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    • 1、 ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS GUIDELINES 2014 The University of Queensland s Academic Scholarship program aims to reward the achievements of outstanding school leavers and gap year students The Academic Scholarships available for award are i UQ Vice Chancellor s Scholarships awarded to applicants achieving at the very top of the OP1 band or equivalent ii UQ Excellence Scholarships awarded to OP 1 applicants who demonstrate outstanding academic leadership and or community service achievements during the

      2、ir senior secondary studies iii UQ Merit Scholarships awarded to high academic achievers across a range of study areas who demonstrate significant leadership and or community service 1 Eligibility requirements The scholarships are open to current Year 12 and gap year students who a are Australian Citizens and Australian Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders or b are Australian Permanent Residents New Zealand Citizens or international students who are completing or have completed Years 11 and 12 in

      3、 Australia AND c have not undertaken commenced any previous tertiary study other than that undertaken as part of Year 11 12 studies eg Enhanced Studies Program and d have applied for a tertiary place through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre QTAC and e are intending to enrol as a full time student in a coursework degree program at The University of Queensland in 2014 or 2015 if a deferment of their tertiary offer is approved and f have UQ listed as either their 1st or 2nd QTAC preference

      4、 2 Application Process 2 1 The On line application form is available on the UQ Scholarships website from August 2013 2 2 Once the Online Application form has been submitted applicants will receive an email to confirm that their application has been received by the University It is the responsibility of applicants to contact the Undergraduate Scholarships and Prizes Office if they have not received their Confirmation Email within 2 days of submitting their Online Application Form 2 3 Applicants m

      5、ust provide copies of all requested supporting documentation including a copy of the Confirmation Email in order to be considered for a scholarship This documentation must reach The University of Queensland by the 31 October 2013 Late applications will not be considered 3 UQ Selection Policies Please note that the level of demand for academic scholarships significantly exceeds the number of scholarships available and not all eligible applicants will be successful 3 1 A person will not be selecte

      6、d for a UQ Academic Scholarship unless the University is satisfied that he she meets the eligibility criteria for a scholarship as set out in Section 1 of these Guidelines 3 2 Recipients will be determined by a panel of senior UQ staff and selection is completely at the University s discretion No appeals against the non award of an academic scholarship will be entered into 3 3 Academic scholarships will be awarded with consideration to a range of factors including but not necessarily limited to

      7、academic achievement demonstrated leadership and or community service financial need program preferences and secondary school attended 3 4 The University of Queensland will aim to award scholarships to students across a broad range of high schools and study programs When awarding scholarships the Selection Panel will rely on the 1st preference program noted in the scholarship application The panel will only consider an applicant s 2nd preference program where UQ is not listed as their 1st prefer

      8、ence 3 5 The University of Queensland will not award more than one Academic Scholarship to an individual student 3 6 Academic merit will generally be assessed on the basis of the students OP score or International Baccalaureate score or equivalent rank or in the case of the UQ Vice Chancellor s Scholarships the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank ATAR 3 7 Bonus ranks applied as a result of undertaking a language other than English Maths C or enhanced studies or applied as a consequence of a speci

      9、al entry program will NOT apply for the purposes of determining academic rank for one of these scholarships 3 8 Assessment of leadership achievements and or community service will be based on information contained in the scholarship application AND the documentation provided by the applicant with their application The University will make its own judgement about what constitutes the most meritorious cases 3 9 The University of Queensland reserves the right not to offer all the scholarships avail

      10、able and to set a maximum limit on scholarships available for any one program or in any one faculty 4 Offer Process 4 1 The number of scholarships available in each category will be determined each year by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic 4 2 The University will conduct one Academic Scholarship round in December each year to select and award scholarships to students intending to commence their undergraduate studies at UQ in 2014 or in 2015 where approval has been given to defer their tertiary


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