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the use of mother tongue in the rural high school e

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    • 1、XX学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题 目The Use of Mother Tongue in the Rural High School English Class论母语在农村初中英语课堂中的运用专 业英 语院 部外国语学院学 号XX姓 名XX指导教师XX答辩时间二一一年五月论文工作时间:2010年9月至2011年5月Contents1. Introduction12. Mother tongue and the foreign language learning12.1 The influence of mother tongue in the foreign languagelearninging12.1.1 The definition of language transfer12.1.2 The positive transfer12.1.3 The negative transfer22.2 The relationship between mother tongue and the foreign language learning23. The reasons of usi

      2、ng mother tongue in the rural high school English class23.1 The situation of English class in the rural high school33.2 The advantages of using mother tongue in the English class33.2.1 Helping remember words33.2.2 Helping explain grammar33.2.3 Helping enhance the interest of learning44. The implementation of using mother tongue in the rural high school English class45. Conclusion5Bibliography6Acknowledgments7论母语在农村初中英语课堂中的运用学生姓名: XX 指导教师: XX摘 要:母语在外语教学中的使用一直是一个极具争议性的话题,在这个问题上存在这两种截然不同的观点:依赖或排斥。实

      3、际上,母语作为英语教学中的一种普遍现象,其影响不容忽视。论文首先从语言迁移理论出发,提出母语在英语教学中的积极和消极影响。同时,论文还指出了母语与外语学习的关系。然后,分别从目前农村英语教学的形势和母语在英语课堂中对于记忆单词,讲解语法和提高学习兴趣上的积极作用,分析了在农村英语课堂中应该使用母语的原因。最后得出在农村初中英语课堂上运用母语的启示:教师应充分发挥母语的积极作用,在教学实践中合理地运用母语,以期取得更佳教学效果。关键词: 母语语言迁移农村初中英语 母语使用的原因The Use of Mother Tongue in the Rural High School English ClassUndergraduate: XXSupervisor: X XAbstract: The use of mother tongue in foreign language teaching and learning has long been a controversial issue. There exist two completely different kinds of views

      4、 on this issue: either excluding it or relying on it. In fact, as a common phenomenon in English language learning, the influence of mother tongue can not be ignored. In this paper, based on the language transfer theory, there are positive and negative transfers in English teaching class. At the same time, the paper points out the relationship between mother tongue and foreignlanguage learning. Then, the paper gives the reasons of using mother tongue in the rural high school English class and th

      5、e advantages of mother tongue in remembering words, explaining grammar and enhancing the interest of learning. Last from the implementation of using mother tongue in the rural high school English class,the teacher should make full use of the positive transfer of mother tongue, and use mother tongue properly to achieve the most satisfactory teaching result.Key Words:mother tonguelanguage transferrural high school Englishreasons of using mother tongue1. IntroductionIn the history of language teach

      6、ing, the attitude towards the use of mother tongue in the foreign language class changed dramatically over centuries. But few people study it in the condition of rural high schools. In traditional foreign language classrooms mother tongue was the sole “medium of instruction” (Vivian Cook, 1993). Later its use was strictly prohibited in new teaching methods such as direct method and audio-lingual method. But then the limited use of mother tongue was again admitted and its effectswere proved throu

      7、gh both theoretical and empirical studies by many researchers andeducationists, although there were still numerous scholars against it. Eventoday, among theapplied linguists and language teachers, the debate on whether it ishelpfulor impeding to use mother tongue in English class is still fierce. In fact, from the current situation of the country, it is difficult to lead rural high school students directly to “thinking in English”without the use of their mother tongue. So having a proper underst

      8、andingof the use of mother tongue in the rural high school Englishclass is significant to improve the quality of Englishteaching.2. Mother tongue and the foreign language learning2.1 The influence of mother tongue in the foreign language learningThe role of mother tongue plays in the foreign language learning has been a disputative field in academic circle. In fact, it is hard for learners to avoid bringing pronunciation, words, grammar, expressions and text mode ofmother tongue into the foreign

      9、 language. This phenomenon is called language transfer.2.1.1 The definition of language transfer“Transfer is the influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously (and perhaps imperfectly) acquired.” (Krashen, 1981)If this transfer comes from mother tongue, it is called mother tongues transfer. “Language transfer refers to the phenomenon that the influence of learners mother tongue on the second languages acquisition and development” (Ellis, 1985).When people learn a new languagethey will be generally affected by mother tongue. The foreign learning beginners are not familiar with the rules of the foreign language, and they only can rely on mother tongue.Therefore, the content of mo

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