.他们似乎厌倦了屈服,阻挡了敌人起义反抗他们。12. He was though of asa man who had a deep influence onthe world for c

      4、enturies to come他被 认为是一个对未来世界几个世纪有着深远影响的人。13. Aside from this, he eamed his salaryfrom being a common worker and soon came down with a fever.除此以外,他靠当普通工人谋生,不久因为发烧病倒了。14. In many cases, his questions made his students aware o(heir own errors.很多时候他的问题 让学生认识到自己的错误。15. Untbriunalcly for him, he got embarrassedfind that his friends had enough ofhim.不幸的是,当他发现他的朋友们已经受够了他时,他感到很尴尬.使他人的生活与众不同。make a difference是固定搭配,意为“对有影响故填a。39. a【解析】考查冠词。句意:厄尔尼诺现象,一个西班牙词条,意为“基督之子”,是由南美洲的渔民命 名的。根据可数名词term的单数形式可知,此处需填入冠词,

      5、由句意可知,表示泛指,需 填入不定冠词,Spanish为辅音音素开头,因而填a故填a。40. a【解析】考查冠词。句意:这是1925年阿拉斯加北部一个十分寒冷的一月,因为一场大雪使这个城 镇与外界切断了联系。由句意可知,此处表示泛指,cold为辅音音素开头,因而需用不定冠 词ao故填a。语法填空专项练习1 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入I个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。More and more urban tourists are interested in country vacations and it increases village and farm incomes. Taking trips to destinations with fewer people and beautiful I (nature) scenes has become a trend in China these days. Currently, major travel agencies are making efforts in developing the rural tourism mar

      6、ket, 、(drive) by this new demand. They are building high-end farm and village resorts that integrate with rural cultures nationwide 3 (attract) more travelers. The development of rural tourism also serves 4 an opportunity fbr farmers to start their own businesses.5 urban tourists would like to pursue the most in rural trips are unique life and cultural experiences. Apart from enjoying experiences, rural food, and cultural products are all important factors to draw 6 (they) attention. For instanc

      7、e, 7 online travel agency launched a country fair in the village. Thus, travelers 8 (be) able to buy some local agricultural products 9 (easy). Meanwhile, A big tourism company said its rural tourism business has shown significant potential for future 10(grow) in the recentthree years. Rural tourism is the golden key and new engine to the rural development.语法填空-专项练习2 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In Chinese culture, tigers are considered the king of all beasts. They symbolize power, energy, pr

      8、otection, It (generous) and unpredictability. Tigers are regarded as fearless creatures, so thats 12 in China you can see images of tigers on the walls of temples and houses 13 (resist) disasters and danger.Tigers have an important cultural significance not just in China, 14 across Asia. As they 15 (most) live in Asia, they have become a cultural symbol of Eastern countries for many westerners. For example, in the last century strong economies in the East-Singapore, South Korea, Chinas Taiwan an

      9、d Hong Kong16 (call) 4tThc Four Asian Tigers”.Instead of tigers, lions are considered as the king of all beasts in the West. But in the West, (igers are also seen as a very 17 (power) animal. In English, if you want someone to calm down, you can say to them, “easy tiger”. Another famous phrase is: Eye of the Tiger, 18 means fierceness and strength.China has its animal zodiac system, 19 (show) the connection, understanding and respect that humans can have for animals. Just like tigers serve as a symbol of protection in Chinese culture, vc hope that in the Year of the Tiger more people can help protect them and their habitats 20 further destruction.【导语】本文是说明文。文章主要讲述越来越多的游客去人少景美的乡村旅游。1 .考查形容词。句意:去人少景美的目的地旅游己经成为近年来中国的一种趋势。分析句 子结构可知,后面有名词scenes,所以空格处要用形容词来修饰后面的名词,表示“自然的” 的意思。故填natural02 .考查非谓语动词。句意:在这种新需求的驱动下,目前各大旅行社都在努力开发乡村旅 游市场。分析句子结构可知,动词drive和被修饰词major travel agencies是逻辑上的被动关 系,所以用过去分词形式,表示被动的意思。故

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