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    • 1、高考语法词法、词类辨析介 词一、考点精析复习介词时要把握三点:1要注意理解情景意义:同一介词可表达多种意义,同一场合意义不同则介词不同。2突破几个关键介词in,on,at,with,by,from,of,to,for。3注意介词搭配,集中归纳,反复练习。二、常用介词基本用法1at:主要表示方向、场所、时间的某一点at the corner of the street,at dinner,at sixty miles an hour,be sold at three yuan a dozen,come at us 固定搭配:at daybreak,at one time,at the beginning of,at the post office,at the airport,at dawn,at the weekend,at the age of 25,at the same time,at birth,at present,at any time,at a time,at times,at the speed of ,at a height of ,at the latest 表示原

      2、因,表示“见/闻而”。 at the news2in:表示场所、时间与期限、状况、方向。be dressed in rags in English be sold in pairs 主要用来表示较长的时间单位,如月份、季节、年份等 in the 1990s in the late 19th century 形成“in+时段名词”的词组或固定搭配in those days,in the daytime,in a short while,in no time,in time 介词in在短语或句型中的省略:1) 某些形容词/过去分词后接v-ing形式时,v-ing形式前的介词in可以省略。be busy (in) doing be engaged (in) doing (忙于)2) 某些动词如busy、occupy、employ等,常与反身代词连用,其后的in也可以省略。busy oneself (in) doing occupy oneself (in) doing3)某些动词如spend、pass、waste等与表示时间的名词连用,后面的介词也可以省略。spend time (in) d

      3、oing waste time (in) doing4)在have no difficulty in doing sth.、have no trouble in doing sth.、have no business in doing sth.等句型中介词也可以省略。5) 在句型There is no use (in)doing sth.中,介词也可省略。固定搭配:in the world,in (the)future,in the snow /rain / storm,in ink,in short,in public,in return,in turn,in danger,in this way,in that case,in search of,in place of,in the air,in case,in common,in the hope of,in other words,in praise of,in silence,in space,in one / s opinion,in modern times,in surprise,in a queue,in the o

      4、pen air3on:主要表示在上面、根据或基础、有关或涉及的方面、表示某天。固定搭配:on doing sth.,on the afternoon of October,on Tuesday evening,on foot,hit sb. on the head,on the right/ left,on fire,on duty,on sale,on the radio,on and on,on show,on earth,on average,on ones own注意:一般带有宗教色彩的节日名词前面用at,如圣诞节。 一般的节日名词前用on。4by主要表示接近、时限、动作的执行者、方式。固定搭配:by the village,be paid by the month,by oneself,by chance,by foot(=on foot),by hand,learn by heart,by mistake,by accident,by force,year by year,side by side,stone by stone,by now / then5for主要表示目的

      5、、原因、交换值以及时间和距离的长度。固定搭配:make sth. for sb.,for some reason or other,thank sb. for sth.,for almost one year,for example,for the time being,for sale,for free,for one thing,for nothing6of表示部分与全体的关系、所有关系、来源和所用的材料。of所有格表示的多种关系:1)从属关系:the wheel of the car2)局部-整体关系:some of the water3)量化关系:a cup of tea4)描述关系:a professor of learning(知识丰富的教授)5)同位关系: the city of Beijing6)动宾关系:the study of the map(研究地图)7)主谓关系:the determination of the workers(工人们的决心)固定搭配:be of much use,rob sb. of sth.,be fond of,make fun of,be

      6、 tired of,of ones own,instead of,run out of7to 主要表示方向、程度、结果、关系和位置。固定搭配:rise to / by ,to ones surprise / joy/ astonishment,to the east of,key to,come up to,add up to,be open to the public,to the point,thanks to,suit to ,stick to,refer to三、容易错、常考的介词及搭配1be made of,be made from,be made into,be made in2call on = visit,call for = go and pick up,call at ones house or office3on business (出差)/ strike()罢工 / duty(值日) / holiday / fire / vacation / watch(警戒) / sale(出售) / leave(请假) / guard(警戒)4have some troub

      7、le / difficulty (in) doing sth.,have a habit / idea / plan of doing sth.5A is pleased to B,B is pleased with A(对感到满意)6be tired of,be tired from7with the help of,under the leadership of8by means of(使用),by way of(经由),by heart(记住),by the way9out of question(毫无疑问),out of the question(毫不可能)10prevent / stop / keep sb. from doing sth.11be thankful to sb. for sth.12steal sth. from sb.,rob sb. of sth.13insist on doing sth.,persist in doing sth.,stick to,go on doing sth.14set about doing sth.,set out to d

      8、o sth.15look sb. in the face,hit sb. on the face,lead the cow by the nose16do a favour for sb. = do sb. a favour17tell A from B四、介词的惯用型1above all(首先),after all,at all(全然),in all2day after day,year after year,one after one,one after another3at peace(和平),at war(战争),at times(时常),at dinner4by oneself,by all means(尽一切办法、务必),by chance,by accident,by no means(决不、并没有),by means of(用、依靠) ,by the way5in her teens(十几岁),in pain,in danger,in need6to ones joy / sorrow / surprise7with care(仔细地),with joy / pleas

      9、ure(高兴地),with ones help,with the best wishes(致以我们良好的祝愿),without difficulty(毫不困难地),without exception(毫不例外),without delay(立即、马上)8according to(依据),along with(和一起),as to(至于),because of,except for(除之外),instead of(代替)9out of order(不正常),out of date,out of trouble(脱离困境),out of sight,out of debt(还清了债务),out of touch(没有联系)10at the bottom of,at the centre of,at the end of,at the top of,at the cost of(以为代价)at the sight of,at the thought of,at a speed of11in memory of(纪念),in favour of(同意),in the habit of(有习惯),in touch with(与保持联系)on the left of,on the eve of(在前夕)12from time to time(不时地), from day to day(天天), from hand to hand(一个传一个),from side to side(左右地),from car to car(一个车厢一个车厢地),from bad to worse(越来越差),from beginning to end(从头到尾)


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