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    • 1、UNIT 13 Introduction to Control Systems,13.1 Text Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Control 开环控制和闭环控制,New Words element elimnt n. 元件 manipulate mnipjuleit v. 控制,操纵 ambient mbint a. 周围的,环境的 trace treis v. 示跟,追踪,显迹 excursion iksk:n n. 偏差 adversely dv:sli ad. 相反地,不利地 intervention ,intvenn n. 介入,参入 consistently knsistntli ad. 协调地,Exercises 1. Decide whether it is true or false. T T F, The difference lies in all control systems whether automatic or otherwise. T F, In an open-loop control system in an oven, t

      2、he output does not affect the input. F, In a manual closed-loop control system, the input is controlled by a human being. F, He cannot accurately adjust it through his experience may decrease the excursion. T F, The function of negative feedback is to measure the output value, compare it with desired value, and then make some changes. F, Automatic closed-loop control performs a task more rapidly than manual closed-loop control.,Exercises (continue) 2. Fill in the blanks with the words or express

      3、ions below in the correct form. is regarded open-loop operator satisfactory is established closed-loop difference,13.2 Reading and Translation Characteristics of Control Systems 控制系统的特性,New Words criterion kraitirin n. 判据 accuracy kjursi n. 精度,准确度 response rispns n. 响应,斜体部分参考译文: A dead time or time delay is the difference between the time when input to the system is applied and the time when output is produced. 时间延迟或死区时间是系统输入时的时间和输出产生时的时间的差异。 In other words, if we are not careful, we may lose th

      4、e stability of a system in trying to improve its accuracy, or in trying to improve the stability of a system we may decrease its accuracy. 换言之,如果我们不小心,改善系统精度,可能会失去系统的稳定性,或在试图提高系统稳定性时,降低了其精度。 Hence for the sake of simplicity, systems that are higher than second order are approximated to be of second order and analyzed with a step input. 因此,为简化起见,高于二阶的系统被近似成二阶系统,并采用阶跃输入信号进行分析。 Remember that before the system is fabricated it is modeled by using mathematical (differential) equations and analyzed by

      5、 using a variety of graphical and/or analytical techniques. 应注意的是,在系统制作之前,常采用数学(差分)方程建模,并采用各种图解或解析方法进行分析。 Obviously, there are mathematical equations that can be used to determine the sensitivity of a given system as a function of variation in a specific system component. 显然,有确立给定系统灵敏度和某系统元件函数关系的数学方程。,13.3 Further Reading Types of Feedback Control Systems 反馈控制系统的类型,New Words invariant invrint a. 不变的,恒定的 modulate mdjuleit v. 调制 fabricate fbrikeit v. 虚构,伪造 superposition ,sju:ppzin n. 叠加 backlash b

      6、k,l n. 齿间隙 jet det n. 喷口 incorporate ink:preit v. 结合 demodulator di:mdjuleit n. 解调器 intermittently ,intmitntli ad. 间断地 consecutive knsekjutiv a. 连续的;相继的,Notes dead play 游隙;游移 full-on or full-off fashion 全开或全关方式 time-invariant system 定常系统 pulse train 脉冲序列,13.4 General Knowledge 英文简历 简历(resume 或 curriculum vitae)是个人经历的书面表达形式,是求职、求学者所必备的材料。 一般情况下,简历主要由三个部分组成: 个人信息(personal data), 教育背景(education), 工作经历(experience)。 有时也根据不同的需要增加一些项目,如 事业目标(objective或career objective), 外语技能(foreign language skills), 获奖情况(honors and awards), 特长(special skills)等。,课后作业 P.129,Exercise 3,


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