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柬埔寨国家情况报告英文版Cambodia country report(Situation introduction)

  • 卖家[上传人]:Wil****ip
  • 文档编号:169437775
  • 上传时间:2021-02-25
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    • 1、Wilson,Cambodia Country Report,Here we will share with you,Brief Introduction to Cambodia Fisheries and Aquaculture Status,Where is Cambodia,Located to the South-east Asia Cover on area of 181,035 km2 Land 176,515 km2 & water 4,520 km2 Boundaries: 2,572km Coastline: 445km Fresh water body: Tonle Sap Lake/River Mekong River & Basac River (2%) Wetland occupies more than 30% Weather: tropical climate,DEMOGRAPHY,Nationality: Cambodian or Khmer Population: 15,762,370 (2016) Growth rate: 1.63%

      2、 Birth rate: 24.4births/1,000 populations (2014) Death rate: 7.78 deaths/1,000 populations (2014) Life expectancy: 69.50 years Literacy ratio: 79.9% Religion: Buddhism 95%, Islam 1.6%, Chrism 0.2% and other 3.2,https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Cambodia 2018,The Major National Festival Events,Pchum Ben Festival September 27-29th,Water Festival November 10-12rd,Lunar New Year April 14-16th,Currency: Riel ($1 US = 4,000 Riel) GDP: USD 1,307.5 per capita with 7% growth (2017,Sources: htt

      3、ps:/,Agriculture 26.7,Industry 29.8,Other Services43.5,ECONOMIC SUPPORTED FACTORS,ECONOMIC,Political and Administrative,Country name: Kingdom of Cambodia Independence: 1953 Regime: Constitutional-based Democracy King: Royal Majesty Norodom Sihakmuni Queen Grandma: N.S.Munineath Primister: Samdach Akak Moha Sena Pakdey Decho HUN SEN Province: 25 Capital: Phnom Penh,http:/www.mcfa.gov.kh,Fish,Prahok (fish paste,Fish & Fish paste” are the basic elements used in our food menu,Food & Cuisine,

      4、There are many more things to share with you,Cloths .Culture,FISHERIES & AQUACULTURE STATUS,Freshwater species more than 500, but there are more than 200 are regularly caught. Marine species more than 520 species,Species Varieties,Fisheries for Cambodian soul plays important in profit & protein Around 4.5 million people involve directly and indirect in this sector Cambodian consumes of 63kg of fisheries products/capita/year Fishery resources managed & governed by the “Fisheries Law o

      5、f Cambodia” Since 2012, the management system adopted community fisheries-based management In 2017 the provincial FiA put into the management of provincial agriculture department but still get technical support or even fund from head FiA, Phnom Penh,BACKGROUND,AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT STATUS, Hatcheries & Seed Production There are 13 state hatcheries, but many of them underperforming and 307 are private hatcheries. (FiA 2017) Seed production around 180 million in 2015, but not meet with local

      6、 demand 55% of seed import, 13% from wild catch, & 32% from national hatchery, Culture System: Fresh water cage culture Located on the Tonle sap and the Mekong river Polyculture : Striped catfish with (catfish, leptobarbus, carp or Tilapia). Exotic species, Silver carp, Rohu, Common carp,Tilapia, Bighead carp. Monoculture, snakehead,AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT STATUS, Culture System: Marine cage and brackish water Located in Sihanouk, Kampot and Koh Kong province Species : Sea bass, grouper, cobia and seaweed,AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT STATUS,Fishery and Aquaculture Status in Cambodia, Culture System: Rice fish culture Pond size around 0.4 ha Domestic species: Silver barb Exotic species, Silver carp, Rohu, Common carp, Tilapia, Bighead carp,Thank for your attention

      《柬埔寨国家情况报告英文版Cambodia country report(Situation introduction)》由会员Wil****ip分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《柬埔寨国家情况报告英文版Cambodia country report(Situation introduction)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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