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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Unit 1 Communication in the digital age iExplore 1 1-2 iExplore 1: Reading Viewing 1-2 Reference: 1. The video clip uses emojis to tell a story of a bunny who tries every effort to realize her dream of becoming a police officer. She starts out as someone who is in charge of parking duty, during which she meets a cunning fox. After hearing a case of animals missing from the city, she volunteers to deal with that case. The bunny persuades the fox to solve the case together with her. They find the

      2、missing animals and find that it is the sheep who is behind the conspiracy and they catch her. 2. Those emojis do help a lot in figuring out some of the plot of the original story, but cannot help me figure out the whole story. The video, without text, is a bit too fast for me to figure out the original story. 1-3 iExplore 1: Building your language Words and expressions 1 -1 1. adopt 2.enormous 3.Originating 4. standardize 5. automatically Words and expressions 1 -2 1. Aside from 2. year to year

      3、 3. derived from 4. single out 5. taken to 6. see the light of day Collocations 1-1 1.body language 2.visual communication 3.emotional expressions 4.voice message 5. instant messages Collocations 1-2 1. have 2.lose 3.submit 4.pool 5.process V ocabulary learning strate 1 -2 Reference: 1. breakthroughs eback 3.dropout 4.drawback 5. throwback Language focus 1 -2 Reference: 1.Youthquake - the 2017 Word of the Year of the Oxford Dictionaries is less of a new word than broflake. 2. Access to Wi -Fi in

      4、 the city is less of an issue than in the countryside. 3.In the digital age, writing letters is less of an effective way of communication than it was in the past. 4. The map covered less of the area than Id thought. 5. Flying is less of a risk than driving. Banked cloze 1 1)non-verbal 2)smiley 3)instructions 4)submission 5)misinterpreted 6)communication 7)comparison 8)encountering 9)emojis 10) cellphones 1-4 iExplore 1: Sharing your ideas Sharing your ideas 1 Reference: Ding! My phone rings and

      5、I receive a message from my friend Shelia in Canad? -no words but a cake, three balloons and a few hearts. I know shes say ing Happybirthday! to me. I smile and think, how emojis have changed the way we communicate. In fact, the birth of emojis has made dligital communication more effective. Inother words, plain text messages, without the text senders facial expressions or tones, can easily be misinterpreted and cause misunderstanding. But emojis appear and solve this problem. With different emo

      6、jis to supplement the text and convey the intended meaning, we are able to understand each other better. All in all, with the appearance of emojis,digital communication becomes more effective. iExplore 2 1-5iExplore 2: Reading Listening 1 Reference: 1. In the past, we talked face to face more often, but nowadays, people tend to rely on cellphones more and prefer digital communication. Face -to-face communication seems to give way to digital communication, to some extent. 2. The child may lose em

      7、pathy and detach himself from the people who he communicates with on the other end of the message. One possibility is that the child may think their parents dont love each other since they refuse to talk to each other; and he may also think they dont love him or care about his feelings because they dont talk to him either. Hence, the childs cognition of love and being loved might be affected. Another possibility is that the child may think that its the normal way of interaction between a husband

      8、 and a wife, and even among family members. When he grows up, he may also interact with his spouse and child in the similar way. Asking someone in person can show respect and seriousness of the speaker. Plus, it can also build andstrengthen personal connection. 1-6iExplore 2: Building your languageW ords and expressions 1-1 1. condemn 2. startling 3.are dependent on 4. uncertain 5. acknowledge Words and expressions 1 -2 1) pull over 2) detached 3) from ; 4) pay dividends 5) is paired with 6) is

      9、accused of Collocations 1 1. private conversation 2. historical perspective 3. digital age 4. startling findings 5. face-to-face conversation 6. digital media V ocabulary learning strategies 1 -2 1. Reference: cross -country race 2. Reference: cross -cultural communication 3. Reference: cross -country trade, 4. Reference: cross -Channel visitors 5. Reference: cross -party discussion Translation 1 -1 Reference: 在社交媒体时代,我们的社交网络规模比以往要大很多, 必交流方式也更多样化。 近年来,即使你在微信或微博上并不那么活跃,你的交际圈也必定在急剧扩大, 交流对象和交流方式也发生了巨大变化。这一新互联时代既带来了机遇也带来了 挑战。 Translation 1 -2 Reference: It is reported that China has become one of the biggest smartphone markets in the world. Low cost of mobile devices and the rapid growth of the mobile Internet have stimulated the development of Chinas smartphone market. Itis estimated that over half of its netizens consider smartphones as their first choice to access the Internet. In 2013, smartphone users in China accounted for 43% of all mobile phone users. In 2015, about 70% of youn


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