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    • 1、一九九一至二零零零年工資統計數字Wage Statistics for 1991 -2000 本文敘述工資率在過去十年的變動,情況。亦同時分析按各主要行業類別及主要職業組別劃分的工資率統計數字,並簡介有關工資統計數字的編製方法及工資率的概念。由一九九一至一九九四年,所有主要行業類別的工資率按年變動,以貨幣計算,大約為10%。由一九九五至一九九七年 ,則保持在7%。從一九九八年起,工資率按年增長呈現明顯下調趨勢。一九九八年的工資按年增幅為2.2% 而一九九九年的工資率更出現0.8%的按年跌幅。平均工資率於近年持續放緩,與本港經濟因一九九七年十月的亞洲金融風暴而持續調整成本和價格的情況胞合。隨著商業活動於二零零零年回復暢旺r所有行業類別的平均工資率於二零零零年九月再現1.1%的輕微按年正增長。This article describes movements of wage rates over the past ten ye缸s. The statistics of individual major industry sectors and occupational groups are

      2、also analysed. A brief account of the methodology of compiling wage statistics and the concept of wage rate is also given. The ye缸-on-ye缸 changes of wage rates, in money terms, for all major industry sectors taken as a whole, maintained at around 10% during 1991 to 1994. From 1995 to 1997, the wage rate increased by around 7% annually. As企om 1998, a downward trend of the year-on-year increase in wage rates became app訂ent.Wage rates only increased by 2.2% in 1998 and even dropped by 0.8% in 1999.

      3、 四le easing trend of average wage rates in recent years was in line with the ongoing adjustment in costs and prices in the local economy甘iggered off by the Asian tnancial crises in October 1997. With the revival of business activities in 2000, average wage rate for “all industry sectors showed a slight positive 1.1 % year-on-ye訂 growth again in September 2000. 如對本文有任何查詢,請致電政府統計處工資及勞工成本統計組(電話: 25824746)。Ifyou have any enquiries on this article, please call Wages and Labour Costs Statistics Sectio

      4、n, Census and Statistics Department (Tel. : 25824746). 香港統計月刊二零零一年一月FAl Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics January 2001 一九九一至二零零零年工資統計數字Wage Statistics for 1991 -2000 1. 引言1.1 政府統計處定期透過勞工收入統計調查的工資調查搜集主要經濟行業類別機構單位的工資數據。除了工資統計數字外r勞工收入統計調查亦按季從各機構單位搜集薪金總額的資料。1.2 本文描述這項工資調查的方法, 並闡述調查所得主要行業類別及職業組別工資率在過去十年(即一九九一至二零零零年)的變動情況。2. 統計調查範閻2.1 r勞工收入統計調查的工資調查包括下列各行業類別中四十六個選定主要行業:(i) 製造業;(ii) 電力及燃氣業;。ii)批發、零售、 進出口寶易、飲食及酒店業;(iv) 運輸服務業;(v) 金融、 保險、地產及商用服務業;及(vi) 個人服務業。2.2 這部分的統計調查包括督導級、技術員級人員及技工, 同時亦包括文員級及秘書級人

      5、員、操作工及其他非生產級工人。經理級及專業僱員則不包括在這部分的統計調查內,這些僱員的薪金率的資料經由政府統計處的按年經理級與專業僱員(高層管理人員除外)薪金及僱員福利統計調查搜集。香港統計月刊二零零一年一月1. Introduction 1.1be Census and Stati甜cs Department collects wage data regularly企om estab1ishments in major industry sectors of the economy through the wage enquiry, which is p訂t of the Labour Earnings Survey (LES). Besides wage statistics, the LES also collects quarter1y payroUdata企om establishments. 1.2 This artic1e describes the general methodology of this wage enquiry and presents the fin

      6、dings in respect of movements of wage rates by major indus句sector and occupational group for the past decade (i.e. 199 1 to 2000). 2. Coverage of the Survey 2.1 For wage enquiry the LES covers 46 seIected principal indus仕ies spanning across the following sectors: (i) Manufacturing; (ii) Elec甘icity and gas; (iii) Wholesale, retail and importlexport trades, restaurants and hotels; (iv) Transport services; (v) Financing, insurance, real estate and business services; and (vi) Personal services. 2.2

