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    • 1、Famous People,Bill Clinton George W,Bush,威廉杰斐逊克林顿,姓名(name): 威廉杰斐逊克林顿 外文名(English name): William Jefferson Clinton 别名(another name): 比尔克林顿 国籍(nationality): 美国 出生地(piace of birth): 美国阿肯色州霍普 出生日期(date of birth): 1946年8月19日(丙戌年) 职业(vacation): 律师,政治家 毕业院校(Graduate school): 耶鲁法学院 主要成就(The main achievements): 第42任美国总统两度荣登时代周刊年度风云人物 代表作品(Representative works): 我的生活 血型(blood group): AB 身高(height) : 188cm,简介(introduce),威廉杰斐逊克林顿,美国律师、政治家,美国民主党成员,曾任阿肯色州州长和第42任美国总统。在克林顿的执政下,美国经历了历史上和平时期持续时间最长的一次经济发展。在美国在线于20

      2、05年举办的票选活动最伟大的美国人中,克林顿被选为美国最伟大的人物第7位。克林顿兴趣广泛,尤其爱好音乐,擅长演奏萨克斯管,曾担任阿肯色州管乐队首席萨克斯管演奏员。,William Jefferson Clinton, American lawyer, politician, the United States members of the Democratic Party, who served as governor of Arkansas and the forty-second president of the United states. Under Clinton, the United States experienced a peacetime history duration time of the longest economic development. At AOL in 2005 organized by activity “the greatest American“, Clinton was elected to the United States of A

      3、mericas greatest figures seventh. Clinton, the interest is extensive, especially fond of music, is good at playing the saxophone, served as the Arkansas band chief saxophone player.,His wife希拉里黛安罗德姆克林顿,His daughter切尔西维多利亚克林顿,Picture,乔治沃克布什,姓名:乔治沃克布什外 文名:George Walker Bush 别名:小布什 国籍:美利坚合众国 出生地:康涅狄格州纽黑文 出生日期:1946年7月6日(丙戌年) 职业:政治家,商人 毕业院校:耶鲁大学,哈佛商学院 身高:180cm 血型:O,简介,乔治沃克布什为美国第43任总统。布什在2001年1月20日就职,并且在2004年的选举中击败民主党参选人约翰克里当选连任。在担任总统之前,布什于1995年至2000年间担任第46任的德州州长。布什家族很早就开始投入共和党以及美国政治,布什的父亲是之前曾担任第41任总统

      4、的乔治赫伯特沃克布什,他的弟弟杰布布什也曾是佛罗里达州的州长,由于与父亲同样都是美国总统,因此又常被称为小布什以区别,而他父亲就被称为老布什。在美国在线于2005年举办的票选活动最伟大的美国人中,布什被选为美国最伟大的人物第六位。,George Walker Bush was the forty-third president of the United states. Bush took office in January 20, 2001, and in 2004 election defeat Democratic candidate John Kerry re-elected. In President Bush before, from 1995 to 2000 served forty-sixth terms as governor of Dezhou. Bush family began very early into the Republican Party and the United States of America politics, Bushs father,

      5、 had previously served as the forty-first president of George Herbert Walker Bush, his brother Jeb Bush was also the Florida governor, because with the Father also is the president of the United States, so it is often called the George W. Bush with distinction, and his father is called bush. At AOL in 2005 organized by activity “the greatest American“ in the United States, Bush was selected as the greatest figure sixth.,His family,小布什的夫人劳拉曾是一名图书管理员,他们有一对双胞胎女儿芭芭拉和詹纳,1981年出生。小布什的弟弟: 约翰埃利斯布什(John E

      6、llis Bush,又称杰布布什)为佛罗里达州州长。他的祖父普雷斯科特布什是华尔街一位富有的金融家,曾是国会(共和党)参议院议员。其父亲为美利坚合众国第51届总统乔治赫伯特沃克布什。,George W. Bushs wife, Laura was a librarian, and they have twin daughters Barbara and Jenna, born 1981. George W. Bushs brother: John Ellis Bush (John Ellis Bush, also known as Jeb Bush) as the governor of florida. His grandfather Prescott Bush was a wealthy Wall Street financier, was the Congressional (Republican) senator. His father is the United States of Americas fifty-first President George Herbert Walker Bush.,Picture,THE END,


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