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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 上传时间:2023-10-22
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    • 1、Guide to Community Mobilization for PAIMAN1. Prepare to Mobilize2. Organize the Community for Action3. Exploring the MNH Issues4. Planning Together5. Acting Together6. Evaluating Together7. Preparing to Scale UpInsert LogosTable of ContentsIntroduction and Overview2Acknowledgements2Step 1 - Preparing to Mobilize2Step 2 Organizing the Community for Action2Step 3 Exploring MNH Issues and Setting Priorities2Step 4 Planning Together2Introduction and OverviewThe following guide is intended to serve a

      2、s a resource for PAIMAN partners and NGOs in the process of engaging communities to work toward creating positive MNH change at the community level. The initial phase of community mobilization will address steps 1 4; steps 5, 6 and 7 will be added once partners are further along in the process.Intended Audiences. The Guide and Fieldbook are intended for Community Mobilization Officers (CMOs), other community mobilization representatives from PAIMAN organizations and PAIMAN contracted NGOs. Save

      3、the Children, PAVHNA, and Mercy Corps are leading the implementation of community mobilization efforts under PAIMAN supported by NGOs. All groups will coordinate closely to strengthen and support one anothers activities. The tools may also be useful for other PAIMAN partners to strengthen understanding of the community-based activities and to facilitate maximization of resources and efforts in each district. Purpose of Guide and Fieldbook. The purpose is to serve as a step-by-step resource and s

      4、et of tools for partners throughout the community mobilization process. The Guide provides suggestions on how to engage district communities from point of entry to generating a collective plan. Ideally, these tools should used within and across each CM organization and NGO as a basis for meeting sessions and discussions, to compare and contract efforts, evaluate progress and share challenges. The Fieldbook offers hands-on exercises that can be done at the community level with groups and individu

      5、als. It also provides a structured space to write down field notes and results from meetings and sessions. As each CM partner brings unique expertise to the community mobilization process, the tools are intended to provide partners with an approach that can be adapted to the needs of each district. The Guide and Fieldbook are also meant to be living tools, revisited and revised periodically, according to partner needs. As the CM process will continue for the next several years, the tools are int

      6、ended as a first step to unifying efforts and to ensure the best possible outcomes. Roles and Responsibilities: CM partners (Save the Children, Pavhna, and Mercy Corps) will lead the overall CM process in each district. NGOs will support these efforts, but also take a lead in managing male support groups, female support groups (in non-Lady Health Worker areas), and household visits with pregnant women. NGOs may also support CM activities such as community fairs, community theatre and other event

      7、s (depending on what communities decide) in partnership with the CM lead partner of each district. (?)Guide and Fieldbook Development: Led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (CCP) in collaboration with Save the Children, Pavhna, and Mercy Corps, the development of the Guide and Fieldbook involved review of existing community mobilization (CM) methods and tools; adaptation of these methods to for PAIMAN; and, review and input from partners. A comp

      8、lete list of the resources used to develop these tools can be found in Acknowledgements. Community Mobilization Teams and Facilities by District Two icons used throughout the guide make reference to items that can be found in the Fieldbook. These include Action Items and Exercises:Action Items are recommended places for CM partners and NGOs to make field notes based on a particular meeting, session or other. Exercises are suggested activities/sessions to be done with community members/groups.Pro

      9、vinceDistrictCM LeadRHC Tehsil HospitalDistrict HospitalPunjabRawalpindiSave Phagwari MandraMuree & Gujar Khan-JhelumSave DomailySuhavaDHQ JhelumDG KhanSave Choti ZarinHospital TaunsaHospital DG KhanKhanewalSave Kacha KhuhMian ChannuHospital KhanewalNWFPUpper DirSave BarawalRHC Wari (as THQ)THQ Hosp. Dir Khas (as DHQ Hospital)BunerSaveJawarCivil Hospital ChamlaDHQ Hospital DaggarSindhSukkurPAVHNAKandraTaluka Hospital RohriCivil Hospital SukkurDaduPAVHNASeta RoadKhairpur Nathan ShahCivil Hospital DaduBalochistanJaffarabadMercy CorpsRojhan JamaliUsta MuhammadDera Allah YarLasbellaMercy CorpsBelaGhulam Qadir Hosp. HubDHQ Hospital UthalMaking a Commitment to PAIMAN CommunitiesPAIMAN believes that it is our responsibil


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