      7、This part of the survey covers only those workers at supervisory, technical and craftsman levels. It also inc1udes c1erical and secretarial workers, operatives and miscellaneous nonproduction workers. However, employees at managerial and professional levels are not included in this pa討of the survey. The statistics of salary rates of these employees are collected in the “Survey of Salaries and Employee Benefits - Managerial and Professional Employees (Exc1uding Top Management) conducted annually

      8、by the Census and Statistics Department. FA2 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics January 2001 3. 工資率與收入3.1 在未討論工資指數所量度的工資率變動之前,最重要的是分辨工資率及收入的概念。( r收入可用就業人士平均薪金組略量度,就業人士平均薪金的數據是從勞工收入統計調查所搜集的薪金統計數字計算出來,而薪金統計則不會在本文討論)。工資率通常指勞工價格及指支付僱員在正常工作時數的款額。 工資率通常以時間作為計算單位,例如一小時、一日、 一星期或一個月。為符合統計調查的目的r工資率的定義,包括下列工資元素:、,/-I ra-、基本工資/薪金(包括有薪假期和休假); 個金及小費(直接從顧客收取的小費不包括在內) ; 輪班津貼;生活津貼;膳食津貼及膳食福利;勤工獎;固定發放的年終花紅;及、圖,1 .aa ft、(iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) 其他固定及定期發放的津貼和花紅。3.2 另一方面r收入的概念指受僱所得的入息J這涉及實際工作時數,而非正常工作時數。因

      9、此,如僱員逾時工作,其收入便會超過由工資率計算得的工資,這是由於該僱員會因其逾時工作而得到工資以外的超時補薪。除此之外r收入亦包括不固定發放的津貼及獎金,如獎勵花紅,在計算工資率時這些項目都不包括在內。因此工資率及收入是兩套截然不同的概念。但兩者亦有相關的地方,因工資率是構成收入的一個主要元素。香港統計月刊二零零一年一月3. Wage Rate vs Earnings 3.1 Before discussing movements of wage rates, as measured by wage indices, it is important to distinguish between the concept of wage rate and that of earnings (which can be roughly measured by payroll per person engaged as derived from the payroll statistics of the LES. Payroll statistics will not be discussed

      10、in this paper). Wage rates are often regarded as the “price of labour and refer to the amount of money paid for normal hours of work. Wage rates are us助lly expressed as time rates and relate to a time unit such as an hour, a day, a week or a month. Wage rate is defined, for the p田pose of the surv句, to include the fol1owing wage elements : 、,Jl f、basic wage/salaries (including paid holidays and leave); commissions and tips (tips received directly企om customers are excluded); shift allowance; cost-

      11、of-living allowance; meal allowance and meal benefits; good attendance allowance; guaranteed year-end bonus; and other guaranteed and regular allowances and bonuses. 、,/-1 /a、(iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) 3.2 The concept of earnings, on the other hand, coesponds to “income from employment and is related to the amount of time ac仙ally worked, rather than normal hours of work. Hence, if a worker performs overtime work, the amount of his or her earnings will exceed his or her wage derived 企omwage

      12、 rate as the worker concerned will receive additional pay for working overtime. Further, earnings include irregu1ar allowances and bonuses, such as incentive bonuses, which are exc1uded in caIculating wage rate.11us, wage rate and earnings are two distinct concepts. Nonetheless, they are re1ated to each other as the former is a major component of the latter. FA3 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics January 2l 3.3 工資率可以用貨幣及實質計算。前者(即名義工資率)指根據貨幣實際數量計算的工資率。至 於以實質計算的工資率(即實質工資率) ,是將名義工資率扣除物價變動的影響而計算

