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2018高二英语人教版必修五Unit 1 great scientists Learning about language同步练习

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    • 1、Unit 1 great scientists Learning about language课时作业.单词拼写1If you do this every day, it will improve memory _(效用)2He has been spreading _(虚假的)stories in an attempt to terrify us.3Dont be too _(好奇的)about the secret.4He _(辩护)himself by standing up.5Race to the door when he comes home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile and _(拥抱)him.6You were always in the front _(等级),and I was always behind.7When he opened it, he found it was empty and again his _(愤怒)burst.8It has been said, and _(真正地),that he la

      2、ughs best who laughs last.9We would do anything to _(减轻)your sorrow if only we could.10Each student has a different _(面部的)expression and manner.参考答案1function2.false3.curious4.defended5.hug 6rank7.anger8.truly9.ease10.facial.单句语法填空1When you are playing, watch your tone of voice and _ (face) expression.2What makes me _ (anger) is not what he said but the manner.3Soon afterwards he made his first public _ (state) about the affair.4He is a member of Chinese Writers _ (associate)5She is not an outgoi

      3、ng person and she doesnt let anyone know what she _ (true) felt.6He opened the box out of _ (curious)7The body has natural _ (defend) mechanisms to protect it from diseases.8Her comfort put me at _ (easy)9The committee includes _ (represent) from industry.10The hurricane has _ (power) strength to pull off the roof.11His sincere smile put me _ ease.12He will deliver a speech, _ (base) on what he has experienced.13Ill take an umbrella with me _ case it rains.14Their criticism did not discourage me

      4、. _ the contrary, I worked even harder.15He was the first person _ (enter) the park.16The approach to _ (deal) with this problem has been put forward.17_ is amazing that he should fail the exam.18There are many ways _ we can deal with the air pollution.19He reached the meeting room early so _he could get ready for the speech.20It was his rudeness _ led to this quarrel.参考答案1facial2.angry3.statement4.Association5.truly6curiosity7.defence/defense8.ease9.representatives10powerful11.at12.based13.in14

      5、.On15.to enter16dealing17.It18.that19.that20.that.单句改错1People gathered round, curiously to know what was happening._2People just like to be around enthusiastic people in generally._3With the College Entrance Examination approached, some students are getting more and more anxious._4Wang Yaping has become the second Chinese woman astronaut work in space._5I dont want to quarrel with you, not do I have time._6The harder you work, the more like you are to succeed._参考答案1curiously改为curious2.generally改

      6、为general3approached改为approaching4.work前加to5not改为nor6.like改为likely.语法填空My grandfather is a _1_ (retire) worker. On summer evenings, we often sat together outside the house _2_ (enjoy) the cool air. It was the time that he told me lots of his experiences before liberation.When my grandfather was fourteen years old, he worked in a coal mine. One day, when he and his two workmates were working in the tunnel, an _3_ (fortune) thing suddenly happened. A part of the tunnel fell down, and they were shut

      7、 in it. They had no food _4_(eat). When they were hungry, they only drank some water there. It was very cold in it. In order to keep warm, they hugged one another. In the darkness, they didnt know whether it was day _5_ night; they only felt they had stayed there for a very long time. They were too hungry to speak or move, and thought they _6_ (die). At last, the tunnel _7_ (dig) through. They were saved. They had been there for fourteen days! My grandfather said they werent let out at once. If

      8、_8_, they would have died. They were kept at the entrance to the tunnel _9_ it was very dim, and they were fed _10_ some thin porridge. After a day or two, they had recovered a bit, and they were helped out.参考答案1retired2.enjoying3.unfortunate4.to eat5.or6would die7.was dug8.so9.where10.on(或with).短文改错July,31st SunnyIt was sunny today and I was in a good mood. Tired of studying or the noise of city life, I come to the ecology park to enjoy scenery and get relaxing in the afternoon.While I arrived at the park, what came into its sight were the thick green trees. The air was fresh. In addition, I could clearly see a path around the pond. Lying on the grasses decorated with various flowers, I felt with ease because all that I wanted was peace inside.Therefore, with time going by quickly, the sun was setting in the west. So I had to return back home. I would never forget such romantic experience, which was really beyond description.参考答案July,31st

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