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    • 1、哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文I大型转鼓底盘测功机总体设计摘要检测技术作为现代制造技术的重要组成部分。随着电子技术和机械加工工业的发展,在传统检测方法的基础上,逐步发展成现代汽车诊断与检测技术。汽车动力性能是指汽车在驱动力作用下,克服各种阻力前进的能力,一般包括最大输出扭矩、底盘输出功率、最高车速、加速性能和爬坡能力等。这些性能的好坏主要受发动机功率和传动系性能的支配,同时也受到空气阻力影响。汽车动力性能是汽车的主要性能之一,汽车动力性能的优劣直接关系到汽车的安全性、稳定性和舒适性。因此汽车动力性能的检测是十分重要的。本文的主要工作分为两大部分。第一部分主要对底盘测功机道路模拟机械部分进行分析设计。首先介绍了底盘测功机道路模拟的基本原理,汽车在道路上运行过程中存在着行驶阻力,要在试验台上模拟汽车道路运行工况,首先要解决模拟汽车整车的行驶阻力问题,即滚筒的设计和测功机的选型以及其他辅助装置的设计。滚筒设计部分主要进行了滚筒直径、滚筒长度、两滚筒之间的中心距的确定以及滚筒转轴之间的配合固定;测功机型号选取启东宏鑫 W250 鼓式测功机;自行设计了汽车导向及非驱动轮固定装置,举升制动装置;其次,

      2、具体阐述了在加速测试、油耗测试及滑行试验时的阻力模拟原理。在本文的第二部分对测控系统的硬件系统和软件设计做了介绍。系统的硬件主要包括 PC 机、开关量输入输出(I/O)卡、模入模出(A/D,D/A)接口板。在本系统中,所用的数据处理、指令控制及软件运行都由 PC 机来处理,这样就使得系统的硬件更加简化和高效。系统的软件部分根据系统的设计要求,程序采用模块化。本文设计的汽车底盘测功机测控系统以高精度、高可靠性、高实时性为目标,以适合学校以及科研单位科研使用为研究对象,进行了该大型转鼓底盘测功机的设计,其对汽车动力性输出功率、驱动力、车速、加速性能、滑行性能、以及车速表和里程表的准确性检测具有一定的实用价值。关键词:底盘测功机;汽车;汽车动力性能;模拟 哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文IIThe design of Large turn drum chassis Dynamometer collectivity AbstractTesting technique is the important part of modern manufacture technique.It bases on t

      3、raditional testing methods and develops to modern auto diagnosis and testing technique along with electron technique and machining technique development.Auto drive capability is that auto overcomes all kinds of resistance to go forward.It includes most output wrest force,chassis output power,the highest speed,speedup capability and climbing slope capability.These capabilities are controlled by engine power and transmission system,and also affected by air resistance.Auto drive capability is one o

      4、f the main capabilities.It is directly relative to auto security,stability and comfort capability.So it is very important to test auto drive capability.This paper is divided to two parts. The first part of the main road chassis dynamometer simulation machinery parts of the design. First on the chassis dynamometer simulation of the basic principles of the road, cars on the road in the course of the operation on resistance to the trial stage mock road vehicle operating conditions, we must first so

      5、lve the mock cars on the issue of resistance, Drum in the design and Dynamometer Selection and other assistive devices design. Drum design some of the major diameter of a drum, drum length, between the two rollers from the center of the drum set and the shaft between the fixed; Dynamometer select models Qidong Hongxin W250 drum Dynamometer; design their own car-oriented And non-driving wheel fixtures, lifting brakes; Second, specify in the 哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文IIIacceleration test, fuel consumption test

      6、s and taxiing test simulation of the resistance principle.In this paper, the second part of the monitoring system hardware and software design was introduced. The hardware includes a PC, switching of input and output (I/O)cards, die-to-(A/D,D/A) interface board. In this system, used in data processing, command and control software run by a PC to handle, thus making the hardware more streamlined and efficient. The software system based in part on the design requirements, procedures modular.In thi

      7、s paper, the design of the vehicle chassis dynamometer monitoring and control systems to high precision and high reliability, high real-time as the goal, to suit schools and scientific research units to study the use of scientific research, design the site of the big drum dynamometers, the Car driving force of output power, the driving force, speed, acceleration, taxiways performance, and speed tables and odometer, such as the accuracy of the test development of practical value.Key words: chassis-dynamometer; Automobile; vehicle dynamic property; simulation哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文IV目 录摘要 .IAbstract.II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 研究的意义 .11.2 国内外研究现状 .11.2.1 国内研究现状 .11.2.2 国外研究现状 .31.3 本文的主要研究内容 .31.4 本章小结 .4第 2 章 汽车底盘测功机的结构和工作原理 .52.1 汽车底盘测功机的基本结构 .62.2 汽车底盘测功机的分类 .72.3 汽车底盘测功机的工作原理 .72.4 汽车底盘测功机的应用 .82.4.1 动力性检测 .


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