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    • 1、人教版新课标高中英语必修三教案合集Module3 Unit 1 Festivals around the worldTeaching aims and demands1.topic: 1Festivals2 how festivals begin3how to celebrate festivals2.function: 1RequestEg: Could you please? Could I have ? I look forward to doing2ThanksEg: Its a pleasure. /Dont mention it.Its very kind of you to Id love to Thank you very much./Thanks a lot.You are most welcome.3.vocabulary:4.grammar:Jin can speak English well. (ability)Could you please show me the way to ? (request)May we see the awards for the

      2、 team? (permission)She might give you (possibility)The whole family will come for dinner. (promise)Often he would dress up like a rich man. (pass habit)We would be there with our friends. (promise)II.Key pointsPeriod 1-2 Warming up and fast reading1.Greetings2.Warming upStep 1 discussing the following questionsa.How was your holiday/spring festival?b.Did you go traveling?c.How much pocket money did you get?Step 2 talking1). Name some festivalsSpring Festival Dragon Boat Festival Lantam Festival

      3、Mid-Autumn FestivalArmy Day May Day Teachers Day New Year National Day Mothers DayChildrens Day Fathers Day Christmas Day Halloween carnivalEaster Valentine Day Oben2).Ss work in groups of four and list five Chinese festivals and siscuss when they take place , what they celevrate and one thing that people do at that time.Festivals Time of year/date Celebrate for Things to doMid-Autumn DaySpring FestivalDragon Boat DayTomb sweeping DayLantern Festival3.Pre-reading1) Whats your favourite holiday o

      4、f the year? Why?2) What festivals or celebration do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you likespending festivals with your family or with friends? What part of a festival doyou like bestthe music, the things to see, the visits or the food?4. Fast reading and find the answers to the following questions.A.What did ancient festivals celebrate?B.What are festivals of the dead for ?C.Why are autumn festivals happy events ?D.Name three things people do at spring festival ?Period 3-4 Intensive reading

      5、1.Read the passage paragraph and find the main ideas of each paragraphParagraph 1: All kinds of celebration in ancient time.Paragraph 2: The purpose to honour the dead and three examplesFestivals Time Things people doObenDay of the DeadHalloweenParagraph 3: The reasons Why we honour peopleFestivals Who does it celebrate ?Dragon Boat FestivalsClumbus DayIndian National FestivalParagraph 4: Autumn festivals are happy eventsParagraph 5: How people celebrate in spring festivals2Language pointsa.They

      6、 would starve if food was difficult to findstarve (v.) 饿死;挨饿eg. Millions of people starved to death during the war.Starve for sth 渴望Eg. The homeless children starve for love.Starvation (n.) 饿死Eg. Die of starvationStarvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资b.The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn.Celebrate (vt./vi.) 庆祝,赞颂,赞美,举行(仪式)Eg.We celebrate the new year with a party.Their courage was celebrated in all the newspaper.Celebrated (adj.)

      7、 = famous 著名的,驰名的c. because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty.days/years/of plenty :富裕(尤指事物和钱)的日子,年月,生活等。Eg.You have a life of plenty, what would you be worried about ?d.Some festivals are held to honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm.1)Honour (v.) “尊敬,给增光” honour sb. (sth.) with sth.(n.) “荣誉,光荣,敬意,面子”Win honour for为争光 Show honour to sb.尊敬某人in honour of sb.(sth.) = in sb.s /sths honour出于对某人的敬意eg.There will be a

      8、 party in honour of his success.为庆祝他的成功将会举行一个晚会。We have a party in honour of the famous artist.为纪念这位著名艺术家我们举办了这场晚会。2)satisfy (vt.)使满意,令人满意Eg.That answer wont satisfy her.那个答案不会使她满意。Satisfied (adj.) 满意的(主语是人)Satisfactory (adj.) 令人满意的(主语是事而不是人)Satisfying (adj.) 令人满意的(主语是事)Satisfaction (n.) 满意Eg. Shes satisfied with her sons progress.对于儿子的进步她感到很满意。Do you think what he said is satisfying?你认为他所见的令人满意吗?3)harm (n.) (U) 伤害Eg. Dont be too serious , he meant no harm.(v.) harm sb./sth.=do harm to sb./sth.E

      9、g. Dont be afraid, the dog wont harm you.What you do should do more good than harm.你所做的应该利大于弊。e.The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in memory ofthe dead.In memory of / to the memory of sb. 最为对某人的纪念,纪念某人Eg.The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist.f.They dress up and try to frightened people.Dress n. 连衣裙/ v. dress sb./oneself 给穿上衣服The first thing she does every morning after getting up is to dress her son.她每天起来第一件事就是帮儿子穿衣服。Dress up 盛妆打扮,乔装打扮Eg. Ladies loves dressing up more than anything else.g.If


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