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利比里亚国家情况报告英文版Liberia Presentation(Situation introduction)

  • 卖家[上传人]:Wil****ip
  • 文档编号:169437778
  • 上传时间:2021-02-25
  • 文档格式:PPTX
  • 文档大小:3.57MB
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    • 1、Overview of Liberia and Its Fisheries Sector,Wilson,Table of Content,The Country overview Fisheries sector overview Aquaculture sector overview Farming Systems Fingerling Production Feed Producction Market and Price Challenges Opportunities,Country,The Republic Of Liberia Capital City: Monrovia Independence: July 26, 1847 Political System: Multi-Parties Democracy Three Branches of Government; 1. Legislative Branch 2. Executive Branch 3. Judiciary Branch,National Symbols,Seal,Flag,2/24/2021,https

      2、:/,Liberia Territory Land,The territory land of Liberia is 93,320km square Water area 15,049km square Population is about 4,299,944 million 16 Ethnic group Religion: Christianity/ Muslim Official Language: English Population density is 44.64km square GDP is around 3.79 billion GDP per $900 Currency Dollar (LRB) Natural Resources ( (a) Iron ore, (b) Gold (c) Diamond) (c) Water resource Other Resources includes: Timber, Rubber, Lead, Manganese,Map Of Liberia,The country is Divided in to 15 politic

      3、al subdivision. It has Six Major rivers: 1. Cavalla 2. St. Paul 3. St. John 4. Cestos 5. Lofa River 6. Mano River The country has two major lakes 1. Lake Piso 2. Lake Shepherd,2/24/2021,https:/,Traditional Attire and Food,Overview of Fisheries Sector,The Liberian coastline is 580 kilometers in length The country has an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) that extends 200 nautical miles It shelf extends from Cte dIvoire to Robertsport in Liberia, with an average width of 34 km and the widest part in th

      4、e central region of Liberia. An inshore exclusion zone (IEZ) reserves the six nautical miles closest to shore for the sole use of subsistence, artisanal and semi-industrial fishing activities - trawling is not allowed inside the IEZ. 15,050 km square of freshwater bodies constituting 14 percent of the total land area of the country. It includes (lakes, rivers, estuaries and creeks) Liberia is the third highest rainfall country in the world, result in substantial discharge into the inshore areas

      5、of the sea presenting a huge asset to the country for Mariculture development,2/24/2021,https:/www.moa.gov.lr/doc/fisheries,Overview of Fisheries Sector Cont,The fisheries resources are exploited by different combinations of fishing gear and craft Generally divided into the following four groups: 1. Marine small-scale fisheries 2. Marine industrial fisheries 3. Inland fisheries 4. Recreational fisheries,2/24/2021,https:/www.moa.gov.lr/doc/fisheries_policy,Inland Fisheries Sector,The inland fishe

      6、ries sector has long been dominated by recreational fisheries, which normally exploit fish for leisure or subsistence and provide many (poorly investigated) benefits to society. Various factors constrain the development and existence of inland fisheries, such as local user conflicts, low social priority and inadequate research and funding There are nearly 169 species in the fisheries sector However, only Tilapia species, Catfish species are cultured,Aquaculture Sector,The aquaculture sub-sector,

      7、 which includes Mariculture, is poorly developed and weakly organized resulting in limited benefits in food or livelihood. The sub-sector is largely subsistence and underdeveloped, with about 300 fish farmers nationwide engaged in some form of fish culture generally on a part-time basis. About 1,704 ponds (113.9 hectares) of various sizes are distributed in about 160 rural communities of which 1,125 (73.3 hectares) are in use for farming tilapia and catfish. It is estimated that aquaculture prod

      8、uces roughly 40 tonnes of fish per year, a figure that is expected to increase when many of the ponds that have been dormant are now being rehabilitated, and providing employment opportunities for women and youths,2/24/2021,https:/www.moa.gov.lr/doc/fisheries_policy,Fisheries Contribution,According to the USAid food Security report from 2012-17 indicated that the fisheries sector account for 10% of GDP. Fresh Fish account for 15% of population animal protein intake and is second to rice as the m

      9、ost purchase food product through out the country. Increased in the GDP is as the results of the number of vessels fishing for various fish species. 36 pure seine Vessels 6 industrial vessels 0ver 4000 motorized and non motorized Canoes,Farming systems,Tanks System,Fingerling Production,Fingerlings acquisition is a major challenge Lack of a sophisticated hatchery to produce quality fingerlings Stocking materials are obtained from left over from harvest The Fisheries Authority has two functional

      10、hatcheries responsible to produce fingerlings for fish farmers. 1.Tassah Hatchery 2. Klay Hatchery Central Agriculture Research Institution (CARI) is also producing fingerling. Garden farm a private fish farm working on artificial propagation of African catfish,Feed Production,Feed constitute about 60-70% of total cost for commercial fish farming Fish feed is a major challenge in fish farming in Liberia and the sub-region There is a complete lack of compound feed Fish farmers normally used avail

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