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unit 3 how do you get to school section a 2a-2e

  • 卖家[上传人]:灯火****19
  • 文档编号:129405594
  • 上传时间:2020-04-22
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:6.64MB
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    • 1、Howdoyougettoschool SectionA2a 2e Unit3 takeabus rideabike walk takeataxi takethesubway takeatrain takeacar takeaplane takethebus takethetrain Makeconversationwithyourpartner rideabike walk A Howdoyougettoschool B Itakethesubwaytoschool takethesubway She takesthesubway HowdoesMarygettoschool He takesthetrain HowdoesBobgettoschool He HowdoesJohngettoschool takesthebus They HowdoesPaulandYangLangettoschool walk Heridesthebike toschool Howdoeshegettoschool Hewalkstoschool A Howdoyougettoschool B Iw

      2、alktoschool minutes 25 A Howlongdoesittakeyoutogettoschool B Ittakestwenty fiveminutes A Howdotheygettoschool B They 8 00 8 30 A Howlongdoesittaketo B Ittakes minutes thirtyminutes takethesubway 7 15 7 30 takethebus fifteenminutes rideabike Ittakesherabout15minutestogettoschoolbybus Ittakeshimabout35minutestogotoschoolbybike Shetakesthebustoschool Ittakesher15minutestogettoschool 2aListenandrepeat Thenwritethecorrectnumbernexttotheword 84105992007261 sixty one seventy two eightyfour ninety nine

      3、onehundredandfive twohundred 61 99 72 105 84 200 5kilometers Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool It s about5kilometers 公里 Howfarisitfromhometoschool home school It sabout2kilometers Howfarisitfromhometothepark home park It sabout4kilometers It s about kilometers home school Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool 2b Listenandcompletethechart walks 20 2 takesthebus 90 60 2dStudentAisJaneandStudentBisTom Usetheinformationin2btomakeconversations A Howdoyougettoschool B I A Howlongdoesittake B Ittakes A Howfarisi

      4、tfrom to B It sabout Readtheconversationandfillintheblanks takesthebus ridesthebike 20minutes 15minutes 10kilometers Lisa Hey Jane Isthisyournewbike Jane Yes Irideittoschooleveryday Howdoyougettoschool Lisa Iusuallytakethebus Jane Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool Lisa I mnotsure about10kilometers Thebusridetakesabout20minutes 2eRole playtheconversation Howlongdoesittakeyoutogettoschool Jane About15minutesbybike It sgoodexercise Lisa Yeah Well haveagooddayatschool Jane You too 10kilometers20minutes

      5、 Role playtheconversation 15minutes Yes Irideittoschooleveryday Hey Jane Isthisyournewbike take the a 交通工具 to 地点 get goto 某地 by 交通工具e g Heoftentakesthesubwaytowork Hegoestoworkbysubway 乘坐某种交通工具去某地 takethesubway乘坐地铁take用法 Languagepoints 注意 当home here there作地点时 不加to Lindatakesthebushome 琳达乘公交车回家 1 Itakethetraintoschool Igettoschool 2 Shetakesthesubwaytoschool 同义句 She toschool bytrain gets bysubway 3 Jennyridesthebiketoschool Jennygetstoschool 4 Mr Wangwalkstoschool 同义句 Mr Wang toschool gets onfoot

      6、 bybike Ittakes 人 时间 todo 事情 是一个十分常用的句型 其中动词take表示 花费 时间 例如 Itusuallytakesmefivetotenminutestogettherebybus 乘坐公交车去那儿我通常要花五到十分钟的时间 做某事花费某人多长时间 Ittakessomebodysometimetodosomething Ittakesmetenminutestogettoschoolbybike 骑车去上学花费我十分钟时间 20minutes 2hours 12minutes Howlongdoesittakeyoutoschool Ittakesme10minutestogettoschoolbybus 1 你怎样去学校 我骑车去学校 2 她怎样去学校 她乘火车去学校 Howdoyougettoschool Iridethebike toschool Igettoschoolbybike Howdoesshegettoschool Shetakesthetrain toschool Shegetstoschoolbytrain 一 将下列句子译成英

      7、语 1 Tomtakesthebustoschool 2 Iwalktoschooleveryday Tomgetstoschoolbybus Igettoschoolonfooteveryday 3 TheygototheUSAbyplane TheytaketheplanetotheUSA 二 写出下列句子的同义句 Theyridetheirbikestoschool 就画线部分提问 2 Ittakes50minutestogethere 就画线部分提问 gettoschool ittaketogethere Howdothey Howlongdoes 三 句型转换 1 rideabike bybike骑自行车2 takethesubway bysubway乘坐地铁3 takethetrain bytrain乘坐火车4 takeaplane byplane乘坐飞机5 takethebus bybus乘坐公车6 walks onfoot走路 步行7 getto到达 昨天我们学了什么 8 Howfarisitfrom to 从 到 多远 9 Howlongdoesittake 需要多长

      8、时间 10 Ittakessb sometimetodosth 花某人多长时间做某事 GrammarFocus 1 Howdo does 某人 某人怎么去某地 how是疑问副词 本句中用来提问 等 你叔叔通常怎样去香港 探究乐园 出行方式 getto某地 HowdoesyourunclegettoHongKong 2 回答方式有两种 A 某人 take s to某地 B 某人 get s to某地 我叔叔乘飞机去香港 the交通工具 by交通工具 MyuncletakestheplanetoHongKong MyunclegetstoHongKongbyplane 3 ittakessb sometimetodosth 意为 步行大约要花我15分钟的时间 做作业大约花费简30分钟的时间 Ittakesmeabout15minutestowalk IttakesJane30minutestodoherhomework 某事花费某人 时间 4 如果对时间段提问的话 就用 doesittakesb todosth 句型 Howlong Howlongdoesittaketowalktosch

      9、ool Howlongdoesittaketodoherhomework 5 对两地间的距离提问下列句型 isit 某地 某地 从他家到服装店多远 isit hishome theclothesstore 从北京到上海有多远 is fromBeijing Shanghai Howfar fromto to Howfarit Howfar fromto 3a Matchthequestionswiththeanswers Thenpracticethem 1 HowdoesMikegettoschool 2 Howlongdoesittaketogettohome 3 Howfarisitfromhere 4 Doyourfriendsgotoschoolbybus 5 Doesyourdaddrivehiscartowork a Yes theydo b No hedoesn t c Herideshisbike e About15minutes d It sfivekilometers 3b Usethesewordstomakequestions school you getto

      10、do how 2 to school getto does howlong take it 3 school your from it is howfar home to 4 you to walk do school 5 ride theirbikes do school yourfriends to Howlongdoseittaketogettoschool Howdoyougettoschool HowfarisIfromyourhometoschool Doyouwalktoschool Doyourfriendsridetheirbikestoschool 3c Askyourclassmatesquestionsandwritetheirnamesinthechart Thefirststudenttofillinalltheblankswins Name Findsomeonewho Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool It saboutfivekilometers Doyouwalktoschool Grace Yes Ido Doyouta

      《unit 3 how do you get to school section a 2a-2e》由会员灯火****19分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 3 how do you get to school section a 2a-2e》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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