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Unit 3 Computers 新人教版必修2(整理)

  • 卖家[上传人]:摩西的****12
  • 文档编号:131489041
  • 上传时间:2020-05-08
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    • 1、学海无涯 新课标人教版新课标人教版 Unit 3 Unit 3 ComputersComputers 计算机计算机 核心词汇核心词汇 1 Where can I 下载 the exercises from the Internet 2 More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to 出 现 3 During the winter holidays I 辅导 some students for English exams 4 They achieved their 目标 of increasing sales by five percent 5 It is such a hard problem that it is impossible for me to 解决 6 Money does not always bring 幸福 7 These changes are due to an increase in the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the

      2、 beginning of the Industrial 革命 8 There is another kind of beauty that has nothing to do with 外貌 but comes from the heart 9 It is just her childhood experiences that affect her 性格 and later life 10 After the president made an official announcement he expressed his opinion speaking I agreed with his opinion personal 11 I would like to for the job advertised in the newspaper so I have sent my before July 20 2010 apply 12 Can you say that dolphins are much more than other animals Well they are anim

      3、als of high and they can communicate intelligent 1 download 2 arise 3 coached 4 goal 5 solve 6 happiness 7 Revolution 8 appearance 9 character 10 personal Personally 11 apply application 12 intelligent intelligence 高频短语高频短语 1 从 时起 2 结果 3 如此 以致于 4 在某种程度上 5 在 的帮助下 6 处理 安排 对付 7 看守 监视 8 共有 共用 9 弥补 10 毕竟 1 from on 2 as a result 3 so that 4 in a way 5 with the help of 6 deal with 7 watch over 8 in common 9 make up 10 after all 重点句式重点句式 1 I was made smaller 随着时间的流逝 我被做得更小了 2 I developed very slowly and

      4、 nearly two hundred years I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage 我发育缓慢 差不多到了两百年之后 查尔斯 巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机 学海无涯 3 my memory has developed so much that like an elephant I never forget 随着时间的推移 我的记忆力发展得如此之快 就像一头大象一样 我从来不会忘记告诉我 的任何事情 4 And my memory became large even I couldn t believe it 我的存储量变得如此之大 连我自己都不能相信 5 my goal is to provide humans with a life 不管怎样 我的目标是为人类提供高质量的生活 1 As time went by 2 it took before 3 Over time anything I have been told 4 so that 5 Anyhow of high quality 1 totall

      5、y adv 完全地 整个地 回归课本 P18 As a result I totally changed my shape 结果 我彻底改变了形状 归纳拓展 例句探源 I totally agree with you 我完全同意你的看法 朗文 P2182 In total over 250 employees completed the safety training 总共有超过 250 名员工完成了安全培训 The plan was a total failure 那项计划完全失败了 A total of 100 teachers will attend the meeting 总共 100 名老师将参加会议 即境活用 1 Do you know how many students took part in the sports meet About 400 A all together B after all C in total D at total 解析 选 C 表达 总共 完全 可以使用下列短语 altogether in all 或 in total 2 arise vi

      6、出现 发生 起身 起床 回归课本 P23 Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises 接着她准备好了可行的步骤来应对新情况的出现 归纳拓展 例句探源 朗文 P89 More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise 该核电站一定会出现更多类似那样的问题 A great idea arose in her mind 一个好主意浮现在她的脑海中 Accidents often arise from carelessness 事故往往是由疏忽大意而引起的 易混辨析 arise arouse rise raise 原形原形 过去式过去式 过去分词过去分词 v v inging 学海无涯 arise arise vivi 出现 发生 起因于出现 发生 起因于 arosearose arisenarisen arisingarising arouse arouse vtvt 唤醒 激起唤醒 激起 arousedarou

      7、sed arousedaroused arousingarousing rise rise vivi 升起 起身 增长 上升起 起身 增长 上 升升 roserose risenrisen risingrising raise raise vtvt 举起 唤起 提高 饲举起 唤起 提高 饲 养养 raisedraised raisedraised raisingraising We were watching the children raising the national flag and saw it rising slowly in the wind which aroused our patriotic 爱国的 minds 我们在观看孩子们升国旗 看到国旗在风中徐徐升起 这唤起了我们的爱国之心 即境活用 2 我们应永记心中 开车时事故是由粗心引起的 We should always keep in mind that accidents while driving 答案 arise from carelessness 3 anyhow adv 无论如何 即使如此 回归课本 P

      8、18 Anyhow my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality 不管怎么样 我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活 归纳拓展 例句探源 朗文 P76 Anyhow we have plenty of time to plan ahead 不管怎样 我们有很多时间去提前作计划 It s too expensive and anyhow anyway the color doesn t suit you 而且 这个太贵 而且颜色也不适合你 I m afraid we can t come but thanks for the invitation anyhow anyway 即 使这样 恐怕我们来不了 不过还是感谢邀请 Anyhow Anyway let s forget about that thing for the moment 无论如何 无论如何 咱们此刻忘记那件事吧 温馨提示 somehow 表示 以某种方式 不知怎么地 与 anyhow 意义不同 Somehow I don t feel I can trust h

      9、im 不知怎么地 我觉得不能信任他 4 signal vi vt 发信号 n 信号 回归课本 P23 For example I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal 例如 当我启动的时候 我可以用计算机语言向队友示意把球传给我 这样可以有一个漂亮 的射门 归纳拓展 例句探源 In our class when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book it was a signal 学海无涯 for everyone to stand up 在课堂上 铃声响起 老师合上书就是我们要起立的信号 She signalled to him to follow 她示意他跟她走 He signalled that it was time to leave 他示意该走了 即境活用 3 What did our teacher do H

      10、e raised his arm as a n for us to stop A signal B reality C application D goal 解析 选 A 考查名词辨析 答句句意 他抬起手臂示意我们停下 signal 意为 信号 手 势 4 2010 年龙岩一检 The door and the windows were all closed and there was no of forced entry A scene B signal C sign D sight 解析 选 C 考查名词辨析 句意表示 门窗都关闭着 没有强行侵入的迹象 这里 sign 表示 迹象 scene 表示 场景 景色 signal 表示 信号 sight 则表示 视野 根 据句意 选 C 项 5 in a way 从某一角度看 在某种程度上 回归课本 P23 In a way our programmer is like our coach 从某种程度上讲 我们的程序员就好比是我们的教练 归纳拓展 例句探源 朗文 P2316 In a way I m a little surprised

      《Unit 3 Computers 新人教版必修2(整理)》由会员摩西的****12分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 Computers 新人教版必修2(整理)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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