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    • 1、Response to Great GatsbyI, as the representative of those who suffered a lot with the extreme fears of poorness, would become Gatsbys acolyte. Many of us, who came from poor family, although all had high ideals since child and planted the firm belief into the heart that Ill do my best to change my situation and squeeze myself into the rank of the rich, just couldnt show constant struggles for the ideal according to my experience. But Gatsby did it. Though his own struggle, he seized a big fortun

      2、e that a lot of people were too far behind to catch up.Actually, everyone has a high ideal, but the most important is to make it come true with your action. As the child in the poor family the same as Gatsby,I had the same dream as his. And when I did farm work every time, I would swear something such as hard study But my swearing was in vain when I came to the school. So I gave him my best appreciation.According to the text, as his greatest ideal, the love to Daisy becomes undoubtedly his spiri

      3、t support during the process of making fortune.Since Daisy took away his heart, he made constant efforts to pursue her. He didnt change his mind whatever happened.In “Supernatural eagle and Swords couple”(神雕侠侣),the Kungfu novel of JinYong, the leading role YangGuo could wait for his lover for the whole 16 years in loneliness, and even was willing to die for her finally. We said this is the highest state of love. The same as that, Gatsby also died for his lover. So he also reached the highest sta

      4、te of love.Above all, Gatsby had two great hearts. One was born for his lover. Another was born to overcome thousands of difficulties. 078班 074050219 杨家碧Q: Why people refused to come to Gatsbys funeral?Seen from the surface, The Great Gatsby was a love story. In fact, it was a critical and ironic taste for the social reality in 1920s of American. After reading this chapter and related information about The Great Gatsby, we have to think about the reasons why people refused to come to Gatsbys fun

      5、eral. In the view of human nature: it is said that humanity is formed in a certain social system and under certain historical conditions. In the “Jazz Age ”-an age of materialistic, pleasure-seeking supremacy and the anomic, people cared more about money and their possession. People were influenced by the stream of “American dream” which is a belief, a desire that in full of opportunities and wealth American land, people can realize their dreams after personal struggle. But the material prosperi

      6、ty brought the anomic and disappointment instead of the disappearance of narrow prejudice on different social hierarchy. Gatsby become rich by dealing with illegal business in order to get his Daisy back. Hundreds of people came to his luxury party and indulged in hedonism in order to make their life less unbearable. Daisys married life was unhappy since her husband, Tom, had a lover name Myrtle. She went to Gatsbys party just to get mental satisfaction and to get rid of her nada. But on hearing

      7、 Gatsbys death, Daisy and Tom had gone away early that afternoon. Those chance visitors vanished as if they had never appeared before. They thought Gatsby deserved all that. He had died so that his prosperity was also had gone away. They couldnt enjoy it any more. The best choice was to leave him alone.In the view of friendship, I firmly believe that a friend in need is a friend indeed. But in the “Jazz Age”, I see that a friend in interest is a friend indeed. The friendship was based on your st

      8、atus, possessions and reputations. After those were gone, in the face of difficulties, the irresponsibility, indifference, hypocrisy of friendship appeared in front of us. Before the car accident that she killed Myrtle, Daisy made use of Gatsby to get her mental satisfaction. After the car accident, Daisy and Tom retreated back into her money or vast carelessness. Tom shirked responsibility to Gatsby so that Wilson killed Gatsby. They smashed up things and creatures and let other people clean up

      9、 the mess they had made. That was total irresponsibility. Meyer Wolfsheim was a partner of Gatsby in worlds Series transaction. He raised Gatsby up out of nothing. We can say that they were totally tied up together in the past. But he said:” I am tied up in some very important business and cannot get mixed up in this thing now.” When a man gets killed I never like to get mixed up in it any way. I keep out” Slagle phoned just in order to inform Gatsby about their business. The moment that he heard Gatsbys death, the connection was broken. Tom said “Lets learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead.” They were so indifferent and hypocritical that they refused to come to the funeral was reasonable. In the view of the weakness of human nature: people tend to be lonely, worried about work and money. People are greedy, selfish and vainglorious. They took advantage of others life for their own benefit. Mora


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