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    • 1、工业大学华立学院本科毕业设计论文高田中学网络工程设计与实施论文题目 高田中学网络工程设计与实施系部机电与信息工程学部 专业网络工程班 级 2011级网络1班学号学生永聪 指导教师康 / 摘要随着互联网时代的到来,计算机网络日益发展,越来越多的人都依靠着网络的力量来互相联系、互相沟通,人类已经步入信息社会,计算机网络产业正成为全球经济的主导产业。同时,计算机网络技术已成为学校的教学管理必不可少的重要工具。校园网随着全国高等院校网络建设的日渐成熟而逐步走入了人们的视野。校园网的应用围越来越宽阔,校园网的建设是高等院校的建设与发展特别是人才培养的重要组成部分,可以更加直接快速的展现该学校的办学水平和办学质量。由于现在的初中办学规模较大,学生层次较为复杂,导致学校的教学、管理等对网络的依赖性也越来越强。校园网在一定程度上完善教学方式,扩展了老师和学生的知识面,这就是意味着校园网络提高了学生的获取、分析以及处理信息的能力。本文对校园网进行了总体的网络设计和分析,利用组网技术、网络设备、传输介质、网络协议、网络安全技术、防火墙策略,以及各种系统管理软件和应用软件将校园的计算机和各终端设备有机地集成

      2、在一起,用于教学、科研、学校管理、办公自动化、信息资源共享等功能的计算机局域网,保证了校园网安全、稳定、高效的运行。关键词:校园网 组网技术 网络设计 网络安全 网络协议 防火墙AbstractWith the advent of the Internet era, the increasing development of computer network, more and more people are relying on the power of the Internet to connect, communicate with each other, Mankind has entered the information society, computer network industry is becoming the leading industry in the global economy. At the same time, the technology of computer network has become an important tool for te

      3、aching the essential management in Institutions of higher learning. Campus network as the network construction of colleges and universities throughout the country gradually mature and gradually into peoples vision. The scope of application of the campus net is more and more broad, the campus network construction is the construction and development of colleges and universities in particular is an important part of talent training, can be more directly and quickly show the in school running level

      4、and quality of running a school. Because of the scale of running ordinary undergraduate college students is larger, complex levels, leading to rely on Colleges and universities teaching, management on the network more and more strong.The campus network to improve the teaching method in a certain extent, the expansion of the knowledge of teachers and students, this means that the campus network to improve students ability to acquisition, analysis and processing of information. This paper has carr

      5、ied on the network design and overall analysis of the campus network, the use of network technology, network equipment, transmission media, network protocol, the technology of network security, firewall policy, as well as various management system software and application software to campus computers and terminals are integrated together machine, computer local area network used in teaching, scientific research, school management,office automation,information resource sharing and other functions, to ensure the security of campus network, stable, efficient operation.Keywords: Campus network Networking technology Network design Network security Network protocol 目录摘要. Abstract.1 绪论.11.1概述.11.2校园网络的组成. .1 1.3 建设校园网的必要性.22 校园网络的规划和实施.42.1校园网络中的主要硬件设备.42.1.1网络中的服务器.42.1.2交换机.52.1.3路由器.53 校园网络总体设计与分析 .93.1学校概况.93.2校园网的设计思想.93.2.1整体需求分析.93.2.2用户分析.103.2.3性能要求.103.3校园网络工程总体设计方案.113.4 校园网络拓扑图设计.11 3.5 IP地址的划分.113.5.1 IP地址分配原则. . . . . . .123.5.2 校园网络各部门VLAN划分. . . . . . .12 3.5校园网设备选购.


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