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2018 年5月12日深圳市初中毕业生学业考试英语听说考试

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    • 1、2018 年5 月12 日深圳市初中毕业生学业考试英语听说考试第一套试卷试音背景声:生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人才能到达彼岸!一、模仿朗读(共3 分)三行文字, 很简单,没有任何难的单词,录音播放一遍,读了25 秒,给了50 秒钟准备,时间充足,可以慢慢读,注意bikes 中的s 要重读。Riding a bike is good exercise and great fun. If you want cheap bikes, you can buy it.二、信息获取(共7.5 分)第一节 听选信息(0.756=4.5 分)1. What is the weather like?Hot.2. What are they going to do?Go swimming.3-4 男的去宾馆,要一个single room, VIP room, double room, 要single room,以及是否含早餐5-6 问男的要去哪里,去最近的银行,要花多久,花15 分钟第二节 回答问题(0.754=3 分)Spring is a season of hope.7. Whats Spring

      2、 like?Its warm and comfortable.8. Is Spring a season to start a new job?Yes, it is.9. Why does Lily like spring?She thinks it is a hope of a year.10. What does Peter often do in summer?She often plays basketball and goes swimming in the sea.三、信息转述及询问(共4.5 分)第一节 信息转述(3 分) Mary went to London last summer. She visited many places of interest, such as Big Ben and British Museum. She took many photos of them. In a gift shop, she bought a dress for her mum, and some postcards for her friends. She was

      3、happy and excited.第二节 询问信息(0.752=1.5 分)1. 这次旅行花了你多少钱?How much did this trip cost you?2. 你已经去过哪些城市?How many cities have you been to?2018 年5 月12 日深圳市初中毕业生学业考试英语听说考试第二套试卷试音背景声:生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人才能到达彼岸!一、模仿朗读(共3 分)你孤独的时候,需要向朋友寻求安慰。二、信息获取(共7.5 分)第一节 听选信息(0.756=4.5 分)第一段对话:关于旅游1. 这个男的一共去了几个国家?two / three / four2. Who does the man travel with?his father / his uncle / his brother第二段对话:关于定餐位3. What does the man book?table / room / ticket4. 需要什么样的就餐环境?somewhere quiet / somewhere private / next to the window第

      4、三段对话:男女很多久未见5. 多久未见?half a year / one year / two months6. 女的最近在做什么?singing / dancing / *第二节 回答问题(0.754=3 分)话题:考前怎么做对身体好7. What shall we take care of before the exam?Our mind and body.8. How many suggestions.?Three.9. Is it good for people to eat a little food?No, it isnt.10. Why should we do exercise before preparing for the exam?To stay healthy and relaxed.三、信息转述及询问(共4.5 分)第一节 信息转述(3 分)Lucy enjoys reading. She and her friends come in the Happy Reading Club. On Mondays, they read stories to each other. On Fridays, they go to the city library. At weekends, they listen to writers talk about new books. Lucy enjoys reading very much.第二节 询问信息(0.751.5=3 分)1. 你想知道她已经读了多少本书。How many books has Lucy read already?2. 你想知道她最喜欢的书是什么

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