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2011高考英语一轮复习 BookII Unit4教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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    • 1、Unit 4理解:要点诠释单词1.absence讲: n.缺席;不在;缺乏例:Behave yourself during my absence.我不在时你要规矩点。Absence of rain caused the plants to die.因缺水导致植物枯死。链接拓展 absence of mind心不在焉, absent adj. be absent from缺席 He was absent from school yesterday. 他昨天旷课了。 反义词present adj. be present at出席;到场练:The presence of social support helps people fend off(避开)illness,and the _of such support makes poor health more likely.A.absence B.absent C.appearance D.help提示:注意此处为对比结构,所以此空中的用词应该和presence相对应。答案:A2.apart讲:adv.远离地;隔开地;向一边;在一边短语:ta

      2、ke.apart把拆开apart from prep. 除外例:The two houses are 500 metres apart.这两所房子相距500米。She lives apart from her parents.她和父母分开住。They planted the trees three metres apart.他们每隔三米种一棵树。He took me apart in order to speak to me alone.他把我领到一边,以便单独跟我说话。He took the engine apart in order to find where there was wrong.他把引擎拆开查找问题所在。练:_ the cost,the dress doesnt suit me.A.Except B.Expect C.Apart from D.Beside提示:apart from具有多重意义:既可表示besides,也可以表示except或except for,还可以表示without的意思。答案:C3.contribute讲:vt.& vi.贡献;捐献;投稿短语:

      3、contribute.to.把贡献给;把投给contribute to 为作贡献;有助于;向投稿例:He contributed a lot of money to the charity.他捐很多钱给慈善机构。She contributed a lot of good ideas to the discussion.她在这次讨论中提出很多好的意见。He didnt contribute anything to world peace.他对世界和平毫无贡献。I contributed several poems to a literary magazine.我投了几首诗给一本文学杂志。The fair weather contributed to the success of the voyage.良好的天气助成了那次航行。A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.适度的运动有益健康。The construction of a highway will contribute to the growth of the s

      4、uburbs.建造高速公路将有助于郊区的发展。链接提示 n. contribution 贡献 make contributions to作出贡献练:Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.result from B.contribute to C.attend to D.devote to提示:本题考查短语动词的用法。根据句子的意思分析,此处应使用能表示“导致”的短语。短语动词contribute to的意思是“有助于;促成”,相当于lead to。答案:B4.recommend 讲:vt.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议短语:recommend sth.(to sb.)(for sth.)recommend sb.sth.recommend(for sth./as sth.)recommend sb.to dorecommend doingrecommend that.例:Can you recommend me a good novel?你能给我推荐一本好小说吗?He will recom

      5、mend you for the job.他将会推荐你担任那一职务。I recommend her as your secretary.我推荐她当你的秘书。I recommend going by railway.我建议乘火车。The doctor recommended me to take a long rest.医生劝我长期休息。The teacher recommended that I (should) read the novel.老师劝我读那部小说。Can you recommend me a good lawyer?你能推荐一位好律师给我吗?链接提示 recommend在作“建议”讲时,其同义词为advise。recommend后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可省略。练:I _ you to buy this dictionary.A.recommend B.suggest C.agree D.apply提示:此处用recommend表示“建议”。其他词均不能用动词不定式作宾语补足语。答案:A短语come into being讲:该短语

      6、为不及物动词短语,表示“出现;形成;产生”。例:We do not know when the universe came into being.我们不知道宇宙何时开始存在。Thus the Great Wall came into being.这样长城就形成了。Thus the first workers league came into being.这样第一个工人联盟就出现了。Such a custom came into being long ago.这种风俗很久以前就有了。链接拓展 come into power 上台;掌权;执政 This government came to/into power in 1998. 该政府于1998年执掌政权。 come into effect 实行;实施;生效 The new tax regulations came into effect last week. 新税法上周开始实施。 The telephone first came into use in the 1870s. 电话在19世纪70年代开始使用。 come into sigh

      7、t/view 可以望见;出现在眼前 The mountain town came into sight/view as we turned the last corner. 我们拐过最后一个弯,山城就映入了我们的眼帘。练:The town came into _ as we turned the corner.A.being B.use C.fashion D.sight提示:本题通过语境考查come into和不同名词构成短语的意思,短语come into being“形成”;come into use“开始使用”;come into fashion“流行;入时”;come into sight“进入视线”。根据as we turned the corner得出答案为D。答案:D句型1.A is to B what C is to D.讲:请观察下列课文原句:A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.巢与鸟儿的关系如同房子和人的关系。A net is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.网与

      8、渔夫的关系就像枪与猎人一样。Arms are to the body what branches are to a tree.上肢与身体的关系就像树枝和树的关系。A is to B what C is to D.这一句型表示“A对B而言正如C对D一样”。例:We are to them what fish is to water.我们和他们的关系就像鱼儿和水一样。Honey is to a bee what milk is to a cow.蜂蜜与蜜蜂的关系如同牛奶和奶牛的关系。Furniture is to the living room what playground equipment is to the playground.家具与居室的关系如同体育器械和操场的关系。链接提示 在本句型中只能使用what来引导。练:Smell is to the nose _ taste is to the tongue.A.that B.what C.how D.which提示:本句话的意思为“嗅觉与鼻子的关系如同味觉和舌头的关系”。答案:B2.连词+过去分词作状语讲:请观察下面教材原句:Once published,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.付印后,他的诗作因为行尾不押韵而大获其名。讲:Once published是Once it was published 的省略。英语中的某些连词,如when,if,unless,though,once等后可直接跟过去分词作状语。此时,过去分词与句子的主语之间一定要具有被动关系。例:If trapped in a burning building,you should send for help.如果困在燃烧的房子里,你应该寻求帮助。Although shot in the leg,he cont

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