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    • 1、 2012专四真题PART III CLOSE Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. The earthquake of 26th December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memory. It was a (31) _ underwater quake and occurred in the Indian Ocean. It (32) _coastlines, communities and brought death to many people. Why do earthquakes happen? The surface of the earth has not always looked as it does today; it is moving (33) _ (although very

      2、slowly) and has done so for billions of years. This is one (34) _ of earthquakes, when one section of the earth (tectonic plate) (35) _ another. Scientists can predict where but not (36) _ this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault line. On one fault line in Kobe, Japan in 1923 over 200,000 people were killed. (37) _, earthquakes do not always happen on fault lines, (38) _ is why they are so dangerous and (39) _. Where do volcanoes happen? Volcanoes happen where the earths (

      3、40) _ is thin: lava, dust and gases (41) _ from beneath the earth. They can rise into a huge cone shape like a mountain and erupt, (42) _ they can be so violent (42) _ they just explode directly from the earth with no warning. There are 1511 (44) _ volcanoes in the world. This means that they may (45) _ BE DANGEROUS. In 1985 the Colombian volcano Nevado del Ruiz erupted. The lava melted a glacier and sent tones of mud (46) _ the town below. Twenty thousand people died. Natural disasters like vol

      4、canic eruptions are often unpredictable. We regularly do not know when they (47) _ happen, or (48) _ where they will happen. In the future, scientists may be able to watch and predict (49) _ before they happen. This could (50) _ many lives.31. A. massiveB. significantC. greatD. grand32. A. changedB. convertedC. destroyedD. transformed33. A. frequentlyB. periodicallyC. regularlyD. continuously34. A. sourceB. causeC. movementD. reason35. A. collides withB. confronts withC. meets withD. faces with3

      5、6. A. howB. whyC. whenD. what37. A. GenerallyB. HoweverC. SimilarlyD. Anyway38. A. whichB. itC. thisD. that39. A. irresistibleB. inevitableC. unaccountableD. unpredictable40. A. surfaceB. appearanceC. crustD. cover41. A. burst outB. flowed outC. leaked outD. trickled out42. A. andB. orC. norD. but43. A. likeB. forC. as D. that44. A. livingB. aliveC. activeD. live45. A. relativelyB. stillC. hardlyD. gradually46. A. beyondB. onC. acrossD. down47. A. mightB. shouldC. mustD. are to48. A. thoughB. wh

      6、etherC. evenD. else49. A. accidentsB. incidentsC. occasionsD. events50. A. rescueB. saveC. preserveD. shelterPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentence.51. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A. Twenty miles seems like a long walk to him. B. No one except his supports agree with him. C. Few students

      7、in my class are really lazy. D. Neither Julia nor I were going to the party.52. Which of the following determiners (限定词) can be placed before both singular count nouns and plural count nouns? A. many a B. few C. the next D. such53. Which of the following reflexive pronouns (反身代词) is used as an appositive (同位语) ? A. He promised himself rapid progress. B. The manager herself will interview Mary. C. I have nothing to say for myself. D. They quarreled themselves red in the face.54. My boss ordered t

      8、hat the legal documents _ to him before lunch. A. be sent B. were sent C. were to be sent D. must be sent55. Which of the following sentences expresses WILLINGNESS? A. By now she will be eating dinner. B. I shall never do that again. C. You shall get a promotion. D. My brother will help you with the luggage.56. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A. How strange feelings they are! B. How dare you speak to me like that! C. What noise they are making! D. What a mess we are in!57. Which o

      9、f the italicized parts functions as a subject? A. We never doubt that her brother is honest. B. The problem is not who will go but who will stay. C. It is clear that the crime was done deliberately. D. You must give it back to whoever it belongs to.58. Which of the italicized parts functions as an object? A. He doesnt like the idea of my speaking at the meeting. B. It is no use your pretending not to know the matter. C. Her falling into the river was the climax of the whole trip. D. My parents strongly object to my going out alone at night.59. All


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