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冀教版2 What did you do last Weekend Section B同步测试B卷.doc

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    • 1、冀教版2 What did you do last Weekend Section B同步测试B卷一、 写出下列动词的过去式。 (共2题;共7分)1. (6分)写出下列动词的过去式形式(1)sell _(2)buy _(3)stay _(4)visit _(5)travel _(6)arrive _2. (1分)The streets soon e_ (空出) when the rain began. 二、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (共1题;共5分)3. (5分)根据提示填写单词。(1)He worked late last night. So he looks _/tad/ now.(2)You mustnt throw _ /lt/ around.(3)We have three _(餐)a day.(4)Smoking may _(导致)many problems.(5)Going to school _(没有)breakfast is bad for your health.三、 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共14分)4. (1分)She said th

      2、ey _ (have) a good weekend. 5. (1分) My birthday is coming. I look forward to _(get) a funny present. I hope your dream will come true.6. (1分)Excuse me, would you mind _(keep) your voice down, please? 7. (10分)语法填空 Green sea turtles are reptiles (爬行动物). They are _(find) throughout the worlds seas. They are probably the oldest animals _the Earth. Their ancestors(祖先) used to walk on land, and then went back _the sea many million years ago. They watched dinosaurs go missing. Although they are endange

      3、red animals, the number of them is_(rise). Green sea turtles are cold-blooded and they breathe air. They each have a hard shell like nearly all turtles. Many land turtles are able to take their heads back into their shells for _(protect). Green sea turtles cannot do this, and their heads will be out at all times. Their shells are _(light) in weight than those which live on land. When green sea turtles swim, they will come out of the sea every few _(minute) to take a breath._when they sleep, they

      4、 can remain in water for two hours without taking a breath. Green sea turtles seem to grow very _(slow). Adult green sea turtles can weigh about 500 pounds. Green sea turtles live in the ocean _most of their adult lives.8. (1分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。It is reported that it is going to rain, so youd better I think _ (not go) for a picnic tomorrow.四、 选用所给的单词填空。 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)A)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每次限用一次。ball,ride,everybody,club,fast(1)Look!Tim is_a horse on the farm(2)There are three_

      5、in our school(3)He walks_Why is he in a hurry?(4)How many_are there in the box?About fifty.(5)_is getting ready for the coming match.五、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)10. (2分)一 will the students study in the future?At home A . WhereB . HowC . WhyD . What11. (2分)I have _ to tell you. Please stop to listen to me carefully. A . interesting somethingB . anything interestingC . something interestingD . interesting anything12. (2分)There is a river _ the two hills. _ the river there is a bridge. A . in; InB . between

      6、; OverC . between; OnD . outside; Across13. (2分)(2015广西河池)Excuseme. HowlongcanIkeepthedictionary?Youcan nextMonday.A . giveitawayB . comeupwithitC . giveitbackD . lenditagain14. (2分) Miss Wang once _art at Badon School for ten years and now is a singer. No wonder I often hear her sing in the garden.A . has taughtB . taughtC . is teachingD . teaches15. (2分)Yao Ming was born in a city Shanghai.A . callingB . callsC . calledD . call16. (2分)We have sweaters all colors $50 each. A . as; atB . for; of

      7、C . in; atD . on; of17. (2分)Please give me some .A . bananasB . a bananaC . appleD . tomato18. (2分)(2017鄂州)Ill be away for a long time.Dont worry. She can look after your pet _.A . careful enoughB . enough carefulC . carefully enoughD . enough carefully19. (2分)(2015.福建省龙岩市)The Belt and Road Initiative(一带一路倡议)will help China improve with those related countries, especially Pakistan.A . relationshipB . agreementC . environment六、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (共1题;共16分)20. (16分)A)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式) (1)他表弟擅长玩

      8、电脑游戏。His cousin_computer games(2)你们不能砍倒这么多的树木。You_so many trees(3)我爸爸正在电视上看龙舟比赛。My father_the dragon boat races_TV.(4)让你弟弟不要在走廊里跑。Let your brother_in the hallways(5)我想乘火车去西藏。I want to_Tibet_.七、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Mom, I m hungry now.B: Well, I will make something for you.A: Great. _B: OK. Can you help me make them?A: Yes. _B: Well, help me cut the tomatoes.A: _.B: Two is OK.A: What else (别的)?B: _A: OK. Now what do we do?B: First, pour some oil into the pan. Then, put in the tomatoes and eggs.A: I know the next s

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