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2016-2017学年度牛津译林版英语7a unit6 素质提升堂考卷

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  • 文档编号:88214787
  • 上传时间:2019-04-21
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    • 1、2016-2017学年7A Unit6提优检测卷 (满分:100分 考试时间:100分钟)一、单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)1一Do you like swimming in winter? 一Of courseThe water_a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy Afeels Btastes Csmells Dloo ks2一Do you often eat noodles_breakfast? 一YesAnd we often watch the early news breakfast Aat;for Bfor;at Cat;at Dfor;for3_can help you_ healthy ADo exercise;stay BDoing exercise;stay CDo exercises;to stay DDoing exercises;staying4Do not eat sweet food_It is bad for you Aany Bmore Cany more Dany lo

      2、ng5We need to buy some_and two_ for supper today Atomatoes;kilos of meats Btomatoes;kiloes of meat Ctomatoes;kilos of meat Dtomatos;kiloes of meats6一How long does Millie do her homework every day? 一_ AIn two hours BTwo hours CFor 8 hour DAt an hour7The student_a lot of money _books Acosts;on Btakes;to buy Cspends;on Dspends;to buy8一Is watching too_ TV bad_our eyes? 一YesWe should always give our eyes a rest Amuch;to Bmuch;for Cmany;to Dmany;for9一I cant stand the smell of the stinking tofu 一Would

      3、you like to have a try? It_quite delicious! Alooks Bsounds Ctastes Dsmells10Its important_us_English well Afor;to learn Bto;to learn Cfor;learning Dof;to learn11The old man is in good _,because his lifestyle is very_ Ahealth;health Bhealthy;healthy Chealth;healthy Dhealthy;health12一Do you often get a_ present from your aunt on your birthday? Noonly a card,but with her best wishes Asmall Bimportant Cspecial Ddifficult13一_hamburgers? 一They give us energyBut 1 dont think them healthy AWhat do you l

      4、ike BHow do you think CWhat do you think of DHow do you think of14一Would you like_? 一Thank you,but I am not thirsty Aany moon cakes Bany orange Csome bread Dsome orange15Sandy_pork or cabbages_her mother A1ikes;like Bdoesnt like;1ike C1ike;likes Ddoesnt like;likes二完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Food is very importantEveryone needs to 16 well if he or she wants to have a strong bodyOur minds also need a kind of foodThis kind of food is 17 We begin to get knowledge even when we are very youngSmall children are

      5、18 in everything around themThey learn 19 while they are watching and listeningWhen they are getting older they begin to 20 storybooks,science books and so onWhen they find something new,they love to as questions and 21 to find out the answers What is the best 22 to get knowledge? If we learn 23 ourselves,we will get the mostknowledgeIf we are 24 getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn wellWhen we study in the right waywe will learn mot and understand 25 16Asleep Bread

      6、 Cdrink Deat17Asport Bexercise Cknowledge Dmeat18Ainterested Binteresting Cweak Dbetter19Aeverything Bsomething Cnothing Danything20A1end Bread Clearn Dwrite21Atry Bhave Cthink Dwait22Aplace Bschool Cway Droad 23Aon Bwith Cto Dby24Aoften Balways Cusually Dsometimes25Aharder Bmuch Cbetter Dwell三阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)A Mr Brown likes all kinds of delicious food,and he is often invited(被邀请)to dinner by his friendsNow Mr Brown gets fatter and fatterHe can seldom go upstairs(楼上)at home and has to sleep dow

      7、nstairsHe often feels tired when he walks or does some houseworkHe is worried about itSo he goes to see a doctor “Stop eating much fat and sugar,Mr Brown,”says the doctor,“or your health will be worse!” It is difficult for Mr Brown to do itHe will not do as the doctor saysOf course,he finds something wrong with his heart a few months laterNow he thinks he must do as the doctor saysBut it is a little lateAnd he has to be in hospital “You must lose weight(减肥),Sir,”says the doctor,“unless(除非)you want to die soon!” “Oh,no,doctor! Could you tell me a way to lose weight?” “Sure。you must do an exercise first” “Which exercise,please?” “To move your head from side to side when you are invited to dinner!”26At first _ AMr Brown thinks the doctor is right BMr Brown thinks the doctor is wrong CMr Brown doesnt listen to the doctor DMr Brown has to be in hospital27 _,so he gets fatter and fatter AMr Brown often eats m uch fat and sugar BMr Brown never does any sports CMr B

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