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高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary 课件(外研版必修1,课标通用)

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  • 文档编号:78506110
  • 上传时间:2019-02-14
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    • 1、初中英语课件,此ppt下载后可自行编辑,Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,What do you look for when choosing a place to travel? We all have our own ideas about what makes a great vacation,but whatever you are looking for,there is a good chance that you will find it in Thailand.It has something for everyone.,Just 15 years ago,fewer than 1 million people traveled to Thailand every year.Those travelers liked what they found,and quickly spread the world.Today,the polite Thais play host to more than 8.5 million visitors

      2、 every year,all of whom want to experience Thailands ancient culture and feel its many attractions. Exploring this country can be so inexpensive that many vacationers find that a funpacked day in Thailand is far less expensive than a quiet night out in their own country.,Perhaps the first delight to attract travelers to Thailand is its cooking.Thai food is regularly regarded as some of the best in the world.Eating Thailands different foods will give you the energy to explore its many sights. Aft

      3、er all your walking and sightseeing,you may want to relax and soothe away your aches and pains.Thailand is also a great place for pain and stress relief.Places for massage (按摩) are everywhere,ready to work on your tired body and leave you feeling relaxed.Having a traditional Thai massage can be one of,the highlights of your visit. People may leave Thailand and settle back into the real life,but the image(形象)of Thailand never really leaves them.,佳句仿写一二三 不管做什么,我们都要认真对待。 _ 这个老人有三个女儿,都考上了清华大学。 _ 姚明被

      4、认为是NBA最好的球员之一。 _,Whatever we want to do, we must take it seriously.,The old man has three daughters, all of whom are admitted to Tsinghua University.,Yaoming is regarded as one of the best players of NBA.,1,翻译佳句,放眼高考 Having a traditional Thai massage can be one of the highlights of your visit. _,享受一下传统的泰式按摩是你整个旅游的亮点之一。,2,Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary,单词识记 1_/bndnd/ adj.被遗弃的 2_/helIkpt/ n直升飞机 3_/fraItn/ v使吃惊,吓唬 4_ /sI:nrI/ n风景,景色 5. _/destIneIn/ n目的地,终点,abandoned,helicopter,frigh

      5、ten,scenery,destination,.,6_ /dIstns/ n距离 7midnight /mIdnaIt/ n_ 8expert /eksp:t/ n_ 9product /prdkt/ n_ 10stadium /steIdIm/ n_,distance,半夜,专家,产品,体育场,运动场,短语天地 1_到目前为止 2_摆脱,除掉 3_建造,搭起 4_上(车、船) 5_过时,过期 6refer to_ 7concentrate on_ 8be short for_ 9in the distance_ 10. allow sb to do sth_,.,so far/up to now,get away from,put up,get on,out of date,涉及到,专注于,是的缩写,在远处,允许某人做某事,语境助记 It is a long distance from our school to the destination, a stadium which has been put up recently in suburb. We got on the bu

      6、s at the near bus station. On the way, we passed an abandoned factory. On the bus, some students were concentrating on the scenery in the distance out of the window. Some were talking with an expert who was showing his new products to us. Its a new helicopter model. When we got there, our teacher allowed us to get around by ourselves. We had a good time there. It was at midnight that we went back.,.,句型搜索 1And what a ride! 信息提取 what引导的感叹句。后面加名词。 例句仿写 这是一幅多么美丽的景色啊! What_! 2We ate great meals cooke

      7、d by experts. 信息提取 cooked by experts是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句的省略。 例句仿写 这是一个建于300年前的寺庙。 This is an old temple_.,a beautiful scenery it is,built 300 years ago,.,3We saw bandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago. 信息提取 which were built more than a hundred years ago是which引导的定语从句。 例句仿写 图书馆新近了一批很受学生欢迎的新书。 The library brought in many new books _the students. 4Then the government built a new railway line,so they didnt need the camel any more. 信息提取 not. any more表示再也不。 例句仿写 我们的老师不再在这里

      8、上班了。 Our teacher_work here_.,which were popular among,doesnt,any more,预读理解 1Fast Reading: Scan the text and do the following exercises. (1)Whats the passage about? AA train ride to Sydney. BTaking the train to Australia. CTraveling to the central part of Australia. DA child visiting her grandmother.,.,(2)What means of transportation were used in the middle part of Australia? AHorses. BCamels. CTrain. DAll of the above.,(3)Australians used camels instead of horses,because_. Ahorses didnt like the hot weather and sand Bthey bought some camels from Afghanistan Ccamels were much better than horses for traveling a long distance DBoth A and C,(4)Australians used to travel on camels for_. Abusiness BTour CFarming Danimal training (5)The writer talked a lot about camels,because_

      《高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary 课件(外研版必修1,课标通用)》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary 课件(外研版必修1,课标通用)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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