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2011高考英语一轮复习 BookI Unit20教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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    • 1、2011高考英语一轮教学案大纲版Unit 20理解:要点诠释单词1.intend讲: v. 意欲;打算;原本是要;原意要例:He intends to study abroad next year.他打算明年到国外留学。He intends his son to manage the company.他打算让儿子经营公司。This book was intended for you,but he took it away.这本书是要给你的,但让他拿走了。This was intended to be a picture of a cat.这幅画原本是要画猫的。链接提示 (1)intend to do打算/意欲干某事 (2)intend sb. to do打算让某人干某事 (3)intend that.(should)建议/主张 (4)(be)intended for/as sth./to be/to do为计划(打算或设计)的练:(1)The international agreement, _ encourage children not to smoke and help peop

      2、le kick the habit,was signed on February 27.A.intending to B.being intended toC.intended to D.to intend to提示:be intended to do为打算或设计的。答案:C(2)My father _ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick _ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.A.advised;up B.persuaded;outC.intended;up D.managed;out提示:短语intend sb.for sth.意为“打算让某人做某事”。答案:C2.suffer讲: v. 受苦;患病;遭受;忍受例:His health suffered terribly from heavy drinking.他的健康因豪饮而严重受损。The village is suffering from depopulation.那个村庄正为人口减少而苦恼。He is s

      3、uffering from a bad cold.链接提示 (1)suffer from因而遭罪;患病 (2)suffering n. 痛苦;苦难练:(1)On the way to the west they were accustomed to _ their animals _ from heat,thirst,and starvation.A.seeing;to suffer B.see;to sufferC.seeing;suffering D.saw;suffered提示:accustomed to sth./doing sth.的意思是“习惯于”,因而第一空用动名词,排除B、D两项;依据see sb./sth. do/doing结构排除A 项。答案:C(2)(2010河南郑州预测) _ such a heavy loss,the businessman didnt have the courage to go on.A.Having suffered B.SufferingC.To suffer D.Suffered提示:句意为:由于遭受巨大损失,这个商人没有勇气再干下去

      4、了。“遭受损失”在前,因而用现在分词的完成式作状语。答案:A3.operate讲: v. 运转;操作;起作用;经营;管理;动手术例:This sewing machine doesnt operate properly.这台缝纫机无法正常运作。The company operates ten factories.那家公司经营10个工厂。The surgeon decided to operate on her.医生决定给她动手术。链接提示 (1)operate在表示“操作;管理;经营”时,为及物动词,同义词有run,manage等;表示“动手术”时为不及物动词,跟宾语时需使用介词on,被动语态中介词on不可省略。 (2)operation手术;操作 (3)operator 操作员;接线员练:The doctor said that the patient had _ at once.A.to operate B.to be operatedC.operated D.to be operated on提示:operate作“动手术”讲时,是不及物动词,表示“给某人动手术”用短语opera

      5、te on sb.,在被动语态中,介词on应该保留。答案:D短语1.make fun of讲:该短语的义项有“嘲弄;取笑;拿开玩笑”。例:Please dont make fun of me when I am not feeling well.我心情不好时请不要跟我开玩笑。The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebodys way of dressing or telling an amusing story.表演者通过取笑别人的穿着方式或讲述有趣的故事来引我们发笑。链接拓展 make构成的短语 (1)make a/ones living 谋生 (2)make a success/go of 使成功 (3)make the bed 铺床 (4)make believe 假装 (5)make ends meet 使收支相抵;应付开支;维持生活 (6)make up ones mind决心;决定;肯定 (7)make sure(of sth./that.)确保;设法保证;查明;核实 (8)make up编写;捏造;构成;占;化妆;上装;

      6、补上(功课);赶上 (9)make use of使用;利用 (10)make money赚钱;获利 (11)make ones way to/out of 向走去;/从走出来 (12)make a/no/some,etc.difference(to/in.)有(或没有、有些等)作用,关系,影响练:(1)I feel silly in these clothes.Everyone will _ me.A.worry about B.make fun ofC.get rid of D.take interest in提示:make fun of意为“嘲弄,取笑”,句意为:我穿着这些衣服滑稽可笑,我担心别人会笑话我。答案:B(2)I want to know whether we shall go rafting today or tomorrow.Does that make any _?A.change B.importanceC.difference D.value提示:make some difference意为“有区别”,句意为“我想知道我们是今天去漂流还是明天去。这有什么区别吗?

      7、”答案:C2.look on/upon.as讲:该短语的义项有“把看作”。例:I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke!我决定把整个事件看成一个大笑话。I look on her as a promising pianist.我认为她是一个很有前途的钢琴家。Do you look on him as an authority on the subject?你认为他是这问题的权威吗?链接拓展 (1)look on旁观 (2)look forward to希望;盼望(to为介词) They were looking forward to the summer vacation. 他们正盼望着暑假来临。 (3)look into往里看;调查 The committee is looking into the cause of the accident. 委员会正在调查这次事故的原因。 (4)look over瞭望;越过看;检查 A strange man was looking over the wall. 一个陌生人正在向围墙里面瞭望。 (5)look through浏览;审查 I looked through several magazines in the beauty shop. 我在美容院翻阅了几本杂志。练:We look on John _ a good monitor,so wed like to vote _ him.A.for;for B.as;for C.for;against D.as;against提示:依据短语look on.as排除A、C两项;vote for sb./sth.的意思是“投票赞成”,vote against的意思是“投票反对”。从上文意思看,应该使用vote for。故选B。答案:B3.date back to讲:该短语的义项有“可追溯到;是时代开始的”。例:This town dates back to Tang Dynasty.这个小镇的历史可以追溯到唐朝。The hostility between the two nationalities dates back to ancient times.

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