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    • 1、2017年研究生英语考试备考2015/12/4专业专业院校备备考职业道路2015/12/42015/12/4专业专业院校备备考职业道路专硕学硕 专硕:侧重培养业务素质与应用能力 学硕:理论基础与学术能力 工商管理硕士、林业硕士、公共管理硕士、法律硕士、教育硕士、工程硕士、农业推广硕士、会计硕士、审计硕士应用心理硕士、翻译硕士等2015/12/42015/12/4专业专业院校备备考职业道路专硕学硕跨专业排名位置配比基础夯实方法技巧模考冲刺考试试大纲纲:2015年9月18日网上报报名:9.24-9.27 / 10.10-10.31现场现场 确认认:11.1011.14初试试:2015.12.2627复试试/调剂调剂 :3月中4月底考研日历 12月26日上午 思想政治理论、管理类联考综合能力 12月26日下午 外国语 12月27日上午 业务课一 12月27日下午 业务课二 12月28日 考试时间超过3小时的考试科目2015/12/4基础础强化冲刺15月词汇语法69月题型技巧1012月模拟夯实a向in 里per透 过过pro 前retro后sus下spectaspectinspectpersp

      2、ectiveprospectretrospectsuspect词: We worked hard to better the lot of the needy. It may be the only way to address the pressing problem. This is an industry that needs to change faster than it is and it needs outside prodding to do it重复重复再重复! 迅速突破 复习巩固词汇 书“熟词生义” 搭配用法真题2015/12/430 mins 60%24 hours 34%3 days 25%大 脑脑眼口手耳30 days 20%语法定定定定语语语语 从句从句从句从句状状状状语语语语 从句从句从句从句名名词词性从句性从句 (主表(主表宾宾)非非谓语谓语 动词动词介介介介词词词词 结结结结构构构构句子分析The common belief of some linguists that each language is a perfect vehicle for th

      3、e thoughts of the nation speaking it is in some ways the exact counterpart of the conviction of the Manchester school of economics that supply and demand will regulate everything for the best. 主句 The common belief 主语 of some linguists 定语 is 系动词 in some ways 状语 the exact counterpart 表语 of the conviction of the Manchester school of economics. 定语 分句-1 Each language 主语 is 系动词 a perfect vehicle 表语 for the thoughts of the nation speaking it. 定语 分句-2 Supply and demand 主语 will regulate 谓语 everything 宾语

      4、for the best. 状语 语言学家们的普遍观点在某种程度上与Manchester经济学派所坚信的观点如出一辙。 每种语言都是一个载体,可用来完美地表达使用这种语言的民族的思想。 供求关系会调节一切使其达到最佳状态。基基础础强强化化冲刺冲刺15月词汇语法69月规律技巧1012月模拟夯实题目分值总分其他 完形填空200.510240-280词阅读阅读 理解202404篇,1600词新题题型5210排序/搭配英译汉译汉52105处划线,150 词 写作小作文 (书信, 摘要等 )1010100词大作文 (主题句/图等 )2020200词180分钟 / 100分 In Wordsworths view, “habit” is characterized by being _. A.casual B.familiar C.mechanical D.changeable2015/12/4原文 “Not choice, but habit rules the unreflecting herd,” William Wordsworth said in the 19th century. Br

      5、ain researchers have discovered that the formation of new habits can be _ A.predicted B.regulated C.traced D.guided2015/12/4原文 But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel paths, and even entirely new brain cells Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit, we can instead direct our own change by consciously developing new habit. The word “ruts” (Line 1, paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to _ A.tracks B.series C.ch

      6、aracteristics D.connections2015/12/4原文 But dont bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, theyre there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately press into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads. Dawna Markova would most probably agree that_. A ideas are born of a relaxing mind B innovativeness could be taught C decisiveness derives from fantastic ideas D curiosity activates creative minds2015/12/4原文 The first t

      7、hing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder,” says Dawna Markova. Ryans comments suggest that the practice of standardized testing_. A prevents new habits form being formed B no longer emphasizes commonness C maintains the inherent American thinking mode D complies with the American belief system 2015/12/4原文7 The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure, meaning that few of us inherently use our innovative and collaborative modes of thought. www.guardian.co.uk 基基础础强强化化冲刺冲刺15月词汇语法69月规律技巧1012月模拟夯实成为为更优优秀的自己坚坚 持目 标标读读 书书毕业后方向读研专业课 政治 英语 (读,写,译)复试:英语听力, 口语,专业课工作专业资 格证书 语言能力 工作/实习经历四六级,TOEIC ,BEC,口译留学GPA PS 语言成绩 论文发表/职业经历GRE / GMAT TOEFL / IELTS 泛读 精读 笔记 写作successSuccess belongs to the persevering. success+通往梦想的路注定是孤独的旅程你要记住,耐得住寂寞,才等得到繁华Think deep. Dream big. Act brave. Fail first. Cry less. Try more. Well done.2015/12/4虑至深 梦至远行至勇 无畏惧心至宽 尝诸难方乃成


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