      13、出來。實質工資指數可顯示僱員工資金額購買力的轉變。4. 工資率的變動情況4.1 本文根據一九九一至二零零零年每年九月的工資指數分析工資率的變動。1fi主安立于若是訪!ffjJ涉似貨幣訪E算工賞辛宮殿基會單步推w宮4.2 表一載列一九九一至二零零零年各主要行業類別的名義工資率及其按年變動幅度。在這十年間,所有主要行業類別的名義工資率,經歷7顯著的改變。在最初的四年(即一九九一至一九九四年),平均工資率大約每年上升10%。在其後的三年(即一九九五至一九九七年),平均工資率大約每年上升7%。從一九九八年起,工資率按年增長呈現明顯下調趨勢。一九九八年的工資按年t輛自為2.2% 而一九九九年的工資率更出現0.8%的按年跌幅。的平均工資率於近年持續放緩,與本港經濟因一九九七年十月的亞洲金融風暴而持續調整成本和價格的情況胞合。隨著商業活動於二零零零年回復暢旺r所有行業類別的平均工資率於二零零零年九月再現l.1%的輕微按年正增長。香港統計月刊二零零一年一月3.3 Wage rates can be compiled in money tenns and in real tenns.百le fonner

      14、 (i.e. the nominal wage rates) refers to wage rate expressed in ac個al amount of currency. As for wage rate in real tenns (i.e. the real wage rate), it is obtained by def1ating the nomina1 wage rates by the change in consumer price. The real index can be used to indicate changes in the purchasing power of the amount of money eamed as wages by workers over a period of time. 4. Movements of Wage Rates 4.1 Analyses of changes in wage rates in this artic1e are made based on the wage indices for Septe

      15、mber of each year during 1991 to 2000. Movements of Wage Rates in Money Terms by Major Industry Sector 4.2 fable 1 presents the nommal wage indices and the corresponding ye訂on-yearchanges by major indus甘y sector for 1991-2000. The nominal wage rates for all the major industry sectors experienced significant variation in the past ten years. In the first four years from 1991 to 1994, the average wage rate increased by around 10% per year. In the next three years from 1995 to 1997, the average wage

      16、 rate showed annual increases of around 7%. As企om1998, a downward 甘end of the year-on-year increase in wage rates became apparent. Wage rates only increased by 2.2% in 1998 and even dropped by 0.8% in 1999. 4.3 The easing trend of average wage rates in recent ye訂s was in line with the on-going a吐JUs恤lentin costs and prices in the local economy triggered off by the Asian fmancia1 crises in October 1997. With the revival of business activities in 2000, average wage rate for “all industry sectors s

      17、howed a slight positive 1.1 % year-on-year growth again in September 2000. FA4 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics Janua可2001表一一九九一至二零零零年按行業類別劃分的名義工資指數Table 1 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Industry Sector for 1991 -2000 (一九九二年九月=100)(September 1992 = 100) 行業類別Industry sector 1991 1992 1993 1994 製造業90.7 100.0 110.0 118.9 Manufacturing (+10.4) (+10.3) (+10.0) (+8.1) 批發、零售、進出口91.8 100.0 110.3 121.2 貿易、飲食及酒店業(+ 10.4) (+8.9) (+10.3) (+9.9) Wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants

      18、 and hotels 運輸服務業89.2 100.0 110.8 122.6 Transport services (+13.7) (+12.1) (+10.8) (+10.6) 金融、保險、地產91.1 100.0 112.2 122.2 及商用服務業(+10.9) (+9.8) (+12.2) (+8.8) Financi月, insurance, real estate and business services 個人服務業89.1 100.0 110.4 123.1 Personal services (+7.7) (+12.2) (+10.4) (+11.5) 以上全部行業+90.8 100.0 110.4 120.8 AIJ sectors above + (+ 1 0.6) (+10.2) (+10.4) (+9.4) 詮釋:括號內的數字是與上年同月比較的變動百分率表中數字指有關年度九月份的數字所有增減百分率按小數後兩個位的指數計算出來+ 包括電力及燃氣業。5 變動在:t 0.05%內4.4 在過去十年,各主要行業類別有不同的工資增長率。在一九九一至二零零零年期間,統計

