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    • 1、Unit 2Part 1 1.taskmaster(工头) 2.on a daily 3.make us 4.field hands(农场工人)5.chores 6.knack 7.missions 8.keen eyesight 9.telescope 10 far away11.got caught 12.gigantic 13.ability 14 one side 15 imagination16.allowed 17.believe in 18 valued 19 filled by 20 edge ofPart 21. the early history of flying2. flying, designs, an Italian artist, fifteenth century, eighteenth century, fly, floar, balloons, april 1783, airships, September 1852, aeroplaneSection twoPassage 21. on the morining of December 17. 19

      2、03, between 10:30 a.m. and noon, four flights were made, two by Orville Wright and two by Wilbur Wright.2. Under the direction of the operator it climbed upward on an inclined course till a height of 8 or 10 feet from the ground was reached.3. Into the teeth of a December gale the “flyer” made its way forward with a speed of 10 miles an hour over the ground and 30 to 35 miles an hour through the air.4. The height chosen was sufficient for maneuvering in so gusty a wind and with no previous acqua

      3、intance with the conduct of the machine and its controlling mechanisms.5. In attempting to bring the machine down to the desired height, the operator turned the rudder too far, and the machine turned downward more quickly than had been expected.C1. Four flights were made on the morning of december 17,1903, two by Orville Wright and two by Wilbur Wright.2. The wind at the time of the flights had a velocity of 27 miles an hour at 10 a.m., and 24miles an hour at noon, as recorded by the anemometer

      4、at the Kitty Hawk Weather Bureau Station.3. Each time the machine started from the level ground by its own power alone with no assistance from gravity or any other source whatever.4. The machine ran about 40 feet along a monorail track before it rose from the track.5. These first trials should be made as close to the ground as possible for reasons of personal safety.6. The machine flew a little more than half a mile through the air in 59 seconds at the fourth trial.7. The early landing was due t

      5、o a slight error of judgment on the part of the aviator.8. As winter was already well set in, it was not a favorable season for the trials. news1semifinal ,semifainl, ,semai-n. 半决赛 adj. 半决赛的tournament tunmnt, t:-, t:- n. 锦标赛,联赛;比赛undefeated ,ndifi:tid adj. 未被击败的outscore autsk: vt. 得分超过yugoslav ju:usl:v adj. 南斯拉夫的;南斯拉夫人的squad skwd n. 军班;小队;五人组(篮球队的非正式说法)oust aust vt. 驱逐;剥夺;取代quarterfinal ,kw:tfainl n. 四分之一决赛a winning streak 连胜upstart pst:t, pst:t n. 暴发户;自命不凡的人;傲慢自负的人the semifinal round of the wor

      6、ld basketball championship tournament.1.86-77 2.Brazil 3.Argentina 4.Yugoslavia New Zealand5. Argentina Germany Yugoslavia New Zealand6. the third placeNews2champion league冠军联赛tie taiv,打平draw dr:n.平局European football matches1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.TNews 3compatriot kmptrit n. 同胞;同国人vie vai vi. 争;竞争vying vaii adj. 竞争的 v. 争夺(vie的现在分词)money list 奖金榜periodic ,piridik adj. 周期的;定期的fabulous fbjuls adj. 难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的A an annual Kemper Open golf tournament on ThursadayB1. Thursday2. Rich Beem3. 13

      7、2 nd4. Tiger Woods 5. He has to take a break after a match on Monday 6. 1567. Three million dollars8. 540 thousand dollarsSection fourPart 1A. Two teams that will compete for the championship of US mens national collegiate basketball tournament.B. 1. Championship game 2.three teams 3.65 teams 4. 27 wins, 11 defeats5t he semifinals 6.11 lossesPart 2B 1. He would keep his dirigible tied to a gas lamp post in front of his Paris apartment and during the day hed fly to go shopping or to visit friends

      8、.2.S ince his was the first public fight in the world , he was hailed as the inventor of the airplane all over Europe.3.but to bring up the Wright brothers with a Brazilian is bound to elicit an avalanche of arguments as to why their flight didnt count.4.his flight did meet the criteria: he took off unassisted, publicly flew a predetermined length and then landed safely.5. by the time the Brazilian got around to his maiden flight the Wright brothers had already flown numerous times, including one flight in which they flew 39 kilometers.C1. T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T


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