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  • 卖家[上传人]:宝路
  • 文档编号:52742529
  • 上传时间:2018-08-25
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    • 1、写作提高三步阶梯,My View on Opportunity,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Opportunity. You must base your composition on the following instructions (given in Chinese): 有的人认为机会是极少的,另一些人则认为人人都会有某种机会。你的看法如何? 写出你的理由并且适当举例。在你的文章结尾处不要忘记写出你的结论。 Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write it neatly.,经典议论文的布局模式一般为:引言论点论证结论。那么模仿此法,这篇文章也可以划分为四个段落。第一段为引言段,在此段中只需写出这两种相反的观点就可以了。在第二段中提出自己的看法,并稍加说明。举例论证可作为第三段单独成段,充分、生动地论证自己的观点。最

      2、后在结论段中,回应主题,结束作文。,TS: Different opinions on opportunity. Some think Others think 初稿:(1) Some people think that the opportunity is very few, because they have never met the chance. (2) But others think that there are opportunities here and there. (3) Everyone may meet some kind of opportunities sometimes.,点石成金:(1) People have different opinions upon opportunity. (2) Some people regard opportunity a rare thing that is difficult to get. (3) But other people think that everyone has some kind of oppo

      3、rtunities from time to time. 锦上添花:(1) There is no consensus of opinion among people as to how to view opportunity. (2) Some people suggest that opportunity is so rare that only the luckiest persons can obtain them, while some other people argue that in a sense everyone has some kind of opportunity from time to time.,点评: 第一段先概述人们对于机会的一般看法,提出积极的和消极的两种,为后文埋下伏笔。积极的看法为我所用,大书特书;消极的看法当作“靶子”,大批特批。因而,看似闲笔,实则有用;貌似松散,实则紧凑。,TS: I am for the latter opinion. “Every dog has its day.” Those who claim that they

      4、are unlucky,初稿:(4) I am for the latter opinions. (5) There is a western saying “Every dog has its day.” (6) There are opportunities for everybody. (7) Everybody has opportunities to get success. (8) There is no exception to this rule. (9) People who claim that they dont have good luck may be those who are not able to take opportunities. (10) They, maybe, are unable to recognize or use them. (11) We must try to find it and make use of it.,点石成金:(4) As for me, I prefer the latter opinion. (5) A wes

      5、tern saying tells us, “Every dog has its day.” (6) Everybody has opportunities to be successful. In fact, no one can be denied by opportunities. (7) Those who claim that they dont have good luck just cant recognize or make good use of opportunity. (8) We must try our best to find it and make use of it.,锦上添花:(3) As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. (4) As a western saying goes, “Every dog has its day,” which means everybody has opportunities to be successful i

      6、n his or her life. (5) In fact, no one can be denied access to opportunity. (6) Those who claim that they have been out of luck, just cant recognize or make good use of opportunities. (7) So, we must try our best to search for and create more opportunities.,点评: 第二段正面提出个人观点。先用谚语说明、再作具体分析。然后批判那种说自己运气不好的人,一针见血地指出其要害所在。有破有立,批评消极观点是为了反衬正面看法,最后总结我们今后应该怎么做。,TS: A wise man is always creating his opportunity. For example. Something learned from the story.,初稿:(12) For example, most people saw an apple fal

      7、ling down from an apple tree, but only Newton discovered the law of gravity. 点石成金:(9) For example, before Newton almost everyone had seen an apple falling down from a tree, but only Newton discovered the law of gravity. (10) The reason is that he had developed a good habit of thinking over answers to problems and stuck to his studies in spite of difficulties.,锦上添花:(8) Lets take Newton, the world-famous scientist, as an example. Before him almost everyone had seen an apple falling from a tree, bu

      8、t only Newton discovered the law of gravity. (9) The reason is that he had developed a good habit of thinking over answers to problems and stuck to his studies in spite of difficulties. (10) This story tells us that a wise man is always creating his opportunity rather than waiting for it.,点评: 第三段,空洞的说理是不能服人的,于是此段以大科学家牛顿发现万有引力为例,通过讲故事,指出故事包含的道理,读起来意味深长,论证了作者观点的正确性,增强了说服力。,初稿:(13)So, we can conclude that there are many opportunities around us and everyone is equal in front of them. (14) Those who

      9、make preparations can grasp opportunities. 点石成金:(11) In a word, I believe that opportunities are around us in our society and everyone is equal for them. (12) Only the prepared and qualified can catch them.,锦上添花:(11) In conclusion, I believe that opportunities are abundant in our society and everyone is equal for them. (12)We can acquire them only if we are well prepared and qualified. (13) As a proverb says, “Opportunities are well only for the prepared mind.”,点评: 第四段总结全文,重申自己的观点:机会是很多的,且对每个人都是公平的,只有当我们有准备、有能力时才会抓住机遇。最后用谚语结束全文,为整篇文章画上了一个漂亮的句号,使文章增色不少。,归纳总结常用套路: so; in a word; in sum; in summary; to sum up; thus; in conclusion; in short; finally; therefore; then; hence; at last; in general; in brief; after all,


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