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    • 1、精品文档普通高中英语课程标准功能意念项目表1.社会交往( SocialCommunications)( 1) 问候 (Greetings )( 2) 介绍 (Introduction )( 3) 告别 (Farewells )( 4) 感谢 (Thanks )( 5)道歉( Apologies )( 6)邀请( Invitation )( 7)请求允许( Asking for permission )( 8)祝愿和祝贺( Expressing wishes and congratulati ons )( 9)提供帮助( Offeringhelp )( 10)接受或拒绝( acceptance and refusal )( 11)约会( Making appointments )( 12)打电话( Making telephone calls )(13)就餐( Having meals )( 14)就医( Seeing the doctor ).精品文档( 15)购物( Shopping )( 16)问路( Asking the way )( 17)谈论天气( Talking about

      2、 weather )( 18)语言交际困难( Language difficulties incommunication)( 19)提醒注意( Reminding )( 20)警告和禁止( Warning and prohibition )( 21)劝告( Advice )( 22)建议( Suggestions )2态度( Attitudes )( 23)同意和不同意( Agreement and disagreement )( 24)喜欢和不喜欢( likes and dislikes )( 25)肯定和不肯定( Certainty and uncertainty )( 26)可能和不可能( Possibility and impossibility )( 27)能够和不能够( Ability and inability )( 28)偏爱和优先选择( Preference )( 29)意愿和打算( Intentions and plans ).精品文档( 30)希望和愿望( Hopes and Wishes )( 31)表扬和鼓励( Praise and encourage )(

      3、32)责备和抱怨( Blame and complain )( 33)冷淡( Indifference )( 34)判断与评价( Judgment and evaluation )3.情感( Emotions )( 35)高兴( Happiness )( 36)惊奇( Surprise )( 37)忧虑( Worries )( 38) 安慰 (Reassurance )( 39) 满意 (Satisfaction )( 40) 遗憾 (Regret )( 41) 同情 (Sympathy )( 42)恐惧( Fear )( 43)愤怒( Anger )4时间( Time )( 44)时刻( Pointof time ).精品文档( 45)时段( Duration )( 46)频度( Frequency )( 47)时序 (Sequence )5空间( Space )( 48)位置( Position )( 49)方向( Direction )( 50)距离( Distance )6存在( Existence )( 51)存在与不存在( Existence and non-existen

      4、ce )7.特征( Features )( 52)形状( Shape )( 53)颜色( color )( 54)材料( material )( 55)价格( Price )( 56)规格( Size )( 57)年龄( Age )8.计量( Measurement).精品文档( 58)长度( Length )( 59)宽度( Width )( 60)高度( Height )( 61)数量( Number )9比较( Comparison)( 62)同级比较( Equal comparison )( 63)差别比较( Comparative and superlative )( 64) 相似和差别( Similarity and difference )10.逻辑关系( Logicalrelations )( 65)原因和结果( Cause and effect )( 66)目的( Purpose )11.职业( Occupations)( 67)工作( Jobs )( 68)单位( Employer ).精品文档四、话题项目表说明:标 *号的项目为八级要求。1. 个人情况( Pers

      5、onal information)( 1)Individual data (name, age, date of birth, place of birth, telephone number, address, postal code, e-mail address, ID number,etc. )( 2)Family data(name, age, relationship, etc.)( 3)School data( school, grade, class, teacher, etc.)( 4)Data uses(filling out forms and applications, etc.)( 5)Jobs and career (office worker, worker, teacher, doctor, farmer,driver, official, etc.)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)( 1)Family and relatives (grandparents, parents, brothe

      6、r, sister,aunt, uncle, cousin, son, daughter, etc.)( 2)Friends (close neighbour, schoolmate, classmate, roommate,team-mate, etc.)( 3)Other people ( neighbour, local shopkeeper, teacher, colleague, etc. )3. 周围的环境( Personal environments)( 1)Kinds of homes(apartment, house, dormitory, etc.)( 2)Rooms in homes (bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc. ).精品文档( 3)Furniture & home items ( table, chair, sofa, desk, bed, television, etc. )( 4)Schools (classroom, playground, hall, computer room, offic

      7、e,etc. )( 5)Outside ( grocery store, book shop, clothing store, market, bank,library, museum, cinema, theatre, park, road, etc.)4. 日常活动( Daily routines)( 1)Getting ready( time for school, playing, bed)( 2)Dressing, brushing teeth, washing hands and face, taking a shower, etc.( 3)Eating( breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner)( 4)Daily chores( tidying, sweeping, doing dishes, cooking)( 5)Homework(reading, writing, studying, etc.)( 6)Family time(watching television, going out, visiting, etc.)5. 学校生活( School life)( 1)School building( classroom, office, library, washroom, etc.)( 2)School organization (grade, class, subject, break, schedule, etc. )( 3)People( teacher, classmate, schoolmate, cleaner, etc.)( 4)Subjects(Chinese, maths, English, geography, history, etc.)( 5)Activities(sports, extra-curricular involvement, trip, etc.)( 6)Instruct


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