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    • 1、2021届高考英语金榜押题卷(一)(新高考版)本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A On a rainy afternoon, maybe one of the following books will keep you company leisurely, allowing you to spend your time alone as well as stepping into a different world. Dont Shed Your Tears for Anyone Who Lives on These Streets, by Patricio Pron In April 1945, Italy, a writer disappeared at a conference and was found dead at another place. Thirty years later, a young man

      2、 interviewed survivors from the conference, trying to uncover the truth about what happened and its consequences. This novel, by a well-known Argentine writer, explores art, crime and politics. When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul Kalanithi At thirty-six, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed(诊断) with stage IV lung cancer. One day he was a doctor treating the dying, and the next he was a patient. This autobiography finds hope and beauty in the face of death as Kalanithi attempts to answer the question What m

      3、akes a life worth living?. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee Set in a small Alabama town in the 1930s, the story focuses on honest, highly respected lawyer Atticus Finch, who puts his career on the line when he agrees to represent Tom Robinson, a black man accused of committing a crime. Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A true (as told to me) story, by Bess Kalb Bess Kalb saved every voicemail from her grandmother Bobby Bell who died at ninety. In this book, Bobby is speaking to Bess once mor

      4、e, in a voice as loving as it ever was in life and brings us several generations of brave women. They include Bobbys mother, who traveled alone from Belarus to America to survive, and Besss mother, who always fought against convention.1. What type of book is the first novel?A. Sci-fi.B. Biography.C. Detective books.D. History books.2. Which book explores life and death?A. To Kill a Mockingbird.B. When Breath Becomes Air.C. Dont Shed Your Tears for Anyone Who Lives on These Streets.D. Nobody Will

      5、 Tell You This But Me: A true (as told to me) story.3. Who is the main character in the last novel?A. Bobby Bell.B. Bess Kalb.C. Besss mother.D. Bobbys mother.B For years, life went something like this: Wed grow up in one place, head off to college, and then find a city to get a job and live there for a few years. The final goal was to find somewhere to settle down, buy a house, start a family, and begin the whole cycle all over again. But now some people are increasingly choosing to move from c

      6、ity to city throughout their entire lives, sometimes as frequently as every month. Just ask Alex Chatzieleftheriou, who has had a front-row seat watching this evolution unfold. Six years ago, he launched a startup called Blueground that rents out beautifully designed, fully furnished apartments for a month at a time, at rates that are cheaper than hotels. And it aims to make each one feel unique and comfortable, rather than standardized, like what you might find in a traditional hotel. Today, th

      7、e company has 3,000 properties(房地产) in six U. S. cities, along with Dubai, Istanbul, London, Paris, and Chatzieleftherious native Athens, and a staff of 400. With the help of the Series B round of funding, the company landed $ 50 million, plus its previous total of $ 28 million, to continue its rapid expansion. It hopes to have 50,000 properties in 50 cities over the next three years. Chatzieleftheriou first came up with the idea for Blueground while he was working as a management consultant for

      8、 McKinsey. The accommodation of choice for consultants is the hotel, he says. I had to spend five years in hotel rooms, living in 12 different cities. I loved seeing the world, but I didnt love feeling like I didnt have a home. And whats more, hotels arent a particularly cost-effective solution for companies either. In Chatzieleftherious case, McKinsey sometimes paid $ 10,000 or more for him to stay in a major city for a month.4. What does the author intend to tell in the first paragraph?A. A ne

      9、w lifestyle is appearing.B. Life is just like a circle for people.C. Most people are used to an easy life.D. People live in different places in life.5. What is the goal of Blueground?A. To compete with hotels.B. To create standardized hotels.C. To make renters feel at home.D. To rent out long-term apartments.6. What do we know about Blueground?A. It got a total investment of $ 78 million.B. Its business is anything but satisfying.C. It expanded to every comer of the world.D. It has 50,000 properties in 50 cities.7. What does the last paragraph focus on?A. High costs of hotels.B. Chatzieleftherious former work.C. Strengths of Blueground.D. The inspiration for Blueground.C I recall when I was young back in Canada, I was sitting and watching a baseball game on TV with my father and we started to debate th


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