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2018人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists using language课时作业

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    • 1、Unit 1 Great scientists using language课时作业(时间:15分钟).阅读理解阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最正确选项。Losing weight comes with a lot of health benefits including making your brain sharper.Yes, it turns out that overweight may damage cognitive functions such as memory and attention. There have been few studies of overweight and cognitive functioning, possibly because it is generally believed that it is not a primary risk cause for poor cognitive performance. Losing weight, therefore, may help improve these

      2、mental functions, according to a new research led by John Gunstad, assistant professor of psychology at Kent State University.Growing evidence suggests that being fat is linked to cognitive deficits(缺陷). So Gunstad and his team guessed that losing weight might improve mental function. For their study, they measured memory and attention in a group of 150 overweight participants, some of whom had some kind of operation for weight loss and some did not. All of the volunteers completed mental skills

      3、 tests to assess their abilities of memory and attention at the beginning of the study, and again 12 weeks later. To begin with, about 24% of the patients showed damaged learning and 23% showed signs of poor memory when tested. At the end of the study, those who had lost weight after operation improved their scores into the average or above average range for cognitive functions. Scores for the volunteers who didnt lose weight dropped even further.The study helped Gunstad to find out whether losi

      4、ng weight had any effect on mental function, Now that hes seen the positive effect that weight loss can have on memory and attention, he says he will next study those who choose to lose weight by the traditional way eating healthier and getting more active. He expects that losing weight in this way will have a similarly positive effect on the brain. “If we can improve the condition with operations, then we can probably produce the same change with behavioral weight loss as well, he says.1. There

      5、 is less research on overweight and cognitive functions because researchers _A. believe overweight only affects our bodyB. have focused on ways to sharpen peoples mindC. do not consider overweight a main cause for low cognitive abilityD. are clear about the relation between weight and mental functions2. The result of Gunstads study shows that _A. losing weight has little effect on peoples memoryB. losing weight can improve peoples mental functionsC. overweight people are likely to have psycholog

      6、y problemsD. overweight peoples abilities of concentration differ greatly3. What is Gunstad planning to prove next in his research?A. Slim people are smarter than overweight people.B. Healthy diet is better than exercise in losing weight.C. Traditional ways of losing weight are better than operation.D. Overweight people will get smarter by taking more exercise.4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Body Weight and HealthB. Losing Weight by OperationC. Ways to Improve Mental

      7、FunctionsD. Losing Weight to Sharpen Your Mind参考答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇科普类文。中心是“减肥可以使人更聪明。Gunstad的研究说明减肥能提高人们的脑力效用,不管是通过手术减肥还是锻炼控制饮食都是有效果的。1. 参考答案C解析细节理解题。从文章第二段中的There have been few studies of overweight and cognitive functioning, possibly because it is generally believed that it is not a primary risk cause for poor cognitive performance.可知,很少关于过度肥胖和认知效用的调查,因为研究人员没有认为过度肥胖是认知水平低的原因。2. 参考答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的Losing weight, therefore, may help improve these mental functions, according to a new research le

      8、d by John Gunstad, assistant professor of psychology at Kent State University.可知Gunstad的研究说明减肥能提高人们的脑力效用。故B项正确。3. 参考答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的he says he will next study those who choose to lose weight by the traditional way eating healthier and getting more active.可知Gunstad下一步在调查中想要证明的是通过锻炼过度肥胖的人可以变得聪明。4. 参考答案D解析主旨大意题。根据文章第一段Losing weight comes with a lot of health benefits including making your brain sharper.可知,这篇文章主要讲述减肥可以使人变得更聪明。故D项作为标题最好。.阅读填空根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Keep

      9、 Your Body in Balance When on a Diet(2019唐山模拟)The basic principle of weight loss is that the total calories expended in energy must be greater than the total calories consumed. However, if you take dieting and exercise to extremes, your body can be thrown off balance. _1_ By paying attention to some basic principles of selfcare and nutrition, you can avoid putting your body under too much stress._2_ Depending on the diet you are following, consume small meals regularly to prevent blood sugar spiking and lowering which cause tiredness, light headedness, headaches, irritability and food longing. Aim to consume a small meal, snack or a glass of juice every three hours. If following a liquidonly diet plan, make sure you are consuming liquids containing enough nutrients to support your body.Stay hydrated(含水的). Ensure you drink plenty of water to keep you

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