      19、調查所包括的主要行業類別中,以金融、保險、地產及商用服務業的工資率(以貨幣計算)增長最為迅速(平均每年6.9%),其次為連輸服務業(每年6.6%)。而製造業的工資率則上升最小,平均每年約為5.9%。圖一顯示過去十年按所有選定行業類別劃分的按年工資指數(以貨幣計算)及變動率。香港統計月刊二零零一年一月1995 1996 1997 1998 125.6 135.0 142.2 143.3 (+5.6) (+7.5) (+5.3) (+0.8) 129.9 136.4 147.0 148.9 (+7.2) (+5.0) (+7.7) (+1.3) 130.8 139.9 149.7 156.2 (+6.7) (+7.0) (+7.0) (+4.3) 132.1 143.2 153.8 J60.4 (+8.2) (+8.4) (+7.4) (+4.3) 132.8 141.0 149.0 154.6 (+7.9) (+6.1) (+5.7) (+3.7) 129.3 137.6 147.3 150.6 (+7.0) (+6.4) (+7.1) (+2.2) 1999 142.5 (-0.6)

      20、148.6 (-0.2) 153.7 (-1.6) 157.3 (-1.9) 154.6 (n 149.4 (-0.8) 過去十年平均每年變動百分率2000 : ve:age annual % change over the past decade 145.7 +5.9 (+2.2) 150.6 +6.1 (+ 1.3) 148.9 +6.6 (-3.1) 160.5 +6.9 (+2.1) 154.7 +6.5 (+0.1) 151.0 +6.3 (+1.1) Notes: Figures in brackets denote percentage changes over the sarne rnonth of the preceding year. Figures are as at Septernber of each year. All percentage changes are calcu1ated frorn indices rounded to 2 decirnal pl泌的.+ Includes the electricity and gas sector. * C

      21、hange within士0.05%.4.4 The wage rates for individual major industry sectors grew at different rates over the past 10 years. Amongst the major industry sectors covered by the surv句, the “financing, insurance, real estate and business services sector registered the fastest growth in wage rate in money terms (6.9% per year on average) during 1991 to 2000, fol1owed by the “transport services sector (6.6% per year). During the same period, the “manufacturing sector experienced the smallest increase,

      22、which was on average about 5.9% per year. The wage indices and its year-on-year changes in money terms for all selected industry sectors taken together over the past decade are shown in Chart 1. FA5 Hong Kong Monthly Di皂白t of Statistics January 200 1 一九九一至二零零零年所有行業類別的名義工資指數變動率Rates of Change of Nominal Wage Indices Analysed for AII Industry Sectors for 1991 -2000 A -w 圖G變動率Rate of change (%) 12 指數Index160 10 6 2 O 4 8 一八、 、 、 、 , . . . , -F e -. . . -一- 一-. -.圖.-一 .一. . . 、. . ll|/jLnUAV1J QJOO

      23、150 100 140 130 120 110 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 年Year .按年變動率Year-on-year rate of change 一一指數IndexMovements of Wage Rates in Real Terms by Major Industry Sector !fi主要荷葉競fj!J分初以寶寶ZT算工賣著背空軍步療法Z4.5 Table 2 shows the figures of real wage indices (i.e. nominal indices discounted by changes in consumer prices) by major industry sector and the corresponding year-on-year rates of change for 1991 -2000. Owing to the decrease in consumer prices in recent years, relatively higher y

      24、ear-on唷year growth in real wage rates for aIl selected sectors combined were recorded in 1999 and 2000. It should however be noted that although there was a real increase in the overaIl wage rate, some 50% of the companies covered by the Labour Earnings Survey had actual wage cuts or freeze. The real wage of some of the workers involved had therefore decreased. 4.5 表二顯示一九九一至二零零零年按主要行業類別分析的實質工資指數(即名義工資指數扣除消費物價變動)及其按年工資變動幅度。由於近年消費物價持續下跌,一九九九及二零零零年的所有選定行業類別的按年實質工資率都有較大的增幅D值得注意的是雖然整體實質工資率上升,-勞工收入統計調

      25、查發現約50%的公司在二零零零年事實上有減薪或凍薪的情況出現。因此有些工人的實質工資是下跌的。Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics January 2001 FA6 二零零年一月香港統計月刊表二一九九一至二零零零年按行業類別劃分的實質工資指數Table 2 Real Wage Indices Analysed by IndustrSector for 1991 -2000 (一九九二年九月=100)(September 1992 = 100) 行業類別Industry sector 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 過去十年平均每年變動百分率A verage annual % change over the past decade 製造業Manufacturing 99.7 100.0 101.9 101.6 98.6 100.8 100.8 99.3 103.9 108.5 +08 (-0.4) (+0.4) (+1.9) (0.4) (-2.9) (+2.2) (*) (1.5

