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    • 1、/Unit 1Task 1【答案】A. unusual, whatever, escape, traditions, present, grey, moulded, shape, hereB.A Chronicle of Cambridges Early YearsYearsEvents1209Several hundred students and scholars arrived in Cambridge from Oxford.1284 Peterhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded.1440 King Henry founded Kings College.C. 1) Students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance.2) When people went anywhere on a visit, the pretty English girls all ki

      2、ssed them.3) Erasmus, Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, and Newton (or Wordsworth, Byron, Tennyson, etc.)【原文】 My coming to Cambridge has been an unusual experience. From whatever country one comes as a student one cannot escape the influence of the Cambridge traditions-and they go back so far! Here, perhaps, more than anywhere else, I have felt at one and the same time the past, the present and even the future. Its easy to see in the old grey stone buildings how the past moulded the present and how the p

      3、resent is giving shape to the future. So let me tell you a little of what this university town looks like and how it came to be here at all. The story of the University began, so far as I know, in 1209 when several hundred students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge after having walked 60 miles from Oxford. Of course there were no colleges in those early days and student life was very different from what it is now. Students were of all ages and came from anywhere and everywhere

      4、. They were armed; some even banded together to rob the people of the countryside. Gradually the idea of the college developed, and in 1284, Peterhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded. Life in college was strict; students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance. Books were very scarce and all the lessons were in the Latin language which students were supposed to speak even among themselves. In 1440 King Henry VI founded Kings Co

      5、llege, and the other colleges followed. Erasmus, the great Dutch scholar, was at one of these, Queens College, from 1511 to 1513, and though he wrote that the college beer was “weak and badly made”, he also mentioned a pleasant custom that unfortunately seems to have ceased. “The English girls are extremely pretty,” Erasmus said, “soft, pleasant, gentle, and charming. When you go anywhere on a visit the girls all kiss you. They kiss you when you arrive. They kiss you when you go away and again w

      6、hen you return.” Many other great men studied at Cambridge, among them Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, Newton, Wordsworth, Byron and Tennyson.Task 2【答案】A. 1) a) 2) b) 3) a) 4) c)B. 1) They usually wear black gownslong gowns that hang down to the feet are for graduates, and shorter ones for undergraduates.2) Women students do not play a very active part in university life at Cambridge, but they work harder than men.C. 1) meadows, green, peaceful, bending into, intervals, deep coloured, reflection, contr

      7、asts, lawns2) peace, scholarship, peace, suggest, stretches, charmingly cool, graceful【原文】 Now let me give you some idea of what you would see if you were to talk around Cambridge. Let us imagine that I am seeing the sights for the first time. It is a quite market town and the shopping centre extends for quite a large area, but I notice more bookshops than one normally sees in country towns, and more tailors shops showing in their windows the black gowns that students must wearlong gowns that ha

      8、ng down to the feet for graduates and shorter ones for undergraduates. In the centre of the town is the market place where several times each week country traders come to sell their produce. Everywhere there are teashops, some in modern and many in old buildings, reached by climbing narrow stairs. There is a great deal of bicycle traffic, mainly undergraduates who race along thoughtless of safety, with long scarves (in various colours to denote their college) wound round their necks. Continuing,

      9、 I find my way to the river which flows behind the college buildings and curls about the town in the shape of a horseshoe. This narrow river is the Granta, and a little farther on changes in name to the Cam. It flows slowly and calmly. The “Blacks”, as this part of the town behind the colleges is called, have been described as the loveliest man-made view in English. It is indeed beautiful. To the felt, across the stream, there are no buildings, merely meadows, colleges gardens and lines of tall trees. Everything is very green and peaceful. On the river bank are willow trees with their branches bending into the water and, at intervals along the river, stone bridges cross the stream and lead into the colleges which line the bank. The deep coloured brick or stone of college walls, sometimes red and sometimes grey, is 500 years old. The walls rise out of t


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