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    • 1、45个常见介词的基本用法介词短语=介词+名词 1、about 基本含义:a-b-out “A在B外面” 引申含义:“A和B的联系” 1、在周围:The kids are sitting about their teacher. I like the necklace about her throat. 2、环绕:The bird always flies about the forest. I plan to travel about the world. 3、关于:a book about English study They are talking about the new film. 4、adv 大约 固定搭配: 1、How about.? 2、something+adj+about X 一些关于X的adj的事 2、above 基本含义:a-b-over “A在B上方” 引申含义: 1、在上方:The sun rose above the horizon. 2、数目大于/重量超过/价格(能力、地位)高于 There is nothing in the store above 5

      2、0 cents. “He who comes after me is above me ,because he was before me” 固定搭配: 1、above all: 首先(强调重要性) Above all, he was an outstanding mathematician. 2、above all things: 最最 What you need, above all things, is confidence. 3、be above oneself: 兴高采烈=high spirit When he heard the good news, he was above himself. 3、across 基本含义:a-grass “A走过一片草坪” 引申含义:1、穿过:She walked across the road.2、在.对面: The bar is just across the street.3、交叉:He sat with his arms across his chest. The two lines pass across each other a

      3、t right angles.固定搭配:1、A come across B. A偶遇B。 I came across Yu Minhong the other day.2、A get sth across to B. A使某物被B了解。 I want to get my theory across to all students. 4、after 基本含义:“A在B之后” (强调顺序) 引申含义:1、在之后 (时间顺序、空间顺序) After dinner, they went out for a walk. I should after him, but he still went on.2、照着的样子 Read the sentence after me, please. The building is named after the famous hero. I will make a box after that one.固定搭配:1、be after寻找/go after 追逐/run after 追求 You should run after your own dream.

      4、2、after all不管怎样 (即:在任何事情之后都一样) After all, he is your father.3、look after照顾5、against基本含义:a-g-e“相对”引申含义:1、碰着、靠着:She was leaning against a tree.2、反对:We should fight against crimes.3、预防:Save money against a rainy day.未雨绸缪固定搭配:1、go against 违反(故意违反某人的意志) He chose to go against his family.2、be against(1)违反(违反法律、制度) It is against the law to hunt tigers.(2)反对 Lincoln was strongly against slavery.(3)不利于 What he said is against him.6、around基本含义:a-round”A在一个圆里面”(在一定范围内)引申含义:1、在周围:There are many bars around

      5、the towm.2、在附近、到处:I showed him around our campus.3、【adv】大约: There are around 1000 people watching the game.7、at基本含义:“朝向一点”引申含义:1、小地点,或小时间点 Usually, he is at his office in the morning. I arrived at home at 7:00. Knock at;look at;aim at;shoot at;arrive at2、表示引发某种情绪或动作的原因 He showed no sign of pleasure at seeing her. Be surprised/excited at;8、before基本含义:“在之前“(时间、空间、顺序)引申含义:1、时间上:Please come back before 10:00pm.2、空间上:Dont put the cart before the horse.3、顺序上:Health should come before wealth.固定搭配:1、bef

      6、ore long:过不了多久2、before time:提前9、behind基本含义:be + hide “在之后“引申含义:1、空间上,在后面: A dog is running behind us.2、在后台操纵:There must be someone behind it.3、时间上,在之后;能力上,在之后; New York is 12 hours behind Beijing in time. He was behind others in ability.10、beside基本含义:be+side “在边上”引申含义:1、在.旁边=next to; by the side of a town beside the sea She sat beside the teacher.2、与.相比=compared with My work is so poor beside yours.固定搭配:beside oneself 高兴(悲伤)的不得了、忘形11、besides基本含义:“除外,还有” There were 2 other students in the classro

      7、om besides Tom.12、between基本含义:be-two-in“在两者之间”引申含义:1、空间、时间、顺序、等级上,在两者之间: Between two strange buildings stands a tree. His age is between sixty and seventy.2、表示两者之间的某种关系 He has to decide between life and death. This is a secret between life and death(仅在我们俩之间). Kyou should learn between lines(字里行间).13、beyond基本意思:be+yond(在彼处)=在之外引申含义:1、“在远处、在的那一边” What lies beyond my reach.2、“超出的限度”(能力认识) The fruit was beyond my reach.3、“除了” I cant tell you anything beyond what you already know.固定搭配:1、beyond words无

      8、法形容2、beyond understanding难以理解3、beyond cure无可救药4、beyond endurance无法忍受14、by基本意思:by后面的名词很重要引申含义:1、在旁边 We prefer a table by the window.2、到时候 We have studied several prepositions by now. I shall have finished the work by the time you return.3、通过;根据; He can tell the direction by the stars. Dont judge a person by his looks.4、按计算 Eggs are usually sold by dozen. The temperature has risen by 5 degrees.5、被; He was shocked by what he had seen.固定搭配:1、by accident/chance偶然2、by all means想尽一切办法、一定要3、by no means绝不、一点儿也不4、by turns轮流5、by mistake出于误会15、despite基本意思:尽管、不顾=in spite of The old professor kept on working despite his poor health.16、down基本意思:向下引申含义:1、表示自上而下 In order to catch the bus they run down the hill. Tears run down her face quietly.2、沿着河、沿着路 He walked down the road. We sailed down the ri


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