      26、) (+4.6) (+4.4) 批發、零售、進出口100.9 100.0 102.2 103.5 102.0 101.9 104.2 103.2 108.3 112.1 +1.0 貿易、飲食及酒店業(-0.6) (-0.8) (+2.2) (+ 1.3) (1.4) (-0.1) (+2.3) (1.0) (+4.9) (+3.5) Wholesale, retai1 and importJexport 甘ades,restaurants and hotels 運輸服務業Transport services 98.0 100.0 102.7 104.7 102.7 104.5 106.2 108.2 112.0 110.9 +1.5 (+2.4) (+2.0) (+2.7) (+1.9)1.9) (+1.7) (+1.6) (+1.9) (+3.5) (-1.0) 金融、保險、地產及商用服務業100.1 100.0 104.0 104.3 103.8 106.9 109.1 111.1 114.6 119.5 +1.8 ( *) (*) (+4.0) (+0.3) (-0.5) (+3

      27、.0) (+2.0) (+.9) (+3.1) (+4.3) Financing, insurance, real estate and business services 個人服務業Personal services 97.9 100.0 102.3 105.1 104.4 105.3 105.7 107.1 112.7 115.2 +1.3 (-3.0) (+2.2) (+2.3) (+2.7) (-0.7) (+0.9) (+0.4) (+1.4) (+5.2) (+2.3) 以上全部行業+99.8 100.0 102.4 103.1 101.6 102.8 104.5 104.4 108.9 112.5 +1.2 All sectors above + (0.3) (+0.3) (+2.4) (+0.8) (-.5) (+1.2) (+1.7)0.1) (+4.4) (+3.3) 註釋 -實質工資指數是根銀名義工資指數扣除甲類消費物價指數變動的影響計算出來括號內的數字是與上年同月比較的變動百分率表中數字抱有關年度九月份的數字所有增減百分率按小數後兩個位的指數計算出來+ 包活電力

      28、及燃氣業5 變動在土0.05%內4.6 按主要行業類別分析,一九九一至二零零零年期間所有涵蓋的行業類別中,以金融、保險、地產及商用服務業的平均每年工資實質增長率最高,增幅為1.8%。製造業的平均每年工資實質增長率則最低,增幅為0.8%。圖二顯示由一九九一至二零零零年按所有選定行業類別劃分的按年工資指數(以實質計算)及變動率。香港統計月刊二零零一年一月Notes: The real wage indices are derived by deflating the respective nominal wage indices by the CPI(A). Figures in brackets denote percentage changes over the same month of the preceding year Figures are as at September of the year AlI percentage changes are calculated from indices rounded to 2 decimal places + lncludes t

      29、he elec廿icity and gas sector. * Change within :f: 0.05%. 4.6 Analysing by major indus仕ysector, the “financing, insurance, real estate and business services sector recorded an average annual increase of 1.8% in wage rates in real terms during 1991 to 2000, the highest figure amongst the selected sectors covered by the survey. The “manufacturing sector had the lowest average annual increase in real wage rates at 0.8%. The wage indices and the corresponding year-on-year changes in real terms for al

      30、1 selected industry sectors for 1991-2000 are shown in Chart 2. FA7 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics January 200 1 一九九一至二零零零年所有行業類別的實質工資指數變動率Rates of Change of Real Wage Indices Analysed for AII Industry Sectors for 1991 -2000 圖二Chart 2 變動率Rate of change (%) 6 指數Index115 5 4 2 O 3 、r , , , , , , , , ,i u卜 、 , 、 、 , 、 、 這L、 、 、 、 、 -2 110 100 90 85 80 105 95 -3 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 年Year- -按年變動率Year-on-year rate of change 一一一-指數lndexMovements 01 Wage Rates by Oc

