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北交《大学英语上》在线作业二 The soldiers jumped into the riverpast their ears

  • 卖家[上传人]:w****
  • 文档编号:107063118
  • 上传时间:2019-10-17
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    • 1、大学英语上 1 单选题 1 The soldiers jumped into the river_past their ears. A A with bullets whistlingB with bullets whistledC with bullets to whistleD with bullets being whistling2 The more he tried to help her,_she seemed to appreciate it. B A lessB the lessC the leastD the lesser3 The patient isnt out of danger. He is _than how he was yesterday. A A no betterB worstC not worseD not more4 He was willing to speak to the reporters_ he was not identified. A A on condition thatB in caseC suppose thatD for f

      2、ear that5 The time will come _ man can fly_ he likes in the universe. B A how . whereB when . whereverC where . whereD what . Which6 The higher the standard of living,_. D A the greater is the amount of paper is usedB the greater amount of paper is usedC the amount of paper is used is greaterD the greater the amount of paper is used7 Hans has a new car. I wonder when_it. A A he boughtB did he buyC buysD he is buying8 He told me how he had given me shelter and food without which I _of hunger. A A

      3、 would have diedB would dieC would be diedD will die9 The International Studies University, _in 1951, is a military academy. A A foundedB has been foundeC to have been foundedD was founded10 _,we will set off as we planned. B A Were it good or badB Be it good or badC Being good or badD Whether good or bad11 I have no idea_ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year. C A whatB howC thatD when12 _the old mans sons wanted to know was _the gold had been hidden. B A That . whatrB What

      4、. whereC What . thatD That . Where13 He told me the news_our team had won the game. D A aboutB ofC asD that14 The juvenile offender was released from custody on condition that he_a job immediately and_out of trouble for six months. D A found . stayedB finds . stayC find . staysD find . stay15 Liu Fang studies much better than _student in his class. B A anyB any otherC the otherD other16 Her children_far away from her, the old lady feels lonely sometimes. B A to liveB livingC livedD having lived1

      5、7 I cant do my homework with all this noise_. D A is going onB to go onC gone onD going on18 Is this the place _the exhibition was held? A A whereB thatC on whichD the one19 Do _you are told; otherwise you will be punished. B A thatB whatC whichD whom20 Rather than _to see the film he would prefer_stay at home. A A go . toB to go . toC went . toD would go . To21 Is this museum _you visited a few days ago? D A whererB thatC on whichD the one22 The two elements _water is made are the oxygen and hydrogen. C A thatB whichC of whichD with which23 Mrs. Lee will move into her new house next Monday, _it will be completely furnished. C A by that timeB by the timeC by which timeD by some time24 The country is faced with great problems, starvation_the top of them. C A has beenB isC beingD is being25 The water gives up energy and becomes cooler_the ice receives energy and melts. B A whenB whileC forD because

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