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  • 上传时间:2022-10-16
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    • 1、编号: YB-HT-1936ENTERTAINMENT CONTRACTENTERTAINMENT CONTRACT甲方:乙方:签订日期:年月日精品合同/ Word文档 /文字可改编订: Yunbo Design编号: YB-HT-1936ENTERTAINMENT CONTRACT说明:本合同书适用于约束协议双方(即甲乙双方)的履行责任,同时也为日后双方的分歧,提供有力的文字性依据,可用作电子存档或实体印刷,使用时请详细阅读条款。thiscontract,made this_day of _, _, by andbetween middle tennessee state university (institution)and _(contractor).w i t n e s s e t hwhereas the institution desires to purchase and thecontractordesirestoprovidecertainentertainmentservices,thepartiesherebyagreetothetermsandconditio

      2、ns set forth herein.1.thecontractorwillprovideentertainmentconsisting of _.2.the entertainment will be provided at institutions facilities located at _.3.entertainment performance will begin at _.第 1 页编号: YB-HT-19364.institution will provide additional access to itsfacilitiesas follows:access to theatreand dressingroomsas agreed upon in attached contract addendum.5.institution will be responsible for providing thefollowingequipment/services:sound,lightingandelectrical service as required.6.theco

      3、ntractorwillbe responsibleforprovidingthefollowingequipment/services:(sound,lighting,security,etc.)7.institutionshall make paymentto thecontractor byuniversitycheck in the amount of _; made payable to _(ein_)upon completionof the entertainmentperformance.8.theinstitutionshallberesponsibleforanyapplicable amusement or sales tax.9.the contractor warrants that no part of the totalcontract amount provided herein shall be paid directly or第 2 页编号: YB-HT-1936indirectlytoanyofficeroremployeeofthestateof

      4、tennesseeas wages,compensation,orgiftsinexchange foractingasofficer,agent,employee,subcontractor,orconsultanttothecontractorinconnectionwithanyservicesperformedrelativetothiscontract.thecontractorfurtherwarrantsthatwithinthe past six monthshe has not beenand during theterms of this contractwillnot become an employee of the state of tennessee.10.the institution reserves the right tointerruptorterminate the entertainment, or any portion thereof, ifduringtheentertainmentperformance,theinstitutionde

      5、termines, in its sole discretion, that such action iswarrantedtomaintainsecurityorcompliancewithfederal,state or local laws or regulations of tennessee board ofregents policy. such action, in and of itself, shall notaffecttheinstitutions obligationforpayment underthe第 3 页编号: YB-HT-1936termsof thiscontract;provided,however,thatpayment maybewithheldifsuchinterruptionorterminationisnecessary due to a failure by the contractor to observeinstitution policies of which it has been informed.11.thecontra

      6、ctoragreestoassume fullresponsibilityforpaymentof any and allcopyrightroyaltiesdue fortheentertainmentperformanceprovidedhereunder.thecontractor further agrees to assume full responsibilityfor any copyright infringement which occurs during thecourseofsaid performanceand agrees to indemnifyand holdthe institution harmless from any and all liabilities anddamagesarisingoutofanyactionforcopyrightinfringement.12.no person on the grounds of race, color, religion,sex, creed, age, disability, national o

      7、rigin, or veteranstatuswillbe excludedfromparticipationin,orbe denied第 4 页编号: YB-HT-1936benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discriminationin the performance of this agreement or in the employmentpractices of the contractor.13.thecontractorshallmaintaindocumentationforallcharges against theinstitution underthisagreement. thebooks, records, and documents of the contractor, insofaras they relate to work performed or money received underthis agreement, shall be maintained for a period of threefull years from the date of the final payment, and shallbe subjectto audit,at any reasonabletime and upon notice,by the institution or the comptroller of the treasury, ortheir duly appointed representatives.14.the undersigned agenton beha


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