      31、cupational Group 皮撈業正宮殿數分反?工彥若要警車步4.7 The workers of different occupational groups as classified by skill levels covered by the survey (see para. 2.2) experienced different rates of growth in wage rate over the past 10 years. Table 3 shows the nominal wage indices and the corresponding year-on-year changes for various occupational groups for 1991-2000.be supervis。可andtechnical workers had the largest increase in wage rates in nominal terms in these ten years (7.0% per year on average), folIowed

      32、closely by workers at clerical and secretariallevels (6.8% per year). The operatives had January 200 1 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics FA8 4.7 統計調查所包括按技術水平劃分的不同職業組別的工人(參閱第2.2段), 在過去十年經歷7不同程度的工資增長。表三顯示一九九一至二零零零年不同職業組別的名義工資指數及相應的按年變動幅度。以貨幣計算,在這十年間,督導級及技術員級人員的工資率有最大的增長(平均每年7.0%),其次是文員級及秘書級人員(每年6.8%)。操作工的工資率在這時期的增長則最小,平均每年約5.1%。另一方面,二零零一年一月香港統計月刊其他非生產級人員、技工及服務人員的工資率在同時期的平均每年增幅分別為6.2%、6.1%及5.2%。隨著一九九七年後期的經濟放緩,從一九九八年起各職業組別工人的按年工資增長率經已放緩。the smallest increase during the same period, averaging ab

      33、out 5.1 % per year. On the other hand, the average annual increases in wage rates for miscellaneous non-production workers, craftsmen and service workers during the same period were 6.2%, 6.1 % and 5.2% respectively. The year-on-year increases in wage rates for the workers of various occupational groups have already been moderated since 1998, along with the economic setback in late 1997. 表三一九九一至二零零零年按職業組別劃分的名義工資指數Table 3 Nominal Wage Indices Analysed by Occupational Group for 1991 -2000 (一九九二年九月

      34、=100)(September 1992 = 100) 職業組別Occupational group 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 過主十年平均每年變動E分率Average annual % change over the past decade 1998 1999 2000 督導級及技術員級人員Supervisory and technical workers 文員級及秘書級人員Clerical and secretarial workers 服務人員Service workers 89.8 100.0 110.8 122.4 132.6 143.0 153.8 157.0 154.8 159.2 (+11.1) (+1 .3) (+10.8) (+10.5) (+8.3) (+7.8) (+7.5) (+2.1) (-1.4) (+2.9) +7.0 89.6 100.0 110.6 122.3 132.9 142.1 151.3 156.2 154.6 156.0 (+11.3) (+1 .7) (+10.6) (+10.6) (+8.6)

      35、 (+7.0) (+6.5) (+3.2) (-1.0) (+0.9) +6.8 93.5 100.0 110.5 121.1 126.1 130.7 14(.7 141.6 143.1 141.7 (+9.8) (+6.9) (+10.5) (+9.6) (+4.1) (+3.6) (+7.7) (+0.7) (+.1) (-1.0) +5.2 其他非生產級人員90.0 100.0 110.8 121.2 129.8 134.5 143.7 148.4 148.1 148.7 +6.2 Miscellaneous (+10.9) (+11.1) (+10.8) (+9.4) (+7.1) (+3.6)和6.8)(+3.3) (-0.2) (+0.4) non司production workers nU PU-m 工JU技G操作工Operatives 88.9 100.0 111.1 117.7 125.4 133.8 147.1 148.8 147.5 145.2 (+10.3) (+12.4) (+11.1) (+6.0) (+6.5) (+6.7) (+9.9) (+1.2) (

      36、-0.9) (-1.6) +6.1 91.6 100.0 109.0 115.9 120.5 129.8 134.3 136.8 134.2 135.7 (+10.5) (+9.2) (+9.0) (+6.3) (+4.0) (+7.7) (+3.5) (+1.9) (-1.9) (+1.1) +5.1 以上全部職業組別All occupational groups above 90.8 100.0 110.4 120.8 129.3 137.6 147.3 150.6 149.4 151.0 (+0.6) (+10.2) (+10.4) (+9.4) (+7.0) (+6.4) (+7.1) (+2.2) (-0.8) (+1.1) +6.3 註釋 .括號內的數字是與上年同月比較的變動百分率表中數字指有關年度九月份的數字所有增減百分率按小敏後兩個位的指數計算出來香港統計月刊二零零一年一月Notes: Figures in brackC!ts denote percentage changes over the same month of the preced ing year. Fi

