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研究生英语阅读教程(提高级-第三版)-教学课件lesson 15

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    • 1、1,Advanced ReadingRevised Edition,2,策 划:鞠方安 商希建顾 问:李光立主 编:刘兰芝 董敬一副主编: Gerald Zimmerman 杨真真 任林静制作人:段艳丽,3,Lesson Fifteen,A Summers Reading,Bernard Malamud,4,Catalogue,Background InformationWarm-up ActivitiesMain IdeaLanguage PointsDifficult SentencesKeys to the Exercises,5,Background Information,Bernard MalamudBorn: April 26, 1914, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S. Died: March 18, 1986, N.Y. American novelist and short-story writer.,6,A son of Russian Jews, Malamud was educated at the City College of New York

      2、(B.A., 1936) and Columbia University (M.A., 1942). His first novel, The Natural (1952), is a fable about a baseball hero who is gifted with miraculous powers. The Assistant (1957) is about a young Gentile hoodlum and an old Jewish grocer. The Fixer (1966) takes,Background Information,7,place in tsarist Russia. The story of a Jewish handy- man unjustly imprisoned for the murder of a Christian boy, it won Malamud a Pulitzer Prize(普利策奖 ). His other novels are A New Life (1961), The Tenants (1971),

      3、Dubins Lives (1979), and Gods Grace (1982).,Background Information,8,Warm-up Activities,I. Questions:1. What s your favorite book? Please list the reasons why you like it.2. Do you sometimes have the plan to read, but fail to.And why?11. Listen to part of Of Studies by Francis Bacon and fill in the blanks:,9,Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men _ them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. Read not to

      4、contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for _nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be _, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be _only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.,use,granted,tasted,read,Warm-up Activities,10,Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in th

      5、e _ important arguments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are, like common distilled waters, flashy things. Reading maketh a _man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great _; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth not.,less,full,memory,Warm-up Activities,11,III. Questions1. When and where did this story take pla

      6、ce? 2. Who were the characters? 3. Could you talk about the conflict(s) of this story?,Warm-up Activities,12,Main Idea,This human interest story offers hope and suggests that even small encounters with simple people can lead to life changing events. George, a young man lives a dull existence, with little future. He is a high school drop-out living with his father and sister, both of whom have simple jobs. George is a burden on his family. He is depressed and unmotivated to return to school, find

      7、 a job, or even read a book. By chance on,13,Main Idea,one of his frequent lonely walks George speaks with an older neighbor, Mr. Cattanzara, who loves to read and encourages George to read as well. George leads him to believe that he is reading from a list of good books; Mr. Cattanzara is pleased and tells others about George. Many of them respond more positively to George: he enjoys their response, but feels guilty. There are more encounters with Mr Cattanzara, George continues to live,14,Main

      8、 Idea,the lie, and his guilt grows. Finally events lead George to go to the library, and he actually begins reading, and the story concludes with the feeling that Georges life has changed for the better.,15,Language Points,1. impulse n ( line 1, para.1) 1) suddenly decide to do it, without planning it我一时兴起拿起电话就给她打。On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang her.肖恩是个思维敏捷、行事随兴的人。Seans a fast thinker, and he acts on impulse.,16,2) a sudden strong desire to do sth without thinking about whether it is

      9、 a sensible thing to do ; an urge他抑制不住冲动,又海面瞥了一眼。 Unable to resist the impulse, he glanced at the sea.他仍然难以理解是什么样的冲动使他向玛丽吐 露了秘密。,Language Points,17,Language Points,He still couldnt understand the impulse that had made him confide in Mary. impulse buying/shopping : when you buy things thatyou had not planned to buy impulse to do sth,18,Language Points,Synonyms:caprice, desire, instinct, urge, whim,19,Language Points,2. patience n ( line 2, para.1 ) the ability to accept trouble and other peoples annoying behaviour without complaining or becoming angry我们终于对他幼稚的行为忍无可忍。We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.,20,Language Points,我们可没耐心去听这种空谈。We havent the patience to hear such an empty talk. to have little/no patience with somebody他那消极的态度开始惹我发火。Henrys negative attitude is beginning to try my patience ( make me lose my patience).,

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