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江南大学 大学英语(二)20171203第一阶段a

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    • 1、大学英语(二)20171203第一阶段a交卷时间:2017-10-15 17:27:18一、词汇与语法 1. (5分)There is no money _ for this project. A. workable B. capable C. available D. durable 纠错 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 C 解析 2. (5分)I simply couldnt _ his intention. A. figure out B. bear out C. get out D. bring out 纠错 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 A 解析 3. (5分)Dress at that party was _, with no neckties or fancy dresses. A. formal B. informal C. serious D. fashionable 纠错 得分: 0 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 B 解析 4. (5分)The country is _ and the peopl

      2、e live in peace. A. prosperous B. needy C. messy D. violent 纠错 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 A 解析 5. (5分)He was very upset when Stanford _ his application for scholarship. A. granted B. accepted C. considered D. rejected 纠错 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 D 解析 二、交际英语 1. (5分)Well done and_.- Thank you very much! A. Not at all B. Congratulations C. Thats right D. You are welcome 纠错 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 B 解析 2. (5分)Let me introduce myself. Im steward- _ A. What a pleasure. B. Pleased to meet yo

      3、u. C. I dont know. D. Thanks a lot. 纠错 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 B 解析 3. (5分)Can I ask you a few questions?- _ A. What do you do? B. Its a good idea. C. No, thanks. D. Certainly. 纠错 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 D 解析 4. (5分)Hello, could I speak to Mike please?- _ A. Who are you? B. Who is speaking? C. Whats wrong? D. Why? 纠错 得分: 0 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 B 解析 5. (5分)Would you please show me your bankbook?- _ A. Sorry, I have no idea. B. Here you are. C. Come with me. D. Yes, Id like to. 纠错 得分:

      4、5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 B 解析 三、阅读理解 1. All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live longer.Sports change with the season. People play different games in winter and summer.Games and sports often grow out of peoples work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life; they use them in their sports, too.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has s

      5、pread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports or games go back to thousands of years ago, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become good friends.

      6、 Sports help to train a persons character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.纠错 (1) (5分)According to this passage we know that people began to play about one hundred years ago. A. T B. F 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 B 解析 (2) (5分)The writer didnt tell us in this passage that basketball was invented in America. A. T B. F 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 A 解析 (3) (5分)People all over the world enjoy sports because sports are interesting. A. T B. F 得分: 0

      7、 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 B 解析 (4) (5分)From this passage we can see that according to the author sports and games are significant to our life in many respects. A. T B. F 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 A 解析 (5) (5分)The writers attitude towards sports is positive. A. T B. F 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 A 解析 四、选词填空 1. Man cant go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the next 30 years man will face a period of crisis. 1 experts believe that there will be a widespread food shortage. Other exp

      8、erts think this is too pessimistic(悲观的), and man can prevent things 2 worse than they are now.One thing that man can do is to limit the number of babies born. The need for this is obvious, 3 it is not easy to achieve. People have to be persuaded to limit their families. In the countries of the population explosion, many people like big families. The parents think that this 4 a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look after them in old age.Several governments have 5 birth control policies in recent years. Among them are Japan, China. India and Egypt. In some cases the results have not been successful. Japan has been an exception. People were encouraged to limit their families in the 1950s, which has effectively reduced the birth rate in Japan.纠错 (1) (5分)1 A. From getting B. Some C. But D. Adopted E. Brings 得分: 5 知识点: 1a 第一阶段A卷 展开解析 答案 B 解析 (

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