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    • 1、2021届高考英语金榜押题卷(适用于新课标全国卷地区)本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A If youre looking for a trip that will show you all of Nashvilles most famous and historic sites, the Redneck Comedy Tour is for you. This 1.5-2 hour tour is filled with plenty of side-splitting(好笑的) humor. You will be guided through the heart of Nashville with the help of an experienced guide and host from the comfort of a climate-controlled bus. Guests are welcome to bri

      2、ng their own drink aboard the bus, alcoholic or not. Some of the awesome city sights that youll see include the Ryman, Music Row, and the famous Country Music Hall of Fame. The Redneck Comedy Bus Tour is an extremely amusing way to see the great things that Nashville has to offer. You will definitely enjoy some awesome entertainment and music and drink as you travel along Music City. For a journey with one of the unique tours in the country, be sure to get onto the big camo (伪装) bus with bull ho

      3、rns and dont miss your chance to take on this fun activity. Departures are located at Frugal MacDoogal and Nashville Palace. The tour is suggested for kids and kids at heart who are more than 14 years old, although old fellows of all ages are welcome to join in on the fun! Nashville bus tours are a funny way to explore the Music City and its great attractions and activities. Bring your pals, bring your family, and have a great time. Get your ticket today and enjoy a fun filled trip to Nashville.

      4、1.What does the Redneck Comedy Tour offer?A.Music-related sightseeing.B.Humorous stories.C.A citywide tour.D.Free drinks.2.What would you do to take the tour?A.Buy personal insurance.B.Join certain groups.C.Take specialized bus ride.D.Book a ticket in advance.3.Which of the following is the main attraction of the tour?A.Age-limited.B.Joy-filled.C.Activity-packed.D.Money-saving.B I was so excited to get to meet the 6 members of DRYICE who, all 13 - 14 years old, are a San Francisco Bay Area-based

      5、 robotics team devoted to exploring engineering and robotics. DRYICE is short for: Dont Repeat Yourself and Innovative Creating Engineering. Enthusiastic helper Helena Fu is not only the but the originator of the face shield(护面罩) idea, charming and active. Hard-working and determined Derek Zhang was described as a great team member but also as a Cool Cat. Joyful Jermaine Lei provides great ideas for the future and is one who is not afraid to try new things. Silver-tongued Aryah Oztanir is said t

      6、o have the most knowledge on the team of a variety of hardware, physics, mechanisms, etc. I looked around and saw Aryah humbly shaking his head no as others nodded yes. Last but not least, Jovial Jake Xiang considered the funniest person on the team enjoys improving his skills and always tries to jump in to see what he can learn. Captain Helena shared how stressful it was to watch the news and see how so many medical workers didnt have adequate PPE (personal protective equipment) and saw how man

      7、y were struggling. Members of the team had witnessed how other 3-D printing groups were printing various things like ear-savers and Prusa face shields. They knew they could help in a similar way. Thinking about best protections for hospitals, they looked through and test printed various versions of face shields and found NIH clinically(临床地) tested and recommended 3-D print design specifically for COVID-19 relief. All stressed that this is truly a team effort and not only the 6 of themso many con

      8、tributions whether their parents who help with support, communication, transport; the donors who help with funding for the printing resources such as the printers and materials; masks, and of course, their robotics coach who not only helps with technical issues but supports their ideas and visions. It is amazing to find that the team has already donated 400 + shields; their goal is to produce 1,500 total face shields along with donating 1,000 N95 face masks. Thank you, Team!4.Who is the most hum

      9、orous in the team?A.Helena Fu.B.Jermaine Lei.C.Aryah Oztanir.D.Jovial Jake Xiang.5.What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A.How the medical workers struggled.B.How 3-D printing groups worked.C.How the team had the idea to help.D.How face shields were created.6.What is the authors attitude towards the team?A.Sympathetic.B.Appreciative.C.Objective.D.Worried.7.What is probably the best title for the text?A.Effective application to Prevent COVID-19B.Admirable Donations from Robotics TeamC.Advanced Approaches to Producing MasksD.Extraordinary Team Effort during COVID-19C Researchers studied data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, organized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States and looked at the relationship between cups of coffee drunk per day, and both total body fat percentage and a


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