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    • 1、1高三英语第一轮复习导学案:必修 2 Unit2The Olympic Games 1、compete vi.根据语境猜词义(1) small, independent bookstores simply cant compete with the big national chains. (2) she and her sister are always competing for attention. (3) some advertising agencies are competing to get the contract. 根据语义找匹配a.为得到 而竞争b. 与抗衡; 与竞争;跟比赛c. 争着做(1) b(2)a(3) c competein 参加 比赛,在 竞争for 为得到 而竞争with / against 与竞争 to do sth. 争着做competitor n. 参赛者;选手competition n. 竞争;比赛 competitive adj. 竞争的,竞争性的competition/contest/race/game/matchcompetition 可

      2、指各种形式的比赛与竞赛,尤指体力方面的比赛。如reading competition, chess competition 等。enter a competition take part in a competition 参加比赛;win/lose a competition 赢得/ 输了比赛;be out of a competition 退出比赛;knock sb. out of a competition 把某人淘汰出局contest 指友谊竞赛或敌意的竞赛,侧重于比试技能、能力、耐力等。the english speech contest is to be held at 9 on sunday morning in the lecture hall ofour school.英语演讲比赛定于周日上午 9 点在学校报告厅举行。race 指速度上的竞赛,如 relay race, horse racing 等。game 指有一定规则的比赛或游戏,也可指多局比赛中的其中一局。其复数形式指大型体育运动会。如:asian games ,olympic games 等。指球类比赛时,美国

      3、多用 game;而英国多用 match。用 compete 的适当形式及其相关短语填空as the youngest (1) competitor,john had to compete (2) in the writing contest (3)with/against 30 other top students (4) for the annual award of writing. so he must be very (5) competitive so that he could win in the (6) competition. 用 competition/contest/race/game/match 填空2jack was disappointed to lose the 800metres (7) racelast saturday, but to his great joy, he won the writing (8) competition this morning. now the 2010 asian (9) games are being held i

      4、n guangzhou and jack is watching the volleyball (10) match. 2、admit vt. & vi. 根据语境猜词义(1) she admitted driving the car without insurance. (2) each ticket admits one adult and one child. (3) the society admits all us citizens over 21. (4) he is admitted to beijing university because of his great achievements. 根据语义找匹配:a. 准许进入 b. 被录取 (用) c. 准许加入 d. 承认(1) d(2) a(3) c(4) badmission n. 承认; 入场费admitto sth. 承认某事 to sb. that 向某人承认sb. into/to 允许某人进入be admitted into / to 被某单位录取(用)be admitted as 被录用为it was g

      5、enerally admitted that 人们普遍认为根据括号内的汉语提示填空though the public are against the parks (1)charging an admission (收门票)before they (2) are admitted to (允许进入)it, the park (3) doesnt admit (不承认)that they are making a profit from the public. 3、 replace vt.根据语境猜词义(1) david will replace mike in next weeks tennis competition. (2) the broken parts of the machine must be replaced. (3) would you please replace the magazine after reading it? (4) ive owned my car for almost ten years. this year ill replace it with

      6、 a new one. 根据语义找匹配a. 用取代 b. 替换 c. 替代d. 放回原处(1) c(2) b(3) d(4) a replace sb./ sth. with 用 替换(代替)replace sth. 把放回原处take the place of 代替take ones place 顶替某人的位置in place of 代替 in place 在适当的位置 out of place 在不适当的位置3选用上述单词或短语完成下列情景she didnt (1) replace (放回原处 )the cup after using it, so it fell to the ground and was broken, which made her very disappointed. her husband suggested (2) replacing (取代)it with a plastic one so that it wouldnt be so easy to be broken, but she said nothing could (3) replace (替代

      7、) this cup as it was made over 1,000 years ago. 4、charge n. & v. 根据语境猜词义(1) we have to make a small charge for books. (2) she has charge of the daytoday running of the business. (3)his charge is to obtain specific information. (4)do you think parks should charge for admission?根据语义找匹配a. 负责;掌管 b. 收费 c. 责任;任务(1) b(2) a(3) c(4) bbe in charge of 负责;管理take charge of 接管;负责in the charge of 由负责;由管理in/under ones charge 由负责;由管理put sb. in charge of 让某人负责 free of charge 免费charge sb. with 因而指控某人;控告某人某罪charge

      8、sb. for 因向某人收费the person in charge 负责人the student in charge of 课代表chargeable adj. 应支付的charger n. 充电器charge card (购物) 记账卡charge capping (地方政府为公共服务向公众收取的)收费限额charge hand 副领班;副组长 charge nurse 护士长charge 与 accuse 都有“指控;控告”之意,它们的区别是什么呢?the man they arrested last night has been charged_with murder. the man they arrested last night has been accused_of murder. 通过对比,我们便知,他们的句型表达不一样:charge sb. with; accuse sb. of。 用 charge 的适当短语填空(1)delivery(送货)is free of charge,that is, we dont charge you for delivery. (2

      9、)he will be sent to england to face a charge of armed robbery as he was charged with robbing a car. 4(3)she asked tom to take charge of the company and now everything in the company was in the charge of tom. 单项填空()(4)would you please give us an example _ your opinion on “two olympics, equal splendors”?a. in charge of b. in favor of c. in want of d. in honor ofb考查名词词组的语义辨析。 根据语义“你能给我们举例来支持你的两个奥运,同样精彩的观点吗?” in charge of 负责;in favor of 赞同;支持;in want of 需要;缺少;in honor of 为 表示敬意。 5、bargain n &v.根据语境猜词义(1) i picked up a few good bargains in the sale. (2) ive done what i promised and i expect you to keep your side of the bargain. (3) when he agreed to answer a few questions, he got more than he bargained for. (4) if you bargain with them, they might reduce the price


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