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斐济国家情况报告英文版Fiji Islands country report (Situation introduction)

  • 卖家[上传人]:Wil****ip
  • 文档编号:169437764
  • 上传时间:2021-02-25
  • 文档格式:PPTX
  • 文档大小:3.17MB
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    • 1、Fiji IslandsWilson,Where is Fiji,Fiji,Fiji has a population of 891300 and a total land area of 18270 km2,Fiji Flag,Yaqona Ceremony,Yagona, more commonly referred to as Kava, it is Fijis traditional ceremonial drink. The kava ceremony is normally done to welcome people, used during birth of a child, weddings, deaths and village or tribunal gatherings,Traditional Wedding Attire,Sugar Industry,Traditional Meal- Lovo,The top exports of Fiji are: Water Raw sugar Non-fillet frozen fish Processed fish

      2、Gold The top export destinations of Fiji are: United States Australia New Zealand Japan China,Fijis top imports are: Refined Petroleum Cars Non-fillet frozen fish Delivery trucks Wheat The top import origins are: Singarpore New Zealand Australia China South Korea,AQUACULTURE FIJI,Aquaculture Program,Identified by the government as one of the key sectors for further development Very important in terms of export earnings pearl farming, seaweed farming. Vital for food security, for rural inland com

      3、munities tilapia and carp farming Crucial for improving livelihoods, generating income and import substitution- shrimp and prawn farming Adaptation to climate change,Total of 36 Aquaculture staff in Fiji,Principle Fisheries Officer (PFO,Senior Research Officer (SRO,Nadurulolou Research Station 21- staff,Galoa 9- staff,Sigatoka 1- staff,Dreketi 3- staff,Farm Development,Interested farmers have requests made to Fisheries Office. The Fisheries officers access the land Assist with the technical advi

      4、ce on pond construction Supply fingerlings to all interested farmers Assist with harvest and sale of tilapia,Food Security Program (FSP,This is a program funded by the government On-going program for 4 years now. It supports 22 interested farmers every year $10,000 is used for each farmer every year,Brief Background,Started in 1950s with the culture of Tilapia (mossambicus) to be used as livestock feed In1974, Niloticus Tilapia introduced from Israel to culture into ponds at Raviravi 1975 grass

      5、carps were introduced to be used as biological weed control in river systems. Successful carp breeding program was carried out between 1984- 1989 with assistance from JICA Introduction of seaweed from Phillipines in 1976 Pearl farming trialled in mid 1960s, fully established farm by 2000 and is a established industry now. 1980 saw the introduction of giant river prawn (M.rosenbergii) from Hawaii and was successfully Spawned 1997 was when the GIFT tilapia introduced 2008 when GFP Vietnamese strai

      6、n was introduced,Other key developments included infrastructure such as,Naduruloulou Freshwater Research station in 1975 to support research and developments in Freshwater aquaculture. Makogai Mariculture Research Station in 1970 to support Mariculture activities- Joint collaboration between Research and Aquaculture Division Galoa Brakishwater hatchery in 1998 to support Brakishwater aquaculture activities,Current Situation Mari-culture,Pearl industry well established key export commodity of abo

      7、ut 15 million dollars Supported by 6 farmers and over 30 spat collection sites village based program. Dominated by J.Hunter pearls. Seaweed farming consist of 11 clusters with 32 communities and 249 farmers involved. Projected production for the year is targeted at 100mt. Giant clam is bred at Makogai for re-stocking purposes. 20,000 juveniles distributed in 5 years. Trocus and coral is the other targeted commodity,Brackish water Aquaculture Program,Galoa Station- Galoa Hatchery for shrimp seed

      8、supply, research, training & farm development activities. Supports livelihoods and imports substitute. Initiative by government. Target species is white legged shrimp or Litopenaeus vannamei which was introduced from Thailand Replaced local species P.monodon, due to difficulties in breeding Projected production is around 20 tonnes involving about 6 farmers Successful sandfish (Holothuria scabra) breeding program for reef restocking Community based milkfish farming project- Vitawa,Freshwater Aquaculture Program,Naduruloulou Research Station (NRS)- tilapia, prawn, carp seed supply, research, training & Farm Development activities Hatcheries in Caboni, Ba & Dreketi Supports food security, livelihood and imports subs. Initiative by govt Consist of about 450 Tilapia and prawn farmers Projected production is 200mt tilapia and 12-15mt prawns,VINAKA,ANY QUESTIONS

      《斐济国家情况报告英文版Fiji Islands country report (Situation introduction)》由会员Wil****ip分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《斐济国家情况报告英文版Fiji Islands country report (Situation introduction)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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