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    • 1、【写作积累】作文常用短语表达1.能力得到提升得到充分发展:get fully developed提高社交技能:sharpen social skills取得平稳的进展:make steady progress发挥潜能:realize ones potential激发我们的创造力:inspire our creativity开阔某人的眼界:broaden ones horizons获得经验/知识:gain experience/ acquire knowledge为奠定了坚实的基础:lay a solid foundation for为铺平道路/创造条件pave the way for有益于:be beneficial to/ be of great benefit to2.展现自我展示某人的天赋:show ones talent突出某人的优势:highlight sb.s strengths激起某人的兴趣:arouse/ spark ones interest激发某人的动力:arouse/ fuel ones motivation表现出某人最好的一面:bring out the bes

      2、t in sb.丰富枯燥的日常生活:enrich the dull routine提供机会:offer/ provide a chance of激发学生们对的热情:inspire students enthusiasm for3.个人能力有的天赋:have a gift/ talent for熟练操作电脑:operate the computer skillfully有能力:have the ability to do, be capable of容易适应新环境:easily adapt to a new environment能胜:be qualified for; be fit for; be equal to; be up to精通,熟练掌握:have a good knowledge/ command of用流利的英语自由表达自己的想法:express oneself freely in fluent English有相关的经验:have related/ relevant experience in用英语与他人沟通无困难:have no trouble/ difficulty

      3、 communicating with others in English4.阐述兴趣爱好喜欢,对感兴趣:have a passion/ taste for; be enthusiastic about; be fascinated by; be keen on; have a affection for5.文化交流缩小差距:narrow/ bridge the gap与交流想法:exchange ideas with.促进我们的友谊/理解:promote our friendship/ understanding弘扬中国传统文化:carry forward the traditional Chinese culture充当了解中国文化的桥梁:act as a bridge to your understanding of Chinese culture6.学习压力给增加趣味:add some spice to放松自己:make sb. relaxed/ relax oneself消除负面情绪:remove negative emotions减轻沉重的负担:ease the heavy

      4、 burden对保持乐观态度:keep an optimistic attitude to.缓解学习压力:relieve/ ease stress/ pressure from study提高我们的学习效率:raise/ improve our learning efficiency让我们从繁重的课业中解脱出来:give us relaxation from heavy schoolwork/ free us from the heavy work of study7.组织活动完成任务:accomplish the task创造奇迹:work wonders为做好准备:be well prepared for引起广泛关注:arouse wide concerns我相信:Im convinced that./ I hold the belief that.齐心协力做某事:make joint efforts to do sth.实现目标:achieve ones goal/ get ones goal achieved渴望做某事:have a strong desire to do st

      5、h./ cant wait to do sth./ long to do sth.花费时间做某事:spend time doing sth./ devote time to doing sth.努力做某事:spare no effort to do sth./ make every effort to do sth.组织活动:organize an activity/ launch a campaign给某人留下深刻印象:leave/ make a deep impression on sb.无法从某人的记忆中消失:. never fades from sb.s memory抽出至少半小时:set aside at least half an hour即将到来:be just around the corner/ be drawing near/ be approaching养成的习惯:make. part of ones daily routine; form the habit of超出某人的想象:beyond ones imagination对某人表示真诚的感谢:express/ convey/ extend ones sincere; heart felt thanks to sb.8.表达重视attach great importance/ significance toput sth. in the first placecant put more emphasis oncant stress the importance of enoughNothing is of greater importance than9.不可置疑、不能否认Undoubtedly; without any doubt; There is no doubt that. ; There is no denying that. ; I cant be denied that. ; It goes without saying that.


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