      37、gures are as at September of the year. All percentage changes are calculated from indices rounded 10 2 decimal places. FA9 Hong Kong Monthly Digesl of Statistics January 2001 4.8 表四載列一九九一至二零零零年不同職業組別的實質工資指數及相應按年變動幅度o由於最近兩年消費物價持續下調, 雖然名義工資指數同期只有輕微變動,但各職業組別的實質工資指數於一九九九及二零零零年仍有顯著按年升幅。4.8 Table 4 presents the figures of real wage indices and their corresponding year-on-year changes for various occupational groups for 1991-2000. Owing to the continued easing in consumer prices in the past two years,

      38、there were notable year-on-year increases in wage indices in real terms for various occupational groups in 1999 and 2000, despite the fact that there were only marginal changes in the corresponding nominal wage indices. 表四一九九一至二零零零年按職業組別劃分的實質工資指數Table 4 Real Wage Indices Aoalysed by Occupatiooal Group for 1991-2000 職業組別Occupational group 督導級及技術員級人員Supervisory and technical workers 文員級及秘書級人員Clerical and secretarial workers 服務人員Service workers 其他非生產級人員M iscellaneous non-production workers 技工Crafts

      39、men 操作工Operatives 以上全部職業組別AII occupational groups above 1991 1992 1993 (一九九二年九月=100)(September 1992 = 100) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 98.7 100.0 102.7 104.6 104.2 106.8 109.1 108.8 112.8 118.6 (+0.1) (+1.3) (+2.7) (+1.8)0.3) (+2.5) (+2.1)0.2) (+3.7) (+5.1) 98.4 100.0 102.5 104.5 104.4 106.2 107.3 108.2 112.7 116.1 (+0.3) (+1.6) (+2.5) (+1.9) (-0.1) (+1.7) (+1.1) (+0.8) (+4.1) (+3.1) 102.8 100.0 102.5 103.4 99.1 97.6 99.8 98.1 104.3 105.5 (-1.1) (-2.7) (+2.5) (+0.9) (-4.2) (-1.5) (+2.2)l(

      40、+6.3) (+1.1) 98.9 100.0 102.7 103.5 102.0 100.5 101.9 102.8 107.9 11 0.7 (-0.1) (+1.1) (+2.7) (+0.8) (-1.5)1.5) (+1.4) (+0.9) (+5.0) (+2.6) 97.7 100.0 102.9 100.6 98.5 99.9 104.3 103.1 107.5 108.1 (-0.6) (+2.3) (+2.9) (-2.3) (-2.1) (+1.5) (+4.4) (-1.1) (+4.3) (+0.5) 100.6 100.0 101.1 99.0 94.7 96.9 95.3 94.8 97.8 101.0 (-0.4) (-0.6) (+1.1) (-2.0) (-4.3) (+2.4) (-1.7) (-0.5) (+3.2) (+3.3) 99.8 100.0 102.4 103.1 101.6 102.8 104.5 104.4 108.9 112.5 (-0.3) (+0.3) (+2.4) (+0.8).5) (+.2) (+1.7) (-0.1)

      41、 (+4.4) (+3.3) 過云干豆豆平均每年變動百分率A verage annual % change over the past decade +1.9 +1.7 +0.2 +1.1 +0.9 +1.2 註釋實質工資指數是很據名義工資指數扣除甲類消費物價指數變動的影響計算出來Notes: The real wage indices are derived by deflating the respective nominal wage indices by the CPI(A) 括號內的數字是與上年同月比較的變動百分率表中數字f豈有關年度九月份的數字所有增減百分率按小數後兩個位的指數計算出來5 變動在士。05%內香港統計月刊二零零一年月Figures in brackets denote percentage changes over the same month of the preceding year Figures are as at September of the year AI1 percentage changes are ca1culated from indices rounded to 2 decimal places Change within :t 0.05% FAIO Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics January 2001


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