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    • 1、河北金融学院毕业论文文献综述 TrueVision3D 5.8(可能更早),TrueVision3D移植并使用到DirectX 8.1。到了At 6.2, it supports every feature of 8.1 that I have yet to need, as well as internally providing even more features.到了到TrueVision3D 6.2,它支持8.1,而且已经有我需要的功能,以及提供更多的功能。(声音引擎,网络引擎,粒子引擎,创路人,地形,碰撞(甚至物理,很快)使用过一些其他的3D引擎,我可以说,它的渲染是无可比拟的。TrueVision3D 6.5(目前处于测试阶段)这将提高两倍以上。 Not only will it support all the toys of DirectX 9.0c (currently) but it will also give VB6 programmers access to these features.它不仅将支持所有的DirectX 9.0c的(目前),但它也会给VB6的

      2、程序员访问这些功能的工具。” VB6ers wont have native access to DirectX 9, except with Wrappers/Libraries/Engines such as this.Ease of Use: I dont know that this can be said much more simply.我不知道这是不是可以更加简单地说。 Instead of the 60 some-odd lines of code necessary to create a simple box with DirectX, TV3D takes maybe 6 to get the same effect.取而代之的是,需要编写60行代码的创造一个与DirectX简单的框,TV3D可能需要6行就得到相同的效果。(这包括初始化的引擎,创造的对象,显示,然后清除。)只要你有你选择的语言知识,TrueVision3D直观的设计难以置信的容易使用。 For instance, if youve drawn a Box object and called it

      3、objBox, and you want to move it straight forward in the direction its facing, your line of code would be:例如,如果你已经建立一框对象,称之为objBox,你想要移动它笔直的向前,你的代码行是: objBox.MoveRelative 1, 0, 0objBox.MoveRelative 1,0,0 Creating a light for a scene?创建一个场景火?Light.CreateDirectionalLight(标志) My point being, its VERY straightforward.我的观点是,它非常简单。 Now, if you dont know how to program in ANY language, then why are you trying to do 3D in the first place?现在,如果你不知道如何在任何语言程序,然后你为什么要把3D这样的摆在首位呢? (Motor obviously has little

      4、to no experience with programming in general, and really should not be permitted to review in the first place.) Stability & Performance: Again, none can compete.稳定性和性能方面,同样,没有可以与其竞争的。 Having done some benchmarks myself, Ive found that 6.2, running in Visual Basic 6.0, can run at upwards of 80% of the speed of a similar app written in C+ with native DirectX.我自己做了一些基准,我发现6.2,运行在Visual Basic 6.0,相当于运行在C+编写的一个类似的DirectX应用程序的速度80以上。 Yes, its slower, but were talking VB6 here.是的,它的速度较慢,但在这里我们谈论Visual

      5、Basic6.0,这是惊人的。6.5,THAT is amazing.,With 6.5, the speed is increased even more.这是速度增加幅度更大。Anyone that claims TV is slow has simply never used it.有人声称TrueVision3D是缓慢到根本从未使用过。Blitz3D,DarkBasic等无法望其项背的速度。As for stability, 6.2 is incredibly stable.至于稳定,6.2是令人难以置信的稳定。 If youre crashing, theres a 99.99% chance that the glitch is in your own code.如果你崩溃,有一个99.99的机会在自己的故障代码。(令我懊恼,很多时候。) Support: This is where TV shines more than any other engine Ive used.支持:这是比任何其他我用引擎我更炫耀TrueVision3D。 A perfect example

      6、is how I was attempting to do something fairly complex with shaders over the weekend, and simply couldnt figure it out.一个最好的例子就是上周末我试图与相当复杂的着色器的东西,根本不能算出它。Logging into the TV official chat room, where there is almost ALWAYS someone from the Development Team available, I spoke to the lead programmer of TV who quickly gave me my answer.TrueVision3D正式进入聊天室记录,那里几乎总是由发展小组索取的人。 Now lets compare this to the two most recent engines Ive tried.现在让我们比较这两个最近我尝试过的引擎。 Blitz3D: Tried this one for a very short

      7、time.Blitz3D:尝试了很短的时间之一。 The render speed couldnt come close to competing with TV (When TV is used in VB6) so I quickly dropped it.呈现速度无法接近与TrueVision3D的竞争(当TrueVision3D是在VB6中使用),所以我很快把它舍弃了。DarkBasic Pro: I found this to be VERY unstable, and at the time I used it, the limitations were horrific.DarkBasic:我发现这是很不稳定的,当时我用它,限制是可怕的。 Things such as simple binary file access didnt exist (yes, I realize theyve since added that.) But when basic features werent there, thats a bad thing.例如简单的二进制文件访问不存在的东西

      8、(是的,我知道他们已经创造了补充。) 但是,当基本特点是不存在,这是一件坏事。 Plus it was slow.加上它是缓慢的。 When I asked questions on the forums, I never did get an answer, and after waiting for half a year for an update, I finally dropped it and looked for other options, which is when I found TV.当我问问题的论坛,我从来没有得到答案,经过半年等待更新,我终于把它丢弃了同时做了其它选择,这是当我发现TrueVision3D。 Not to mention the slow speed, as it was an interpreted scripting language.更不用提速度缓慢,因为它是一种解释型的脚本语言。 So my votes are not based on my being a TV fanboy.所以我的观点不是基于我是一个TrueVision3D“变形

      9、金刚迷”。Theyre based on my current experience.他们是根据我目前的经验。 And Im always looking at other engines/libraries to see what the latest and greatest is.而我一直在寻找其他引擎/库,看看有什么最新。 Ive tried Rev3D (not as intutive/stable/feature filled) and GLScene (not as intuitive/fast/feature filled).我已经试过Rev3D及GLScene。 This isnt to take anything away from the other products, just simply to say that by comparison, Ill stick with TV.这是不采取任何远离其他产品,只是简单地说,通过比较,我会坚持与TrueVision3D。 Then theres the pricing schedule.然后是价格的时间表。 Considering that most games today cost about $50 each, for a clean license (no watermark/splash screen required) at $150 per app, its far more affordable than most.考虑到大部分游戏的成本约50万美元,一个“干净”的(无水印/闪屏应用程序所需的费用是每游戏150美元),这是最经济实惠得多。 I personally went with the $500 unlimited licensing, and have used it for everything from user applications, to gaming.我亲自与500美元的无限授权,并已广泛应用在从用户应用程序,它以游戏。 综上所述,All said an


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